Chocolate cream

A recipe from
256K4.3 October 13th 2010
Chocolate cream
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For 6 people, you will need:


PreparationRestingCookingStart to finish
26 min.2 hours40 min.3 hours 6 min.

Step by step recipe

1Break 100 g dark chocolate into small pieces.Chocolate cream : etape 25
2Pour 250 ml cream and 150 ml Milk into a pan over medium heat and bring to the boil.

When boiling, remove from the heat and tip in the chocolate all at once.
Chocolate cream : etape 25
3Allow to melt thoroughly while stirring.Chocolate cream : etape 25
4Tip 3 egg yolks and 50 g caster sugar into a bowl and mix, preferably with a maryse ou wooden spatula rather than with a whisk, so that the mixture does not froth.Chocolate cream : etape 25
5Pour the hot chocolate milk onto the egg and sugar mixture, while still stirring as before.Chocolate cream : etape 25
6Once the cream is well mixed, pour through a fine strainer, preferably placed over a high-sided container.

Preheat the oven to 170°C (340°F).

Boil a full kettle or a large pan of water.
Chocolate cream : etape 25
7If froth has formed on the surface of the cream while standing, skim this off and discard.

Divide the cream between the ramekins, then stand them in a large deep oven tray or dish, or in the lèchefrite of your oven. Fill the tray with boiling water to come about halfway up the ramekins.

Cook for about 35 minutes, until the cream is just set but still trembling a little in the centre (it is important not to overcook this cream otherwise it will become stiff and start to dry out).
Chocolate cream : etape 25
8Leave to cool then refrigerate for at least 2 hours.Chocolate cream : etape 25


If you would like to make a little surprise cream, pour ¼ cm or ½ inch of real custard (crème anglaise) over the chocolate cream just before serving.
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July 22th 2024.