Fish petals, vegetables julienne, and beurre blanc
A recipe from December 31th 2013256 K4.2
For 5 people, you will need:
Preparation | Cooking | Start to finish |
1 hour 15 min. | 25 min. | 1 hour 35 min. |
Step by step recipe
- 1: In a pan put 400 g Fish, add enough water to cover the fish, add salt and put over a meadium heat.
As soon as the water is hot, add 1 tablespoon fish fumet. We do that because it is much easier to mix with hot water.
Cover, bring to the boil over a low heat and cook the fish gently. - 2: The fish is cooked when it becomes opaque.
It's important that the fish is not overcooked, otherwise it will be too soft and fragile. - 3: Put the fish in a strainer to remove all the water.
- 4: Then carefully remove from the fish all the bones, skin and fat.
You must keep only the flakes, the very best of the fish. - 5: Peel and wash 3 turnips. Cut into fine sticks.
- 6: Peel and wash 3 carrots. Cut into fine sticks.
- 7: Prepare ¼ green cabbage, raw.
- 8: In a big pan, melt 30 g butter over medium heat.
- 9: Put all the vegetable sticks in the pan, add salt and pepper, then stir well.
- 10: Put a lid on the pan, or like a real chef, a circle of greasproof paper with a hole in the centre (the chimney).
Cook the vegetables for about 5 to 8 minutes, stir frequently to be sure that they don't burn.
The vegetables must be just cooked, but still a little bit crunchy "croquant".
Keep hot. - 11: Cut 2 slices smoked ham into strips.
- 12: Put in a pan with 1 tablespoon olive oil until them lightly roasted.
- 13: Then add fish flakes, stir well, add salt and pepper (taste to check) and cook 2 or 3 minutes until the fish is reheated (it's already cooked).
Cover and keep hot.
Heat serving plates. - 14: Prepare the sauce:
In a pan put 4 tablespoons white (spirit) vinegar over high heat, add 3 shallots finely chopped, salt and pepper.
Cook for 1 or 2 minutes until the vinegar start to boil. Be careful that the shallots don't brown. If this starts to happen, remove the pan from the heat for a moment. - 15: Add 2 tablespoons liquid cream, and bring to the boil again.
- 16: Turn the heat down to medium, and with a whisk slowly add 200 g butter, a little at a time.
To be sure of success in this sauce recipe, you must use very cold butter (tip: put in the freezer 30 minutes before use).
Taste to check seasoning. - 17: Arrangement ("le dressage"):
The plates must be hot, you could put them in the micro-wave for 1 minute, at max. power.
On each plate, put a small circle of "julienne" vegetables.
On the julienne, place the fish, and finally about 2 tablespoons of "beurre blanc".
You can run a ribbon of sauce around the vegetables, which is attractive.
Get it to the table as soon as possible!
You can use various sea fish: salmon, tuna, etc. I works very very well if you mix them in the same recipe, .
It's not necessary to use fish already prepared by the fishmonger, because it's very easy to prepare after cooking.
As you can read "le beurre blanc" is not a light sauce, though delicious. But you can easily replace it with a lighter sauce, even with a little
olive oil with herbs.
March 29th 2025.