Vanilla sugar

A recipe from
408K 14.0 August 12th 2018
Vanilla sugar
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For 500 g, you will need:


26 min.

Step by step recipe

1Remove ends of 5 vanillas pod and discard.Vanilla sugar : etape 25
2Cut into 4 or 5 sections.Vanilla sugar : etape 25
3Put in a food-processor with 1/4 of 500 g caster sugar.Vanilla sugar : etape 25
4Blend 2 or 3 minutes.Vanilla sugar : etape 25
5Sieve the result through a fine strainer into a bowl...Vanilla sugar : etape 25
6...until all the sugar fall down.Vanilla sugar : etape 25
7Put remaining vanilla pods into food processor, add another ¼ of sugar and repeat the operation.

Continue until you have used all the sugar.
Vanilla sugar : etape 25
8At the end, you will have a little sugar left with the vanilla pods that's impossible to sieve. Do not throw it away: use in a recipe like crème brûlée or confectioner's custard (crème pâtissière, or french pastry cream), where you can dissolve it in hot milk which will be then filtered.Vanilla sugar : etape 25
9Put your vanilla sugar in an airtight jar and keep, if possible, 3 weeks before using, so that the vanilla aromas mix well with the sugar.

During these three weeks, stir it with a fork once a week, so that it does not form lumps.
Vanilla sugar : etape 25


You can make multiples of the proportions indicated, but it is important to respect 100 g sugar per vanilla pod.
Don't believe those "recipes" who tell you that putting a vanilla pod in a jar of sugar will give you vanilla sugar, it's a lie because the vanilla pod is impervious.
View this recipe :
July 22th 2024.