Flaky chocolate brioche

A recipe from cooking-ez.com
November 6th 202079K4.1
Flaky chocolate brioche
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For 1 brioche, you will need:


PreparationRestingCookingStart to finish
45 min.15 hours30 min.16 hours 15 min.

Step by step recipe

1The day before, make 500 g Brioche dough.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25

Make the flaky layers in the dough

Next day, prepare the square of butter, as for french croissants with ing7.

See this video for more details.
Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
3Once the square of butter is ready, take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out into a rectangle the same width as the butter, but twice as long.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
4Place the butter in the centre of the dough...Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
5...then fold it over...Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
6...to seal the butter inside.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
7Press down lightly with the rolling pin.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
8If necessary, even up the edges by trimming with a knife.

Don't throw away these offcuts; they can become the soured dough for your next batch of viennoiseries (such as brioches, croissants or other types).
Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
9Roll out the dough again, keeping the rectangular shape...Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
10...then fold the ends into the middle...Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
11...and in half again.

Make a 1/4 turn and repeat this whole operation.

Leave to rest for 1 hour in the fridge.
Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25

Add chocolate filling and shape the brioche

Roll out the brioche dough (now with flaky layers of butter) into a large rectangle as wide as your mould or tin is long, like in this photo.
Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
13Moisten the end of your rectangle with dorure, using a brush.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
14Spread ing9 over the dough, leaving the end with the beaten egg bare.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
15Roll the dough up...Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
16...using a ruler to help if you can; it's much easier.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
17Finish with the seam underneath and Glaze the top of the roll.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
18A variation you might like to try (Oriane's idea) - rolled and twisted brioche: split the roll in two along almost its full length...Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
19...and twist the 2 sections around each other.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
20Place the brioche in the tin or mould, twisted...Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
21...or not.

Leave to rise in a warm place for 2 hours.
Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25

Bake the flaky chocolate brioche

Preheat the oven to 360°F (180°C).

Glaze a last time...
Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
23...then bake for about 30 minutes.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25
24The twisted brioche looks most attractive, very different from the usual style.Flaky chocolate brioche : etape 25


If you don't have any chocolate ganache, you can use a chocolate spread, such as Nutella, which gives good results, too.
View this recipe : https://cooking-ez.com/four/recipe-flaky-chocolate-brioche.php
September 20th 2024.