Lumberjack turnovers
A recipe from May 10th 2023116 K4.6
For 25 turnovers, you will need:
Preparation | Resting | Cooking | Start to finish |
1 hour 8 min. | 2 hours | 40 min. | 3 hours 45 min. |
Step by step recipe
- 1: Prepare the fougasse dough: Put 500 g flour, 30 g rye flour, 20 g yeast, 50 ml olive oil, 9 g salt and 250 ml water into the food processor bowl.
Knead for 6 minutes on the slowest speed.
Note: For the best way to knead, see: A few tips for effective kneading at home. - 2: Gather the dough into a ball and leave in a warm place for about 1 hour, covered with a sheet of plastic until doubled in volume.
- 3: Meanwhile, prepare the filling:
Fry 250 g small pieces of bacon in a frying pan on high heat, without any added fat. Towards the end of cooking, drain off the excess fat and moisten with 2 tablespoons vinegar.
Tip into a bowl. - 4: Prepare 200 g mushrooms, according to what type you have chosen (king trumpet - or king oyster - mushrooms here), and cut into small dice.
Pour 2 tablespoons olive oil into the same pan as you used for the bacon and when hot (still on high heat), toss in the diced mushrooms and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. When cooked, salt and pepper, then check seasoning.
Tip into the bowl with the bacon. - 5: Prepare 1 onion and chop finely.
Still using the same frying pan, pour in 2 tablespoons olive oil and when hot, add the chopped onion, salt, pepper and cook for 1 minute.
Tip into the bowl with the bacon and mushrooms. - 6: Cut 100 g feta into small dice and add to the bowl with the bacon, mushrooms and onions.
- 7: Add the chopped parsley to the bowl and 100 g tomato sauce (for pizzas) to bind the mixture.
Mix everything well. The filling is now ready. - 8: Roll out the fougasse dough fairly thinly.
- 9: Cut out circles about 11 cm (4.3 inches) in diameter.
The best way to do this is to place a bowl of the right diameter on the dough and cut round it with a knife. - 10: Take a circle of dough, moisten the edges with brush dipped in water or 20 g beaten egg.
Place a large spoonful of filling in the centre. - 11: Fold the dough over in half.
- 12: Then gather up the seam into a central point which will be the underside of the turnover.
Roll the turnover in your hands to make it into a ball. - 13: You can see how to do this in more detail in this video.
- 14: Continue like this until you have used up all the dough and filling, placing the turnovers on a baking sheet as you finish them.
- 15: Glaze all the turnovers, then leave to rest for 1 or 2 hours in a warm place.
Preheat your oven to 200°C (390°F). - 16: Glaze again just before putting in the oven, then bake for 20 to 30 minutes (watch for colouration).
- 17: Best eaten hot or still warm.
Here is a turnover, fresh from the oven, cut open.
The tricky part of this recipe is to make the turnovers with as much filling but as little dough as possible. At first, it is tempting to put only a little filling so that the dough is easier to close. Made like this, they are rather stodgy, but practice makes perfect.
The filling can be varied as you choose, so let your imagination guide you.
The turnovers can be frozen, after glazing with egg for the first time. Before cooking, leave them to thaw out, then put to rise in a warm place and finish the recipe as normal.
March 31th 2025.