Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines

A recipe from
September 18th 20242,5204.5
Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines
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For 1 tart, you will need:


1 hour 30 min.

Step by step recipe

1Spread 300 g Yeast-based flaky dough (for croissants) fairly thinly.Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
2Choose a stovetop and ovenproof pan, then use it as a template to cut the rolled-out dough to a diameter slightly larger than that of the pan, in this case 25 cm (10 inches).

Set aside on a baking sheet in the fridge.
Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
3Wash, dry, then cut into 1 kg Vine nectarines wedges.Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
4It's not essential, but you can then smooth (cut) the pit area of each peach quarter, as shown in the photo, so that you get very nice pieces of fruit with no rough edges.Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
5Preheat your oven to 200°C (390°F).

Place the pan you used to cut the dough over high heat and pour 100 g caster sugar into it to melt...
Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25 blond caramel.Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
7Then add 40 g butter...Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
8...and mix well.Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
9Lower the heat to "medium", and place all the nectarine quarters in the pan (be careful not to burn yourself with the caramel, use tongs if possible).Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
10Leave the caramel and fruit on the heat for about 10 minutes, they will give off quite a bit of juice, which is normal.Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
11After this time, turn off the heat and place the pastry disk on top of the fruit. As it's a little larger, insist on the edges by folding it over slightly.

Using the blade of a knife, make a small cross-shaped incision in the center of the pastry to create a chimney for the steam to escape.
Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
12Bake for about 30 minutes, until the croissant dough is golden brown.Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
13Put on oven mitts, place a pie dish upside down on top of the tart, and quickly turn over.

Then carefully remove the pan, sliding a knife blade under the edge to lift it out, and enjoy the delicious satisfaction of seeing your beautiful tart the right way round.
Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25
14If possible, enjoy warm or slightly hot.Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines : etape 25


You can replace the croissant dough with puff pastry or even shortcrust pastry.
This recipe can easily be made with classic nectarines or peaches, vine-grown or otherwise.
This recipe can also be used to recycle scraps of croissant dough, which can be assembled to form the disc in step 2.
View this recipe :
September 26th 2024.