Basic temperature in bread-making

Basic temperature in bread-making
When making bread, it's very important to keep to the correct temperature, as yeast and sourdough are very sensitive to temperature.
The dough must be warm enough for the yeast to develop and make it rise, but not too warm, which would have the opposite effect.

To express this ideal dough temperature, rather than saying "the dough must be 24°C", for example, bakers speak of the base temperature. This base temperature is calculated using the temperature of the room (the bakery for them, the kitchen for us) and the temperature of the flour. The result is the temperature of the water that must be added to the flour to complete the recipe, which bakers call "pouring water".

The general principle to remember is that the temperature of the water (or milk) added to a bread recipe is very important, is specific to that recipe, and must be calculated each time.
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Last modified on: August 22th 2024

How do I do that?

Just use the following simple formula:

T° of water = basic T° - (T° of flour + T° of kitchen)

The basic temperature is always stated for every bread or “viennoiserie” recipe on this site.

An example

If it is 20°C in your kitchen, the flour is at 18°C and the basic temperature of the recipe is 54°C, then what temperature does the water need to be at?

T° of water = 54 - (20 + 18) = 16°C

Easy, isn't it? You might be surprised by some of the temperatures recommended and find them rather on the cool side. However, this is a bakers' trade secret that it is well worth knowing.

The temperature is fairly precise, but not to within a degree or two, so the temperature is often given as a 4°C range, such as 54 to 58°C. This will give you a similar range for the water temperature: 16 to 20°C in our example.

But, in any case, all bread recipes on this site which use a basic temperature have a little automatic calculator to do the work for you. All you need to do is enter the flour and kitchen temperatures.

How do I get the water to the right temperature?

You will have already guessed by now that you will need a thermometer, as you need to adjust the water temperature just before adding it to the flour.

water temperature

If you need the water to be hotter, I suggest you boil a little, tip ¾ of the water needed at room temperature into a jug, then add very hot water to make this up to the right volume at the right temperature.

If you need the water to be cooler, I recommend putting some water in the fridge the day before. Then, on the day, put ¾ of the quantity of cold water into a jug and top up with tepid water to the correct volume and temperature. You can also use ice cubes if you have forgotten to put the water in the fridge beforehand.

What's next?

You can try a bread recipe or Viennoiseries (sweet breads, buns).

To sum up

  1. The water temperature is very important in a bread recipe
  2. It can be calculated using the basic temperature stated for the recipe, the temperature of the flour and the room temperature in the kitchen
  3. It should be calculated afresh each time you use the recipe

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