Macarons (the original French macaroons)

A recipe from
October 3rd 20191.59 M 714.2
Macarons (the original French macaroons)
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For 20 macarons, you will need:


PreparationRestingCookingStart to finish
1 hour 25 min.55 min.20 min.2 hours 40 min.

Step by step recipe


Recipe is for 20 macaroons, that's 40 half shells.
For more precise calculations, according to the number of egg-whites you have: please note that for 1 egg white (35 g) you should use 75 g icing sugar and 40 g ground almonds. Allow me to insist on using precise measures for the ingredients in this recipe. I suggest you really weigh everything rather than using volumes, even if you are unused to doing this.
Macarons are always better (smoother) after a night sealed in a box in the fridge.
This recipe can be varied ad infinitum with different fillings and/or colours. For fruit for example, following the basic principles of the recipe you can try: apricot, lime, blackcurrant (mmm!), strawberry, etc... On this page you will find some ideas. I have noticed that to get the full "macaron effect", you need to serve several colours and flavours at the same time. Your guests (and you) will be delighted.

I think nevertheless that macarons are improved when their filling is a little tangy, fruity, to contrast strongly with their very sweet taste.
If you encounter problems, here are some mistakes which all beginners make (and me most of all):
View this recipe :
February 16th 2025.