How to seal a terrine or casserole dish

A recipe from
163K3.8 January 11th 2017
How to seal a terrine or casserole dish
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For 350 g, you will need:


PreparationRestingStart to finish
13 min.20 min.33 min.

Step by step recipe


Prepare the dough

Put into a food-mixer bowl: 250 g flour, 100 g water, 5 g fine (or table) salt and 1 tablespoon herbes de Provence (see more about this below).
How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25
2Knead until the dough begins to hold together.

For sealing, there is no need to work the dough any more than this.
How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25
3Gather the dough into a ball, wrap in plastic film and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes.

This dough can easily be made the day before using, or even several days in advance and frozen.
How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25

Sealing the dish

Roll the dough into a long "sausage" 1/2 to 1 inch (1 or 2 cm) thick.
How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25
5The roll needs to be long enough to go all the way round the lid of your dish.How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25
6Fill the dish with whatever you are going to cook: meat, vegetables, fish, etc. The dish is empty in these photos as they are just to show the idea.

Lay the roll of dough around the top edge of the dish, pressing gently to hold it in place.
How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25
7Put the lid on top and press firmly to seal. The lid should have sunk some way into the dough.How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25
8It is not essential, but I recommend glazing the dough seal.How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25
9Cook as long as required for the recipe.How to seal a terrine or casserole dish : etape 25


The herbes de Provence are added to make the dough more attractive and they smell wonderful during cooking. You can perfume your dough with different herbs or spices to complement whatever is in the dish.
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July 22th 2024.