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Last modified on: August 29th 2023

The website

My EZ Cooking

My menus
My menus
To make my personal menus, with recipes from the site, add comment and title.
9,6754.5 July 1st 2021
Personal recipe
Personal recipe
Display of a personal recipe.
12K4.4 July 1st 2021
Subscriber's recipes
Subscriber's recipes
This list includes the recipes which were submitted by subscribers of Those recipes, under the responsibility of their author, are not always in the same format of the site, one photo by each step, but they are the result of the work of passionate womens and mens, thank you to them...
169K3.7 August 29th 2023
Advices for writing your recipes
Advices for writing your recipes
On-line document for writing a personal recipe.
56K4.4 August 29th 2023


Other cookery websites
Other cookery websites
List of my other favourite sites.
192K3.9 August 29th 2023
Random menu...
Random menu...
A complete menu with a starter, main course and dessert, generated at random, to modify as you choose.
866K3.9 August 29th 2023
My best addresses...
My best addresses...
My good addresses, favourite suppliers, ingredients, products and equipment.
297K4.0 August 29th 2023
Webmaster tools
Webmaster tools
Page for webmasters and bloggers who wish to add tools or widgets (links, feeds, images...) to their own sites.
230K3.5 August 29th 2023
All the RSS feeds of
All the RSS feeds of
All the RSS feed provided by
193K3.9 August 29th 2023
Send to a friend
Send to a friend
Send to a friend.
13K5 November 23th 2023
News list and "My cooking EZ"
News list and "My cooking EZ"
Are you interested in what is published on this website, and do you want to keep up with news? If so, you can subscribe for free to the news list, the automatic e-mail service of This way, whenever a new recipe is published on the site, you will be informed immediately by an...
109K3.8 August 29th 2023


What is this site, and who am I?
What is this site, and who am I?
The important thing is the content of the site, the recipes and information you can find, but some of you want to know who is behind it all.
204K 44.2 August 29th 2023
On this site you can...
On this site you can...
All the things you can do with this site.
190K 23.7 August 29th 2023
Website technical evolution
Website technical evolution
Site updates, list of new additions by date .
202K3.8 August 29th 2023
Submitting a comment or image
Submitting a comment or image
Submitting comments or questions: some advice, norms, and rules .
78K 23.9 August 29th 2023
Start off well to cook well
Start off well to cook well
How to get off to a good start in cooking; what equipment and basic ingredients you should always have to hand.
305K 13.6 August 29th 2023
The protection of your data
The protection of your data
At we are always concerned about your data, both those that you have entrusted to us by registering, that those you generate by consulting the various pages and recipes of the site. This page presents our commitments, and the various measures we put in place to ensure this protection.
32K4.3 August 29th 2023
Site legal notices
Site legal notices
All French websites, whether professionally edited or not, must display mandatory information for the information of the public. Here are those of the site. .
14K5 August 29th 2023
Hints for using the recipes: how to read and recreate them.
167K3.6 June 3rd 2024
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Weights, measures and volumes in a recipe.
820K3.7 December 10th 2023
Nutritional information and ingredients
Nutritional information and ingredients
For each recipe you will find on this site, dietary information is calculated. It is thus presented to you: Protein weight in grams (gr)Weight of carbohydrates in grams (gr)The weight of lipids in grams (gr)And finally the energy value, expressed in kilo-calories (1 kilo-calorie = 1000 calories) and...
514K3.5 August 29th 2023
Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI
Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI
Information about Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI.
59K4.1 August 29th 2023
Cost calculations
Cost calculations
For each recipe presented, calculates the price of the recipe, by person, by parts or pieces, here is some information on how this calculation is made.
96K3.9 August 29th 2023


All the videos on the site
All the videos on the site
List of recipes which include videos.
227K 23.7 August 29th 2023
List of all posts of the blog
List of all posts of the blog
On this page you will find a list of all the articles published on the blog, sorted by year and date of publication.
209K3.7 August 29th 2023
Site map
Site map
All the site at a glance.
106K4 August 29th 2023
This site without commercials?
This site without commercials?
Cooking-ez is a free non-commercial, but it still needs a little sub to pay its own expenses (web hosting, domain name, etc.). And that's why banners advertisements are displayed on the pages of the site. This is not pleasant, we are well aware of that, but there is another solution: you can...
98K3.7 August 29th 2023
The most viewed...
The most viewed...
The most viewed...
121K4.7 August 29th 2023


Buy cooking-ez cookbook
Buy cooking-ez cookbook
Would you like to be able to consult the recipes on this site offline, or print them out? If so, don't hesitate: treat yourself to the recipe book, with the recipes of your choice at a very low price.
94K3.6 August 29th 2023



Films and papers in the kitchen
Films and papers in the kitchen
Various papers and plastic films used in cooking .
570K 93.6 August 29th 2023
Ice-cream and sorbets
Ice-cream and sorbets
All about ice-creams and sorbets, their differences and how to make the most of them .
426K4.0 August 29th 2023
A little molecular gastronomy
A little molecular gastronomy
A little molecular gastronomy ot understand how slow cooking makes meat tender.
38K4.4 August 29th 2023
Calendar of seasons
Calendar of seasons
Calendar of what's in season, for buying fresh ingredients following their natural cycle.
181K3.8 August 29th 2023
Foie gras proportions calculator
Foie gras proportions calculator
Small foie gras calculator, to find the right proportions of spices and alcohol needed according to weight.
818K5 December 25th 2023
The amateur baker
The amateur baker
You may have noticed over the pages of this site, I am passionate about everything that is related to the bakery: I love making bread, pastries, maintain my leaven, etc.. This page contains links to all the different parts of the site where we talk about bread: recipes, special pages, etc.
166K 44.1 August 29th 2023
Making your own bread
Making your own bread
In praise of home-made bread, so much better.
564K 63.9 August 29th 2023
Slashing loaves
Slashing loaves
Cutting the top of the loaf so that it rises better during baking: slashing.
280K 43.6 August 29th 2023
Leaven bread calculator
Leaven bread calculator
Small calculator for a good leavened bread.
275K4.1 August 29th 2023
Basic temperature in bread-making
Basic temperature in bread-making
Basic temperature in bread-making.
225K3.7 August 29th 2023
Soured dough
Soured dough
Underneath this strange name lies a baking secret: when you want to give a bread or pastry dough (without leaven, but with yeast) a certain percentage of fermented dough must be added, i.e. the same dough made the day before, and left to ferment overnight in the refrigerator.
144K 24.1 February 23th 2024
Calculator for water temperature in bread-making
Calculator for water temperature in bread-making
The temperature of the water, known as "process water" ("eau de coulage" in French), in a bakery recipe is very important, here is a small calculator allowing you to determine it quickly and simply.
76K4.4 August 29th 2023


At the most basic level, wheat grain is put through a mill, which produces a white-ish powder flour... Well, actually it's not quite that simple. First of all we need to distinguish between the different grains that can be made into flour: wheat of course, but also rye, barley, buckwheat, etc. So we...
723K 413.6 June 3rd 2024
Cooking with herbs
Cooking with herbs
Herbs: there's nothing else so small that can add so much to a recipe. They are not only for garnishing, but are a true part of the dish, sometimes one of the main ingredients. A small example of the "power" of herbs: you make a chopped carrot salad, which is very good with a vinaigrette, but if you...
185K 13.9 June 3rd 2024
Chives grow in clumps, and the leaves used as a herb have an extraodinary taste. It's an essential for adding to salads, and everything else that can be eaten cold, because it doesn't like long cooking during which it loses most of its flavour.
76K3.8 August 29th 2023
This is a kind of shrub, of which the small branches are used.
46K4.2 August 29th 2023
There are different kinds of parsley, the two main ones are curled parsley and flat-leaf (or Italian) parsley. The most important difference between the two, except the leaf shape, is taste: flat-leaf parsley has much more flavour.
60K4.1 August 29th 2023
Bay is a kind of laurel, grown as a shrub or small tree, of which the leaves are used, fresh or dry (other laurels are toxic). Bayleaves are used frequently in mediterraneen cooking.
88K4.2 August 29th 2023
fresh coriander (cilantro)
fresh coriander (cilantro)
This is a plant of which the leaves are used fresh. It has a very subtle flavour which is remarkable in salads. It is an indispensible ingredient in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. The seeds are also available (like white pepper grains but paler), which have a different taste.
40K4.2 August 29th 2023
This is a plant of which the leaves are used. It's goes perfectly (in my opinion) with white meats like pork, veal or poultry.
41K4.2 August 29th 2023
This is a plant of which only the leaves are used. There is a wild species, very tasty, with small red and green leaves, and a cultivated variety with large green leaves.
42K4.3 August 29th 2023
Tarragon is a herb with strongly aromatic leaves. These are used for their characteristic flavour that goes very well with meat and fish.
50K4.1 August 29th 2023
There are several kinds of mint with different flavours, some stronger than others. The important thing, if you have the choice, is to use the strongest flavour possible (crush a leaf with your fingers, and smell to compare).
37K4.2 August 29th 2023
Thyme is an aromatic plant of which the leaves are used. There are several kinds of thyme, and its flavour is very typical of Mediterranean cooking.
49K4.6 August 29th 2023
Chervil is very similar in appearance to parsley, but its leaves are smaller, and its taste (delicate) is very different, sometimes with a slight hint of licorice.
30K4.4 August 29th 2023
This is a plant of which the very smelly leaves are used.
26K4.6 August 29th 2023
Verbena is an herb with a delicate flavor, which is best used in sweet recipes (cakes, custards, creams, etc.).
0 September 13th 2023



Some hints for a pizza-party
Some hints for a pizza-party
Some hints for a successful pizza party.
186K3.7 August 29th 2023



Homemade plancha
Homemade plancha
Make you own plancha and cook the Spanish way on this scorching hot metal plate.
255K 43.7 June 3rd 2024
Make your own hot-wire or styrofoam cutter
Make your own hot-wire or styrofoam cutter
Cut polystyrene and foams easily with your own hot-wire cutter.
504K 433.5 February 20th 2024
Polynesian arrow
Polynesian arrow
Launched with a piece of string: the Polynesian arrow.
187K 14.3 August 29th 2023
A mist free mirror
A mist free mirror
Shave or put on make up with a clear mirror, even in a steamy bathroom: the anti-mist mirror.
216K 13.6 August 29th 2023
Home Automation and CP290 with Excel
Home Automation and CP290 with Excel

143K4.1 August 29th 2023
Solar lighting
Solar lighting
Fit a small solar panel at home.
233K4.0 August 29th 2023
Electronic controlling of a pump
Electronic controlling of a pump
How to switch on a pump with a timer automatically using high water level .
169K4.4 August 29th 2023


Bread oven
Bread oven
Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
1.2M3.6 June 3rd 2024
The oven itself (hearth)
The oven itself (hearth)
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: the hearth.
124K3.9 August 29th 2023
Oven housing
Oven housing
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: oven housing.
114K3.9 August 29th 2023

117K4.1 August 29th 2023
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: roof and protective cladding.
79K3.9 August 29th 2023
Finishing touches
Finishing touches
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: finishing touches and accessories.
71K4.4 August 29th 2023
Advice on heating oven
Advice on heating oven
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: advice on heating and preparing for baking bread.
176K4.0 August 29th 2023
Open fire cooking
Open fire cooking
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: open fire cooking, with the embers inside.
89K3.9 August 29th 2023
Closed fire cooking
Closed fire cooking
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: closed fire cooking, with the embers removed .
51K4.4 August 29th 2023
The steam machine
The steam machine
Continuous steam in the oven with the steam machine.
56K4 August 29th 2023


A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
Classification of the elements in practice: a three-dimensional Periodic Table .
198K 13.6 August 29th 2023
Elements in the table
Elements in the table
All elements of the Periodic Table in practice.
35K3.9 August 29th 2023
The name of the elements
The name of the elements
Where the names of the elements that make up matter come from.
73K3.6 August 29th 2023
Small history of elements classification
Small history of elements classification
History of the classification of the elements down the centuries.
40K3.9 August 29th 2023



Food allergy: definition and symptoms
Food allergy: definition and symptoms
Food allergy is a set of abnormal immune reactions that occur after the ingestion of a particular food. This one, normally harmless for the body, is then called "allergen".
0 August 29th 2023

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Random menu...
Random menu...
A complete menu with a starter, main course and dessert, generated at random, to modify as you choose.
866K3.9 August 29th 2023
At the most basic level, wheat grain is put through a mill, which produces a white-ish powder flour... Well, actually it's not quite that simple. First of all we need to distinguish between the different grains that can be made into flour: wheat of course, but also rye, barley, buckwheat, etc. So we...
723K 413.6 June 3rd 2024
Bread oven
Bread oven
Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
1.2M3.6 June 3rd 2024
Ice-cream and sorbets
Ice-cream and sorbets
All about ice-creams and sorbets, their differences and how to make the most of them .
426K4.0 August 29th 2023
At what time?
At what time?
This page will automatically calculate for you, in 1 click, the start or end times of a recipe, and answer 2 questions that you may have already asked yourself: - At what time to start this recipe to finish at ...? or else - At what time would I finish this recipe if I start at ...?
1.6M 23.9 August 29th 2023
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