Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables.

A recipe from
100K3.4 April 12th 2020
Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables.
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For 8 people, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
18 min.5 hours 25 min.5 hours 43 min.

Step by step recipe

1Buy a decent pork joint from your butcher. This piece is about 1.5 kg (about 3 lb), but the weight is not really important for this method.

If possible, ask for a lightly salted joint, so you will not need to add any salt, just pepper.

If the meat is unsalted, add both salt and pepper.
Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables. : etape 25
2Put the meat in a roasting bag with 1 Bouquet garni and seal.

Cook in the oven at 300°F (150°C) for 4 or 5 hours (longer won't hurt)).
Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables. : etape 25
3Meanwhile, prepare all the vegetables, except the mushrooms: peel, rinse, dry and cut into medium-sized chunks.

Peel the mushrooms and cut into quarters lengthways.
Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables. : etape 25
4After its long, slow cooking, the meat will have browned and will be sitting in its juices.

Remove and discard the bouquet garni. Pour off the cooking juices into a large saucepan (do be careful not to scald yourself - this is always a tricky moment).
Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables. : etape 25
5Tip all the vegetables, apart from the mushrooms, into the cooking juices, cover and cook until soft.Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables. : etape 25
6Add the mushrooms five minutes before the end, as they cook quickly.Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables. : etape 25
7Tip the vegetables into the roasting dish, sit the meat on top and put back in the oven for 5 minutes to bring everything to the same temperature.Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables. : etape 25
8You will marvel at the texture of the meat, which can be pulled apart with a fork, and is simply divine with the fondant vegetables.Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables. : etape 25


This is one of those slow-cooked recipes where there is next to nothing to do to the meat, but where the result is amazing.
You can use the same method for other meats such as veal or beef, the effect will be the same.
If you don't have a roasting bag, you can use a dish with a close-fitting lid, or seal around the lid.
Of course, you can use other vegetables than those indicated here, but they should be in season.
View this recipe :
July 22th 2024.