Vegetable rosette tart

A recipe from
171K3.9 October 6th 2010
Vegetable rosette tart
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For 1 tart, you will need:


PreparationCookingStart to finish
59 min.53 min.1 hour 52 min.

Step by step recipe

1Prick the centre of 200 g Puff or flaky pastry (pâte feuilletée), line a tart tin or mould and put to wait in the fridge.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
2Prepare 4 carrots.

Scrub 3 courgettes, then cut off the ends.
Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
3Slice the carrots thinly lengthways, using a vegetable peeler or preferably a mandolin if possible.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
4Do the same with the courgettes.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
5Peel 1 onion, and cut into small pieces.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
6Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. When boiling, tip in the carrots and count one minute of cooking time from when the water comes back to the boil.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
7Remove the carrots and plunge into cold water.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
8Then drain thoroughly (using a salad spinner works well), then leave to dry on a cloth or absorbant paper.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
9Do the same with the courgettes, using the cooking water from the carrots.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
10Preheat the oven to 210°C (420°F).

Assemble the tart: arrange the vegetables in rings, alternating rings of carrots and courgettes ...
Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
11...until you have filled the whole tart.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
12Prepare the filling: blend 200 ml liquid cream, 200 g feta, the chopped onion, salt and pepper together.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
13Pour over the tart, then cook in the oven for about 40 minutes.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25
14This tart can be eaten warm or cold. For a cold meal, try accompanying it with a green salad and a good vinaigrette dressing.Vegetable rosette tart : etape 25


The vegetables can be prepared several days in advance and kept refrigerated in a sealed container. The feta filling, on the other hand, should be prepared at the last minute.
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