Recipes for
Do you have a cooking website/blog you'd like to promote? Go and register on Stéphane's site, which is becoming the reference in terms of cooking site directories.Open Food Facts
Take part in a collaborative project on food products for the good of all. Visit the Open Food Facts site to make your contribution.Gaston Lenôtre
The page devoted to Gaston Lenôtre on wikipedia, the undisputed master of patisserie, who sadly passed away in 2009. Many great pastry chefs apprenticed with him.I learned everything from his three books (available on the FNAC website, for example), the best there are, especially when you're just starting out. See the page of good addresses in the "books" chapter.
Hervé This
How can you talk about cooking and not at least mention him? Impossible, of course! If you want to know everything there is to know about what goes on in the pan or oven when you're cooking, understand what a mayonnaise is, and get to the bottom of common customs and sayings (such as "you have to salt meat BEFORE you cook it" or "you have to cook green vegetables uncovered so that they stay green"), you'll find it all in his blog.Hervé works closely with Pierre Gagnaire. You can find the chemist's explanations, combined with the great chef's recipes, on the Pierre Gagnaire website.