Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart

Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
This tart, with its twinned chocolate and orange flavours, is a bit fiddly to make. The fillings are fairly straightforward (classic chocolate ganache and orange curd), but it is tricky to ensure that the fillings do not run into each other.

You will need to make a divider but, as you will see, this makes everything possible and, of course, I explain all the details.
53K 15 5
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Last modified on: April 15th 2015

Keywords for this recipe:
For 1 tart, you will need:

Change these quantities to make: 1 tart 2 tarts 3 tarts
How long does it take?
Time required for this recipe:
PreparationRestingCookingStart to finish
2 hours30 min.5 min.2 hours 35 min.
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Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 40 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart

Prepare the tart case

Roll out 300 g Sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée) to line the tin or mould and bake blind.

Stage 2 - 5 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
While the tart case is cooling, melt 50 g white chocolate in a bain-marie.

Stage 3 - 5 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
When the white choloclate has melted, use a brush to apply a thin, even coat to the bottom of the pastry case and to halfway up the sides.

This is not essential, but it protects the pastry and helps to keep it crisp for longer.

Stage 4 - 10 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart

Prepare the chocolate ganache

Put 2 sheets gelatin to soak in a dish of cold water for 10 minutes.

Prepare 300 g Chocolate ganache.

Stage 5 - 2 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
Mix the drained and dried gelatin into the chocolate ganache while it is still hot.

Set aside and keep warm to prevent it setting.

Stage 6
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart

Prepare the orange curd

Prepare 300 g Lime (or lemon) curd, but using oranges instead of lemons...

Stage 7 - 40 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart make orange curd.

Keep warm so that it stays fairly runny.

Stage 8 - 2 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart

Fill the tart

Stand the pastry case on the serving plate.

Stage 9 - 5 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
Cut a piece of thin card the same length as the diagonal of the tart.

If you are making a round tart, use the diameter of the tin or mould.

Cover the card with aluminium foil, then wedge it into the tart case, like in the photo.

This is the tricky part: you need to keep the card upright as this is what will stop the two fillings running into each other.

Stage 10 - 5 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
Pour half the chocolate ganache into one half of the tart and half the orange curd into the other.

Wait until the fillings thicken up and begin to set. Refrigerate if possible to speed up this process.

Stage 11 - 30 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
When the fillings are set enough and "pasty" to the touch, pour the remaining fillings into the tart, changing sides (chocolate on top of orange, orange on top of chocolate).

Stage 12 - 2 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
When the second layer is beginning to set (pasty to the touch, like before), gently remove the card.

Stage 13 - 5 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
Make a meringue with 1 egg white and 50 g caster sugar.

Stage 14 - 2 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
Use a forcing bag to pipe a decorative strip that will hide the join between the chocolate and orange fillings.

Stage 15 - 2 min.
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
Give your masterpiece a finishing touch with a quick blast from a torch...

Stage 16
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart brown the meringue and make it more attractive.

Stage 17
Two-coloured chocolate-orange tart
Your two-coloured orange-chocolate tart is ready.
Depending on the oranges, your orange curd may well turn out yellow. You can change the colour with 2 or 3 drops of red food colouring. This will not affect the taste, but will give the orange colour that appears more normal to the eye with the definite orange flavour of the curd.chantilly cream
1 or 2 days in the fridge (covered) if you have lined it with white chocolate.
Home made.
Nutritional information
Whole recipe
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
2,538 Kcal or 10,626 Kj48 gr390 gr258 gr
127 %19 %37 %39 %
Per 100 g
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
258 Kcal or 1,080 Kj5 gr40 gr26 gr
13 %2 %4 %4 %
Per tart
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
2,538 Kcal or 10,626 Kj48 gr390 gr258 gr
127 %19 %37 %39 %
% are calculated relative to a Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI of 2000 k-calories or 8400 k-joules by day for a woman (change to a man).
Possible allergens in this recipe: Gluten, Milk, Egg, Nuts
How much will it cost?
  • For 1 tart : 4.53 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
This recipe uses (among others)
Chocolate ganacheChocolate ganache: You can get more informations, or check-out other recipes which use it, for example: Chocolate Truffles, Flaky chocolate brioche, Little cakes with a chocolate and hazelnut centre, Chocolate and vanilla crème brûlée, Hazelnut and chocolate biscuits, ... All
Lime (or lemon) curdLime (or lemon) curd: You can get more informations, or check-out other recipes which use it, for example: Little lime tarts, Lemon Tart / Meringue Pie, ... All
Sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée)Sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée): You can get more informations, or check-out other recipes which use it, for example: Rhubarb tart, Simple maple-syrup tart, Croute à thé, Plum tart "En passant par la Lorraine", Lemon and grated apple tart, ... All
Caster sugarCaster sugar: You can get more informations, or check-out other recipes which use it, for example: Doughnuts, Pistachio shortbread biscuits, Strawberry Charlotte, Crêpes Suzette, Quick orange marmalade, ... All
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