What's that?
This electronic book, or e-book, is a pdf file containing recipes from the site of your choice (4 categories maximum), and in the form that has made them so successful, i.e. text and photo for each step of the recipe.The book has a series of options that you can configure to your taste: language, cover photo, units for ingredients, etc., and in the end you'll have your own personalized book.
How much does it cost?
The price is low: GB£ 7.55 € or US$ 9.75 € or € 9 €, which works out at 0.10 € per recipe. That sounds like the best value cookbook on the Internet, doesn't it? Especially if you compare it with an ordinary cookbook from shops of usually about 30 recipes.How does it work?
- Choose the options for your ebook
- Type your e-mail address and validate it
- Pay € 9 € with Paypal (see next page)
- We will receive notification from Paypal telling us the transaction's been made
- As soon this proof of transaction is received, we will make up your ebook and send you an e-mail with a link to download your ebook.