Tomato ladybirds

A recipe from
February 21th 2011277 K 14
Tomato ladybirds
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For 6 tomatoes, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
1 hour 40 min.10 min.1 hour 50 min.

Step by step recipe

1Peel 6 tomatoes.

Cut across the stalk end to form a flat base, leaving the largest possible dome.
Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
2Remove flesh inside tomatoes with a teaspoon or a pommes parisiennes spoon (easier), and keep all that you remove.Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
3Salt inside tomatoes, and leve upside down on a tray.

Set aside.
Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
4Dispcard tomato seeds, keeping the flesh and cut off pieces (minus hard green stalk end), chop roughly, salt and leave to stand in a strainer.Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
5Boil a pan of salted water, put in 200 g peas and cook until soft (2 or 3 minutes usually).

Remove from pan, drain and put into cold water. Drain again when peas are cold, then dry.
Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
6Blend peas, and if possible pass through a fine strainer to remove skins and get a very smooth puree.Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
7Mix 3 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

Add 2 tbs of this mix to the pea puree, salt, pepper, and keep covered in the fridge.
Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
8Prepare stuffing: cut 2 radishes into very small pieces, put in a bowl, add 3 tablespoons mayonnaise, 50 g tuna in oil, 50 g cooked rice, 1 bunch chives chopped, and the chopped tomato flesh. Mix well.Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
9Fill tomatoes with this mix.Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
10Place a tomato upside down on a serving plate, coat with remaining olive oil-lemon juice mix.Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
11With a very sharp knife, cut out tiny circles of olive, as thin as possible.Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
12Stick olive circles on tomato to get the ladybird effect. Tip: position them with the point of a knife.

Make the head with 1/2 olive and 2 blades of chives, then surround with pea puree.

Do this with all your tomatoes, and serve without delay.
Tomato ladybirds : etape 25
13For adults you could make a quicker version without olives.Tomato ladybirds : etape 25


With this recipe you will become a god or goddess of cooking for your young children or grand-children. After this they will frequently ask you to make ladybird tomatoes again... To make it a real surprise, close the kitchen door if possible while you cook, and then see their eyes open wide when you put the plates on the table.
To cook rice, use the pilaf method or rice-cooker.
View this recipe :
April 1st 2025.