Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream

A recipe from
September 25th 20241,5015
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream
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For 6 people, you will need:


1 hour 15 min.

Step by step recipe

1Bake 300 g Financier batter to obtain a cookie about 1/2 cm thick.

If you like, you can use the Financiers recipe for inspiration.
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25
2Cut out circles in the cooled financier, slightly smaller in diameter than your glasses.

Set aside for later.
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25
3Hull and finely dice 150 g strawberries, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon caster sugar and 1 tablespoon lemon juice and mix gently.

Set aside.
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25
4Cut 150 g Poached pears into small cubes.

Set aside.
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25

Tiramisu cream

In a small bowl, pour 150 g liquid cream, 150 g Mascarpone, 70 g caster sugar, 1 Egg and 10 g Vanilla sugar (or vanilla extract).
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25
6Whip until you obtain a smooth tiramisu cream.

I recommend that you then pipe the cream into a piping bag, which is very practical for assembling the cake afterwards.
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25


In the bottom of each verrine, place a first layer of tiramisu cream.
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25
8Place a cookie circle on top.Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25
9Then a layer of pears.Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25
10A new layer of cream.Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25
11Finish with a layer of strawberries.

Garnish with a sprig of mint, and refrigerate until ready to eat.
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream : etape 25


You can replace the financier cookie with another of your choice, or even make a hazelnut financier.
The cookie can be punched with a syrup or alcohol of your choice.
The vanilla sugar used in step 5 can be replaced by vanilla extract.
View this recipe :
September 27th 2024.