Feta in olive oil with herbs

A recipe from cooking-ez.com
94K4.1 August 2nd 2015
Feta in olive oil with herbs
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For 200 g, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
13 min.1 min.14 min.

Step by step recipe


Blanch the herbs

Bring a saucepan of water to the boil. Plunge in all the herbs for 15 seconds.

Keep the water on the boil.
Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25
2Drain the herbs...Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25
3...and dry them.Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25

Prepare the feta

Dry 200 g feta throroughly with absorbant paper.
Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25
5Dice the feta to whatever size you prefer (I make them about the same size as a sugar cube).Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25

Sterilize the jar

Pour a glassful of boiling water into the jar. Screw on the lid, wrap in a cloth for safety, and shake well to sterilize.

Throw the water away and dry the jar throughly.
Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25


Put half the herbs and peppercorns into the bottom of the jar. Pour a little olive oil on top.
Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25
8Add the diced feta, then the rest of the herbs.Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25
9Top up with oil...Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25
10...until the cheese is completely covered.Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25
11Put the lid on the jar and leave at room temperature for at least three weeks before starting to use the feta in your recipes.Feta in olive oil with herbs : etape 25


You can adapt this recipe to suit your own taste and the herbs you have, even the cheese (goat's cheese works well, too).
View this recipe : https://cooking-ez.com/base/recipe-feta-olive-oil-herbs.php
July 22th 2024.