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Search the recipes
To find the recipe you are missing, offers you to use its own search mechanism in its recipes.

You can do very detailed research on those that contain a particular ingredient , or which do not contain any, which cost so much, which last so long, and even on their dietetic aspect with their number of calories.

It is a sophisticated tool which will allow you to find precisely the recipe (s) of your choice.
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Last modified on: August 22th 2024

I'd like all the recipes:

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Thorough (recipe with or without an ingredient, including any preparations used to make the recipe, e.g. in the pastry for a tart)

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Vegan (without meat,fish or other animal products: eggs, milk...)
Halal (without pork or alcohol)
Kosher (no pork, shellfish or crustaceans)

Note : Ingredients preceded by * are general terms, and include a whole group of specific items. So if you look for recipes which do not contain alcohol, for example, all recipes using wine, rum, vinegar, whisky, etc. will be omitted. Read more...

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over (+)
exactly (=)

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Recipes under 10 €

Got in nutritional information for 100 grams::

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under (-)
over (+)
exactly (=)
under (-)
over (+)
exactly (=)
under (-)
over (+)
exactly (=)
under (-)
over (+)
exactly (=)

Quick selection:

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Recipes under 200 Calories
Recipes under 300 Calories

Which take:

Recipes which take: :
Preparation time under (-)
over (+)
exactly (=)
Resting time under (-)
over (+)
exactly (=)
Cooking time under (-)
over (+)
exactly (=)
Total time (preparation + resting + cooking) under (-)
over (+)
exactly (=)

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I am not a leaving thing
The 1 comment already posted on this page
  • You can now find recipes on their nutrition facts: which recipe give less than 200 calories for example.
    Posted by jh may 2nd 2013 at 15:20 n° 1
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I am not a leaving thing
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