Crème brulée

A recipe from
1.6M 74.7 December 31th 2011
Crème brulée
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For 6 crèmes, you will need:


PreparationRestingCookingStart to finish
23 min.3 hours 45 min.30 min.4 hours 38 min.

Step by step recipe

1Into a pan pour 250 ml Milk, 250 ml cream, and 1 vanilla pod, cut in half lengthways, and all the small black seeds inside added to the milk+cream mix.

Bring to the boil over medium heat.

Remove from heat, cover and leave the vanilla to infuse for about 10-15 minutes.
Crème brulée : etape 25
2Meanwhile, in the solid shelf of your oven (or a deep baking sheet), put a large sheet of paper.

The paper is there to prevent boiling water to making bubbles when cooking, and so keep the cream smooth.
Crème brulée : etape 25
3Place your dishes on it.Crème brulée : etape 25
4In a bowl put 6 egg yolks and 60 g caster sugar.

Preheat oven to 302°F (150°C).
Crème brulée : etape 25
5Mix quickly with a whisk or a maryse.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not them beat until they become white, otherwise your cream will be full of foam.
Crème brulée : etape 25
6Pour the vanilla milk onto into the egg mixture while stirring.Crème brulée : etape 25
7Stop stirring as soon as mixed.Crème brulée : etape 25
8Rinse pan and pour contents of bowl back into pan through a strainer...Crème brulée : etape 25
9... to remove all pieces of vanilla pod, but NOT the small black grains (so not too fine a strainer).Crème brulée : etape 25
10Your cream is ready for cooking.Crème brulée : etape 25
11A little trick: If you want the little black vanilla seeds to be well distributed in the cream, you must prevent them to fall in the bottom of the pots, which inevitably comes with a liquid preparation as it.

The trick is therefore a slightly pre-cook of the cream over low heat, like a real custard sauce (crème anglaise), to thicken a little, until we can trace with his finger on the spatula and the line stay (as pictured). Note: If you do this, reduce the oven cooking time to about 15 minutes.
Crème brulée : etape 25
12Divide cream between dishes, put in the oven, and pour boiling water into the tray.

Cook for about 20 minutes, until creams are just cooked but still soft.
Crème brulée : etape 25
13Remove from oven, allow creams to cool for about one hour, then refrigerate for at least two hours.

Creams should be really cold.
Crème brulée : etape 25
14This is THE delicate moment, burning...

Pour a tablespoon of sugar on top of cream, and burn it like on this small demonstration video.

Note: the best tool for burning cream is a blow-lamp. If you don't have one, see below how to use your grill.
Click to watch the video
15In the end you should get the famous thin brown crust all over the surface of the cream.Crème brulée : etape 25
16Put the cream back in the fridge for about 30 minutes for caramel to set and become crunchy, and the cream cold again.

Reheat crust a few seconds before serving your guests with the perfect crème brulée: cold cream with a fine layer of hot crunchy caramel.
Crème brulée : etape 25


As I said, the perfect crème brûlée (for me) is a soft and cold cream with a thin hot, brown and crunchy crust. Here are some tips:
If you do not have a blowlamp, you can try using your grill: put creams in the grill pan (or deep solid baking sheet), add cold water to half the depth of the dishes, and put under grill for just one or two minutes (maximum) to caramelize sugar. Cold water is there to protect cream against the heat, but it's very difficult because the grill is always too hot.
Some different flavours:
View this recipe :
July 22th 2024.