"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits

A recipe from cooking-ez.com
201K 24.6 March 21th 2011
"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits
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For 25 pieces, you will need:


PreparationRestingCookingStart to finish
52 min.4 hours20 min.5 hours 12 min.

Step by step recipe

1In a food processor bowl, mix: 100 g caster sugar, 100 g butter, 2 Eggs, 250 g flour and a pinch of salt.

Knead on slow speed until the dough is smooth (around 3 or 4 minutes).
"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
2Shape the dough into a flat cake and wrap in plastic film. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight."BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
3After this resting time, roll out the dough and prick all over with a fork or pastry pricker (pique-vite)."BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
Preheat the oven to 200°C (390°F).

Cut out circles with a cutter for round biscuits. For rectangular ones, cut strips, then cut these across into rectangles.
"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
5Transfer the biscuits to a baking sheet. A metal spatula or slice is handy for this."BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
6Cook until the biscuits are a light golden brown."BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
7Prepare a chocolate ganache with 100 g dark chocolate and 100 ml cream, let cool until it is quite thick and "pasty" (rather like Nutella chocolate spread).

You can speed this up by standing the base of the pan in cold water and stirring from time to time.
"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
8Transfer the ganache into a forcing bag .

Pipe a generous strip of chocolate along the rectangular biscuits.
"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
9Then cover with a second biscuit and press lightly so that it is level and sticks.

Ideally the chocolate should show on each side without spilling out. Scrape off any excess with a knife.
"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
10For round biscuits, pipe a circle."BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
11And as before, place a second biscuit on top and press down lightly."BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25
12Assemble all the biscuits like this then refrigerate for a few hours to set the ganache completely.

Your "BN style" biscuits are ready.
"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits : etape 25


You can add extra filling if you prefer: 2 strips for the rectangular biscuits or 2 circles for the round ones.
The biscuits used here are rather dry by choice, but use your imagination and try this with richer biscuits (shortbread style) or with a stronger flavour (almonds, oats, etc.).
View this recipe : https://cooking-ez.com/desserts/recipe-bn-style-chocolate-filled-biscuits.php
July 22th 2024.