Avengers' potatoes

A recipe from cooking-ez.com
February 21th 2011303 K4.0
Avengers' potatoes
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For 6 people, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
1 hour55 min.1 hour 55 min.

Step by step recipe


This is a very approximate recipe, don't hesitate to change all ingredients to your taste: a bit more of this, a bit less of that will pose no problem.
The strange name "avenger's potatoes"? Oh yes, here's the reason: it came from another recipe by famous French chef Joel Robuchon called "pommes des vendangeurs" (grape-pickers' potatoes). When we made it for the first time, my elder son Jeremy was 10 and he loved it (like all the family) and asked for more "avengers' potatoes" because that was what he'd understood by this new word. Of course, it's easier to understand the confusion in French, because the words "avengers" (vengeurs) and "grape-pickers" (vendangeurs) are quite similar. Anyway we kept the name for this (now) traditional family recipe.
View this recipe : https://cooking-ez.com/divers/recipe-avengers-potatoes.php
March 7th 2025.