Linzer torte

A recipe from
November 27th 201650K4.6
Linzer torte
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PreparationCookingStart to finish
35 min.30 min.1 hour 5 min.

Step by step recipe

1Separate the yolks from 3 hard-boiled eggs; the whites will not be used in this recipe.Linzer torte : etape 25
2Put into a food-mixer bowl: 150 g flour, 140 g butter, 25 g ground almonds, 25 g icing sugar, ½ teaspoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon rum.Linzer torte : etape 25
3Add the egg yolks after passing through a sieve.

If you don't have a sieve, chop them really finely.
Linzer torte : etape 25
4Knead until evenly mixed.Linzer torte : etape 25
5Gather the pastry into a flat cake, wrap in plastic film and refirgerate for 1 hour.

This pastry can be made the day before or a couple of days beforehand.
Linzer torte : etape 25
6Roll out the pastry thinly and line the tin or mould.Linzer torte : etape 25
7Roll out the excess pastry again and cut into strips about 1/2 inch (1 cm) wide and as long as the diameter of your tin.

Heat the oven to 410°F (210°C).
Linzer torte : etape 25
8Put 250 g raspberry jam and 150 g Stewed apple (compote) into a bowl.Linzer torte : etape 25
9Mix with a whisk...Linzer torte : etape 25
10...and pour into the tart case.Linzer torte : etape 25
11Lay the strips of pastry in a lattice over the top.Linzer torte : etape 25
12Bake for about 30 minutes, watching the pastry for colour towards the end of cooking.Linzer torte : etape 25


A common mistake with Linzer torte these days is to make it too sweet. This is why it is important to use this special pastry, rather than classic sweetcrust pastry, and also why adding the stewed apple is a good tip.
Ground hazelnuts can be used instead of almonds.
You can brush the lattice strips with beaten egg-yolk to glaze them and help them brown more quickly.
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September 19th 2024.