Creamy Winter Vegetable Soup
A recipe from January 14th 201583 K4.6
For 6 people, you will need:
Preparation | Cooking | Start to finish |
60 min. | 25 min. | 1 hour 25 min. |
Step by step recipe
- 1: Choose your vegetables, preferably roots, such as celeriac, carrots, turnips, beetroot, black radishes, etc.
You should use a variety and aim for a balance with about the same weight of each, apart from strong-flavoured kinds, of which you will need less, or they are all you will taste. I am thinking in particular of celeriac and radishes.
Use pink rather than red beetroot if you can, otherwise the colour will be a strong reddish purple, which might not be very appealing - it's a matter of taste. - 2: Prepare 2 leeks and chop. Then chop the cauliflower fairly small (a mandolin is ideal for this).
- 3: Peel and rinse the other vegetables and slice thinly (use a food processor) or cut into julienne sticks.
- 4: Prepare 1 onion and slice thinly.
- 5: Pour 5 tablespoons olive oil into a large saucepan or stockpot. When hot, add the onion, salt and pepper and cook for 2 minutes without colouring.
- 6: Add all the other vegetables and mix well. Cook for 2 or 3 minutes, stirring frequently.
- 7: Cover with 2 cm (1 inch) of water and add 1 chicken stock cube.
- 8: Bring to the boil and cook on medium heat until the carrots are tender.
- 9: Remove from the heat and blend thoroughly.
- 10: Add 250 ml liquid cream, 1 tablespoon Mustard and blend briefly once more. Your soup is ready.
You can use any number of different vegetables, depending on what you have already or can find on the market. It is important to use a wide variety.
March 29th 2025.