Crispy spinach rolls
A recipe from March 18th 2013135 K4.9
For 8 rolls, you will need:
Preparation | Cooking | Start to finish |
1 hour 2 min. | 40 min. | 1 hour 40 min. |
Step by step recipe
- 1: Prepare 250 g cooked spinach, then chop coarsly with a knife.
- 2: Lightly fry 125 g small pieces of bacon in a frying pan without adding any extra fat.
When cooked to your taste, tip the bacon into a bowl, leaving the cooking fat in the pan. - 3: Prepare 1 onion, and chop finely.
Tip into the pan and cook in the bacon fat until lightly browned, then salt and pepper. - 4: Pour 1 glass dry white wine into the pan and deglaze it, then leave to cook until the wine has completely evaporated.
Tip into the bowl with the bacon. - 5: Chop 2 hard-boiled eggs, then tip into the bowl with the bacon.
- 6: Add the chopped spinach and 50 ml cream to the bowl, salt, pepper and mix well.
- 7: Place a little of the mixture in a long sausage shape near one side of a sheet of brik.
- 8: Roll up the sheet of pastry to form a long roll.
- 9: Use up the rest of the filling like this.
- 10: Pour 100 ml oil into a large frying pan on medium heat. There should be a shallow depth of oil all over the pan to cook the rolls properly.
When the oil is hot, cook the rolls evenly all over, turning them with tongs if possible (the easiest way).
Do be careful not to let them brown too much. This can happen quickly, so you must keep an eye on the rolls from the time they go into the pan. - 11: Prepare the rice with cashew nuts: cook the rice, and then add 100 g cashew nuts, coarsly chopped and dry-roasted in a pan for 2 or 3 minutes.
- 12: Serve 2 rolls per person.
The proportions for the filling can be varied according to your taste, so don't hesitate to add a little more or a little less of something.
January 20th 2025.