Salt cod brandade

A recipe from
85K4.1 March 2nd 2014
Salt cod brandade
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For 4 people, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
55 min.37 min.1 hour 32 min.

Step by step recipe

1The day before, desalt 400 g salt-cod by soaking in several changes of cold water.

On the day, cook the cod by placing in cold water and bringing this up to a gentle simmer. A good way to be sure it is properly cooked is to measure the temperature in the centre. As soon as the fish reaches 140°F (60°C), it is cooked.

Set aside.
Salt cod brandade : etape 25
2Put the potatoes straight into the cooking water from the cod and boil until soft.

Set aside.
Salt cod brandade : etape 25
3Prepare and chop 70 g shallot.Salt cod brandade : etape 25
4Pour 2 tablespoons olive oil into a frying pan on medium heat. When hot, add the shallot, salt and pepper. Cook for 1 or 2 minutes without colouring.Salt cod brandade : etape 25
5Break the cod into flakes, discarding the skin and bones.

Peel the potatoes and chop into small pieces.
Salt cod brandade : etape 25
6Put the cod and shallots into a food-processor bowl.Salt cod brandade : etape 25
7Add the potatoes and blend (using the blender blade) while adding the olive oil in a thin stream, until the mixture becomes a thick purée.Salt cod brandade : etape 25
8Add the parsley at the end.

Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C).
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9Spread the brandade purée in a gratin dish. You can comb the top with a fork to make it more attractive.Salt cod brandade : etape 25
10Bake for about 30 minutes until nicely browned.Salt cod brandade : etape 25
11Your brandade is ready. You can serve it with a mixed green salad or just corn salad and a good french dressing (vinaigrette).Salt cod brandade : etape 25
12Another way of cooking/serving: as pan-fried fish cakes.

Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large frying pan on high heat. Arrange tart/dessert rings in the pan.
Salt cod brandade : etape 25
13Fill the rings with the brandade purée, pressing the mixture down gently.

Leave the bottom to brown before removing the rings...
Salt cod brandade : etape 25
14...then turn the cakes over to brown on the other side.

Serve one fish cake per person, with salad (for example, like the earlier version).
Salt cod brandade : etape 25


Translator's note: cod in French is "le cabillaud" when fresh, "la morue" when dried and salted.
If many people do not realise that it is one and the same fish, they all seem to have their own favourite tips for desalting their "morue": some suggest leaving the fish all day in the toilet cistern, which should be flushed at regular intervals...
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July 22th 2024.