Ch'ti mussel tarts

A recipe from
36K3.3 October 7th 2020
Ch'ti mussel tarts
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For 6 people, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
1 hour 1 min.18 min.1 hour 19 min.

Step by step recipe

1Cut 250 g Puff or flaky pastry (pâte feuilletée) out into circles and line your tart tins or moulds, then bake blind.

Set aside.
Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25
2Cut 100 g Maroilles cheese into small pieces.Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25
3Pour 100 ml beer into a small saucepan on low heat.

Bring to the boil.
Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25
4Add the Maroilles, tune down the heat and leave to melt gently, stirring form time to time.Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25
5This will make a velvety and very tasty sauce.

Check the seasoning (you shouldn't need to add any salt, just pepper), then set aside.
Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25
6Fill the cooked tart cases with 200 g cooked mussels.Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25
7Cover generously with the sauce.Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25
8Put back in the oven for 3 minutes, just to heat through.Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25
9Serve without delay.Ch'ti mussel tarts : etape 25


Try to choose a beer in keeping with the Ch'ti character, such as a strong, brown or amber ale (from northern France if you can find it).
This recipe can be varied easily by using different shellfish: clams, cockles, etc. (or a mix).
Translator's note: Ch'ti is a dialect found around Lille in the north-east of France. The area was formerly a centre of mining and heavy industry, like the north-east of England, and with a similar culture. The accent is often seen as impenetrable, much like Geordie.
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July 27th 2024.