Endive gratin with cancoillotte

A recipe from cooking-ez.com
February 5th 2014118 K4.0
Endive gratin with cancoillotte
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For 4 people, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
30 min.30 min.60 min.

Step by step recipe


You can use bà¼ndnerfleisch (Swiss dried beef) brési (French smoked beef from the Franche-Comté region) instead of ham.
If you can't get cancoillotte, just use slices of another cheese, preferably with a soft texture, such as Saint-Nectaire or roblochon.
View this recipe : https://cooking-ez.com/divers/recipe-endive-gratin-cancoillotte.php
February 22th 2025.