Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble

A recipe from
February 21th 2011239K4.0
Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble
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For 8 people, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
1 hour 7 min.15 min.1 hour 22 min.

Step by step recipe

1The day before, make your pannacotta.Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble : etape 25
2Prepare your blackcurrant coulis by mixing 400 ml Blackcurrant coulis and 200 g caster sugar.Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble : etape 25
3Heat gently to mix sugar and blackcurrants.

Allow to cool and keep in fridge.
Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble : etape 25
4Preheat oven to 392°F (200°C). Prepare crumble topping, and spread on a baking sheet.Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble : etape 25
5Put in the oven, and supervise cooking and colouration carefully, turning baking sheet round halfay through to ensure even cooking.

You should get an even light brown color, which takes about 15 minutes.
Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble : etape 25
6Remove tray from oven, then with a fork break up any big lumps.

You should get rough crumbs.

Leave to cool.
Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble : etape 25
7When cool, pour a layer of coulis onto pannacotta.Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble : etape 25
8Add crumble topping on coulis layer (you should then not wait too long before serving, so that crumble remains crunchy).Pannacotta and blackcurrant crumble : etape 25


If you have made too much crumble topping, keep the excess in an aritight jar.
Pannacotta and coulis could be made in advance, but it's better to add crumble at the last minute.
If you don't have crumble topping you can use crushed biscuits or cookies instead.
If you use ready-made coulis, frozen for example, check that it is not too sweet, in which case leave out sugar. You can also use other fruit than blackcurrants.
View this recipe :
September 1st 2024.