Baked Alaska

A recipe from
December 29th 202454 K4.2
Baked Alaska
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For 1 dessert, you will need:


PreparationRestingCookingStart to finish
1 hour 45 min.5 hours5 min.6 hours 50 min.

Step by step recipe


Baked Alaska* can be varied with different types of cake and ice cream. Instead of genoa sponge, you could use provençal colombier for pentecost or almond macaroon cake, for example. The ice cream can be just one flavour or a combination, and you can replace the rum with a different liquor, such as Calvados (this would be a "Norman" version).
Though it is not essential, you can flambé the dessert (using rum) at the table just before serving - guaranteed to impress your guests!

*Translator's note: the French name is even more bizarre: "omelette norvégienne" or Norwegian omelette!

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March 7th 2025.