Franche-Comté sticks

A recipe from
October 24th 2017104K4.4
Franche-Comté sticks
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For 8 Frenchs sticks, you will need:


PreparationRestingCookingStart to finish
32 min.4 hours55 min.5 hours 27 min.

Step by step recipe

1Boil the Morteau sausage using as little water as possible. For once, prick with a fork or knife point to add flavour to the cooking water.

Leave to cook then remove the sausage and save 250 g water for making the bread dough.
Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
2In bread-making, the water temperature is always important. It's not a fixed value, but related to 3 other temperatures: 1) the temperature of your flour, 2) the room temperature in your kitchen, and 3) the basic temperature of this recipe, which is 58-64°C.

You can calculate the temperature of the water for this recipe in one click, using this small calculator.
Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
3Put into a food processor bowl: 500 g flour, 250 g water at the correct temperature, 250 g leaven,9 g salt and 4 g yeast.

Knead on the slowest speed for 10 minutes, then on the next speed for 3 minutes.

Note: For the best way to knead, see: A few tips for effective kneading at home.
Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
4Cut 200 g Morteau sausage into small dice.Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
5Add the diced sausage and 200 g metton cancoillotte to the dough mixture.Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
6Knead for a few more minutes until well mixed.Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
7Gather the dough into a ball, put into a clean bowl and cover with a sheet of plastic. Leave to rest for 2 hours.Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
8After this time, cut the dough into 8 pieces of the same weight and roll these into balls.

Cover these with a sheet of plastic and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
9Then shape the balls into sticks ('ficelles' in French), as shown in this video.

As you finish them, lay them on a baking sheet. Cover with a sheet of plastic and leave to rest for 1 hour 30 minutes.
Click to watch the video
10Preheat the oven to 240°C (460°F).

'Slash' the tops of the sticks...
Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
11...and bake for around 15 minutes.

Note: As when baking any bread, you should ensure that the oven is filled with steam for the first 15 minutes of baking. This page shows you how; it really is the secret of golden-brown, crusty loaves..
Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25
12Serve in slices.Franche-Comté sticks : etape 25


It is not essential to use the water from cooking the sausage to make the bread dough, but it adds flavour.
If you don't have Morteau sausage, you can use another smoked sausage. If you cannot get cancoillotte metton, you can use grated cheese.
View this recipe :
September 1st 2024.