Chocolate Chantilly

A recipe from
168K4.5 September 25th 2013
Chocolate Chantilly
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For 400 ml, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
10 min.5 min.15 min.

Step by step recipe

1Prepare a bain marie and put in 150 g dark chocolate broken in pieces and add 90 ml of chosen liquid.

This liquid could be:
  • Mint infusion
  • Milk
  • Mint syrup
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Orange juice
  • Light sugar syrup with a few drops of bitter almonds extract added
  • etc...
Chocolate Chantilly  : etape 25
2Make melt chocolate, stirring from time to time.Chocolate Chantilly  : etape 25
3Once chocolate is melted, remove from bain-marie and prepare a cold bath, by putting ice cubes and some water in a high sided container big enough to take the chocolate bowl (as in the diagram).Chocolate Chantilly  : etape 25
4Place chocolate bowl onto the water and ice cubes, and start to whip (watch out for the splashes).Chocolate Chantilly  : etape 25
5Chocolate will froth quickly into Chantilly, stop while it's still slightly runny because it will firm up a little, even after you stop whipping.Chocolate Chantilly  : etape 25
6You can now use it like this, or for another recipe, like with a forcing bag on small cakes, or making chocolate puff pastry, etc.Chocolate Chantilly  : etape 25
7Chocolate Chantilly can be made with a gourmet whip, proceed as a Chantilly cream and see how to in this video.Click to watch the video


Following the same idea it is possible to make foie gras chantilly .
If you have a lot of splashes when whipping, it could mean that your mix is too liquid.
Don't forget that the Chantilly will get firmer, even after you stop whipping. So it's not necessary to overwhip, especially for the chocolate which could become grainy otherwise.
If you don't use all the preparation at a time, refridgerate it for later use. If it goes flat, melt and whip again.
To know more on this subject, see the publications and works of Hervé THIS, chemist and very good teacher, which explain all that you always wanted to know about this subject, and more besides.
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July 22th 2024.