Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena

A recipe from
September 1st 20246775
Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena
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For 4 people, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
21 min.7 min.28 min.

Step by step recipe

1Pour 200 ml Sugar syrup into a small saucepan over medium heat, add the coarsely chopped 3 sprigs Verbena leaves and bring to the boil.

Turn off the heat, cover and leave to cool.
Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena : etape 25
2Cut 4 peaches (I'm using vine nectarines here) into quarters.Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena : etape 25
3A little extra, if you wish, is to smooth (cut) the pit of each peach quarter, like the one on the left in the photo, so as to have a very pleasant piece of fruit without roughness.Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena : etape 25
4Cut each quarter into 3 or 4 pieces and pour into a salad bowl.Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena : etape 25
5Prepare 10 apricots, then also cut each apricot half into 4.Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena : etape 25
6Pour into the bowl.Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena : etape 25
7Pour the cooled vervain syrup through a small sieve to remove the vervain leaves, and stir well.

Serve chilled, but not (too) cold.
Salad of vine peaches and apricots with verbena : etape 25


The original recipe is made with vine nectarines, but vine peaches, or even classic peaches, will work just as well.
The verbena syrup can be made the day before, and stored in the fridge.
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September 1st 2024.