List of all the recipes: 1472 recipes
List of all the recipes
- Starters : 235 recipes
- Sea food : 86 recipes
- Meat : 75 recipes
- Miscellanous : 365 recipes
- Desserts : 358 recipes
- Baking : 64 recipes
- Drinks and cocktails : 5 recipes
- Recipes for kids : 7 recipes
- Basic recipes : 149 recipes
- Tips and tricks : 91 recipes
- World recipes : 37 recipes
- Culinary sayings and myths : 5 recipes
"Buttonhole" quail eggs
This little appetizer consists of a small finger of toast, a slice of cured ham and three quail egg yolks arranged on a rectangle of egg white. It is a bit tricky to make, but very attractive to serve, and delicious, of course.June 26th 2011176 K5 60 min.
"Day After Pork Belly" Soup
If you have made cured pork belly with lentils, you will no doubt have some of the stock left from cooking the meat and lentils. This will be full of flavour, so can be turned into a quick and delicious soup. Here's how to do it.November 15th 201557 K4.1 35 min.
Alsatian-style salad
This salad is based on a traditional Alsatian recipe: cabbage julienne, warm potatoes, bacon, parsley and vinaigrette.January 3rd 2014280 K4.4 1 hour 15 min.
Ardennes Salad
Ardennes salad is made with potatoes, bacon, onions and cooked green salad.February 25th 202411 K 1 hour 10 min.
Artichoke hearts forestier
This recipe is not very complicated, but does involve some work: an artichoke heart with a layer of mushroom duxelle, a layer of fried bacon, topped with a poached egg and cream sauce. Everything can be prepared in advance (the day before for example), but the final assembly should be done just...May 10th 2023266 K5 1 hour 50 min.
Artichoke Soup
For this recipe, we will first steam the artichokes, recover all the flesh, and prepare with shallot and milk a delicious soup.December 4th 202218 K 50 min.
Asparagus "en petit pois"
As the name suggests, this historic recipe (see below for more details) treats asparagus like peas, Napoleonic French style: first cooked the usual way, then cut small (to look like peas), cooked again in stock, and finished with a cream and egg yolk sauce.May 2nd 202135 K 45 min.
Avocado "tarte fine"
The French "tarte fine" (pronounced "feen") is a literally a thin tart, made on a precooked flat base of puff pastry. This delicious, crisp, savoury tart is topped with cream cheese, slices of avocado, a trickle of lime juice and fresh coriander.July 15th 202050 K 60 min.
Avocado and celery remoulade
Avocado, grated celery and remoulade sauce are combined in this delicious winter salad.March 3rd 202411 K 20 min.
Avocado and smoked salmon terrine
In this colourful terrine, layers of avocado alternate with smoked salmon and diced tomato in balsamic vinegar.April 10th 2011178 K5 4 hours 7 min.
Avocado mousse with sorrel
Avocado is rarely paired with sorrel, yet they go well together as the slight acidity of the sorrel balances the smooth richness of the avocado nicely. In this recipe they are combined in a cool, fresh avocado and sorrel mousse, served here with eggy bread fingers.July 6th 202222 K 45 min.
Avocado with gravlax
Diced avocado with morsels of gravlax salmon and cream cheese with herbs for a simple yet delicious starter.July 31th 201655 K4.5 20 min.
Avocado with Sautéed Prawns
Just a classic prawn cocktail with avocado? Oh, no! The prawns in this recipe are sautéed briefly to enhance the flavour, then mixed with a curry mayonnaise.March 6th 201665 K4.3 30 min.
Avocado with Tuna
Here is a quick recipe for a simple starter: avocado, tuna, chopped herbs and mayonnaise.April 29th 201583 K5 15 min.
Avocado, artichoke and chicken salad
This fairly simple recipe combines slices of avocado, spring onions, diced chicken and artichoke hearts in a good vinaigrette dressing.September 6th 202039 K 25 min.
Baby courgette salad
Early in the season, it is easy to find young courgettes that are still small and delightfully crunchy raw. They are ideal for this salad recipe, combined with radishes and tuna in a lemon mayonnaise.July 31th 201939 K 25 min.
Baby spinach salad
It might not be obvious, but spinach can be eaten raw, as in this salad, where the leaves are shredded and mixed with croutons, lardons (bacon bits) and hard-boiled eggs.June 12th 201987 K 45 min.
Baked eggs with chicken and spinach
A classic recipe for baked eggs (œufs cocotte), cooked in ramekins with a base layer of spinach and diced chicken.March 29th 202037 K4 30 min.
Beetroot and black radish salad
The slight bitterness of black radish goes well with the sweetness of beetroot in this very simple salad recipe.December 8th 202129 K 30 min.
Beetroot and cream cheese verrines
Diced beetroot, marinated in lemon juice and walnut oil, between layers of cream cheese with herbs.May 29th 2013108 K5 2 hours 50 min.
Beetroot and fried chicken salad
A raw beetroot salad, enriched with toasted almonds, diced fried chicken and potatoes. As beetroot tends to colour everything it touches, you can be sure that your diced chicken will be an unusual but attractive bright pink - children love this!October 16th 201650 K4.2 40 min.
Beetroot salad with cashew nuts
This pink — almost hot pink — salad gets its colour from the raw beetroot, teamed here with toasted cashew nuts and fried croutons.July 29th 201845 K5 35 min.
Bisto-style canapés
This recipe captures the hearty and slightly raffish style of French bistro cuisine: fried rounds of baguette with egg, fried ham and a topping of melted cheese.March 17th 202132 K 40 min.
Bistro celery salad
A typical bistro-style salad with grated celery, mimosa eggs, diced cheese, croutons and grilled ham, tied together with a good remoulade sauce.December 3rd 202312 K 45 min.
Bistro-style beetroot salad
Beetroot salad is a well-known classic, but have you come across the "bistro" version? The beetroot is still diced, but raw and served with croutons and fried ham in a rémoulade dressing.December 30th 201941 K 40 min.
Bistro-style cabbage salad
This salad, inspired by French bistro cuisine, combines cabbage with fried potatoes and lardons, and hard-boiled eggs in a vinaigrette dressing.April 6th 202221 K 40 min.
Bistro-style endive salad
This delicious late-winter salad is made with red endives, slivers of Mimolette* cheese and toasted walnuts. In France it is known as a "Dutch" salad and typical bistro fare. *Currently banned in the USA.March 27th 202224 K 30 min.
Bistro-style red endive salad
Have you tried red Belgian endives? They are similar in size to the more common white sort, just as crunchy, but slightly less bitter. They are the main feature in this salad inspired by French bistro cuisine: combined with chopped hard-boiled eggs, fried ham and croutons, in a rémoulade dressing.March 11th 202043 K 30 min.
Bouchées montagnardes
Literally "mountain mouthfuls" in French, these canapés combine ingredients from the mountainous region of eastern France: Morteau sausage, Morbier cheese and mushrooms. They make a hearty aperitif snack or are ideal for an informal supper.May 18th 202222 K 30 min.
Bread with Tomato
This tomato-flavoured bread, the famous "pan con tomate" of our Spanish friends, is ridiculously simple, but such a treat! It only takes a few minutes to prepare and makes a delicious aperitif snack.November 8th 201553 K4 6 min.
Breton coleslaw
Coleslaw with a French twist from Brittany, using finely sliced raw cauliflower instead of cabbage.January 8th 202038 K 20 min.
Broad bean salad with Parmesan
A salad that combines crunchy almonds, tender broad beans, with the flavours of balsamic vinegar, parmesan and herbs.February 21th 2011272 K3.8 25 min.
Broccoli salad with chervil-lemon mayonnaise
A raw broccoli salad with toasted croutons and a delicious chervil-lemon mayonnaise.February 2nd 20252,737 25 min.
Brussels sprout salad
It might seem unlikely, but Brussels sprouts are very good raw, like in this salad, pepped up with lemon and Parmesan.March 28th 202127 K 35 min.
Brussels sprouts salad with smoked trout and Comté cheese
An elegant winter salad with sliced Brussels sprouts, smoked trout and Comté cheese.January 24th 202411 K 40 min.
Cajun-style lentil salad
If you have leftover pulled pork, try this recipe to transform it into a delicious, Cajun-style, warm lentil salad.December 22th 202122 K 40 min.
Cashew-nut and Parmesan biscuits
For an ideal aperitif snack, why not try these delicious savoury biscuits made with cashew nuts and Parmesan?March 31th 202131 K 12 1 hour 55 min.
Cauliflower and chickpea salad
Chickpeas go well with cauliflower, so here is a salad that makes the most of this with sliced radishes for extra crunch.February 14th 202126 K 20 min.
Cauliflower and egg salad
This very simple recipe combines crunchy raw cauliflower with hard-boiled eggs and herbs in a rémoulade dressing.July 1st 202050 K 20 min.
Cauliflower tabouleh
In this tabouleh recipe, the couscous or bulgur is replaced with grated cauliflower florets. This gives it a very fresh and amazing flavour.April 22th 2012125 K4.1 1 hour 40 min.
Cauliflower, chicken and avocado salad
In this really simple recipe, crunchy cauliflower is balanced with the soft texture of avocado and tender morsels of diced chicken. A delicious summer salad.July 12th 202040 K 30 min.
Cauliflower, red bean and avocado salad
This combination of crunchy (raw cauliflower) and soft textures (red beans and avocado), in a rémoulade dressing with fresh herbs, makes a simple yet delicious salad.April 21th 202127 K 20 min.
Celeriac and parsley soup
A very simple but delicious soup, this may well win you over (if need be) to the flavour of celeriac, partnered here with parsley.March 9th 202225 K 35 min.
Celeriac and sesame soup
Celeriac soup with a double dose of sesame flavour: tahini (sesame paste) in the smooth, creamy soup and a crunchy sesame-seed crumble scattered on top.April 3rd 202220 K 60 min.
Celeriac Rémoulade
A classic recipe of traditional French bistro cooking (winter salad).December 21th 2020401 K5 20 min.
Celeriac soup with mustard
This delicious creamy soup is very quick to make.May 4th 2012150 K4.6 45 min.
Celery and avocado salad
For this recipe, very simple, we mix celeriac and avocado and we bind them with a remoulade sauce. The association celery and avocado is not common, but you will see that it works very well.March 26th 202316 K 20 min.
Celery soup bourguignonne style
Celery and Époisses cheese flavors for this very simple soup recipe.January 22th 202315 K 35 min.
Cervelas salad
This bistro-style salad combines potatoes and gherkins with, of course, the famous cervelas sausage.December 5th 201399 K4.4 55 min.
Cervelle de Canut
In French, this curious name means "silk-weaver's brain", but don't be alarmed, this tasty "brain" consists of cottage cheese mixed with herbs, vinegar and finely chopped shallots. The Canuts were the silk weavers in the area around Lyon, France. In the nineteenth century this was one of their...August 1st 202126 K 1 hour 25 min.
Cherry tomato and green bean salad
Here is a quick recipe for a very simple but delicious summer or late summer salad.October 30th 202217 K 35 min.
Cherry tomato and two cabbage salad
Green and red cabbage with cherry tomatoes make up this quick fall salad.November 20th 202217 K 25 min.
Chicken and Avocado Salad
A delicious salad of radishes, tomato, avocado and chicken.October 14th 201554 K5 35 min.
Chicken club sandwich
In this club sandwich: chicken marinated in lime, fried bacon, lettuce, red onion and mayonnaise.November 19th 2012121 K4.1 1 hour 45 min.
Chickpea salad
This quick salad includes chickpeas, of course, but with spring onions, radishes and chopped coriander, too.May 28th 201469 K4.7 15 min.
Chinese Soup
This delicious soup is a flavoursome mix of herbs, mushrooms, soya noodles and small diced vegetables briefly cooked in vegetable stock. It takes a while to make and there are lots of ingredients, but the result is worth it.April 6th 2017114 K 24.5 1 hour 15 min.
Cocotte eggs with Comté
A light delicious and quickly prepared dish, an easy and elegant answer to the frequent question "what are we going to eat this evening?". Here is version with Comté (a famous cheese from eastern France, like gruyère, but much better), but it can be made prepared many different ways.February 21th 2011350 K4.3 1 hour
Comtoise endive salad
This endive salad has a Comtoise twist as a change from the usual pairing of endives with walnuts. The endives are finely sliced, mixed with fried smoked bacon, diced Comté cheese and a little chopped parsley, then dessed with a good vinaigrette.March 6th 201950 K 40 min.
Comtoise endive salad
An endive salad given a hearty boost with fried croutons, diced Comté cheese and Morteau sausage.March 10th 202133 K 30 min.
Corn salad with croutons
Corn salad (or lamb's lettuce) leaves mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs, mushrooms, spring onions, butter-fried croutons, and - of course - a good vinaigrette dressing.April 8th 2012127 K5 55 min.
Cornouaillaise salad
This salad combines the soft texture of haricot beans with the crunch of croutons. Translator's note: Brittany has its own equivalent of the British Cornwall (hence the similar name), showing how close the languages and cultural roots of the two regions are.February 23th 202222 K 12 hours 60 min.
Country vegetable soup
In this "country" (paysanne) style soup, the vegetables are left in small pieces, rather than blended.April 2nd 201494 K 14.3 1 hour 15 min.
Courgette tart with mint
Fried rounds of courgette in a puff pastry case with a feta and mint filling. You will find that this combination of feta with mint gives an agreeable fresh lift to this tart.June 11th 2011166 K4.1 1 hour 25 min.
These crisp savoury biscuits are ideal for dipping into a sauce as an aperitif snack. It is quite easy to make your own crackers at home and they are much healthier and even more delicious than the commercial kind.December 9th 2012119 K 14.8 1 hour 40 min.
Cream of cauliflower soup with smoked haddock
This soup with a difference plays up an amazing flavour combination: creamy cauliflower with morsels of smoked haddock.March 18th 202039 K 25 min.
Creamy cauliflower and avocado salad
For this simple and delicious recipe of cauliflower and avocado salad, linked by a rémoulette dressing, you will surely notice the very creamy side of the whole, due to the association of avocado and sauce. This creaminess will become more pronounced if you stir the mixture. The name "Caulicado...February 26th 202314 K 25 min.
Creamy Winter Vegetable Soup
This is a very simple recipe: lots of winter vegetables cooked in chicken stock, then blended. The soup's special finishing touch comes from cream and a spoonful of mustard.January 14th 201581 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Crème de foie gras
This is a rather tricky recipe in which foie gras is used to make a savoury cream, similar to a crème brulée but - of course - without sugar and without caramelizing the top. Instead, it is topped with an espuma (a light hot foam) of potatoes, garnished with crispy morsels of serrano ham.December 17th 2023143 K3.8 1 hour 35 min.
Cretan salad
A hint of Crete in the flavours of this salad, with a mix of crunchy and soft textures: diced tomatoes, sliced spring onions, feta and tuna.August 29th 201863 K 50 min.
Crispy cheese parcels
Small crisp parcels filled with cheese and linseeds, hot and crunchy on the outside, melting in the middle. They can be served with a light green salad.December 18th 2011138 K4.1 40 min.
A classic of French "street food" or bistros: a slice of ham between two slices of bread spread with béchamel sauce. The sandwich is then sprinkled with cheese and toasted in the oven.August 1st 2010256 K4 50 min.
Crunchy Cauliflower Salad with Lemon
Crunchy slices of cauliflower and radish in a delicately flavoured lemon mayonnaise.March 11th 201856 K4.6 20 min.
Crunchy courgette and mushroom salad
This very simple salad contains a mix of crunchy raw ingredients, balanced by the softer texture of tuna, and dressed with mayonnaise.May 10th 202344 K 45 min.
Crunchy radish and carrot salad
Quick and straightforward, this fresh, crunchy salad is ideal for early spring.June 17th 202046 K 20 min.
Crunchy salad
Crunchy vegetables, pine nuts and rice with a rémoulade dressing.April 3rd 2011149 K 14.6 40 min.
Crunchy spring salad
Fresh and crunchy, this colourful spring salad combines baby courgettes, radishes, cauliflower, beetroot and spring onions with chopped herbs in a good vinaigrette.May 22th 201655 K4.6 30 min.
Crunchy verrines
Little verrines filled with a mixture of cottage cheese (fromage blanc), cream and coriander with diced radish, gherkin and shallot.November 24th 2011139 K 24.8 45 min.
Cubed salad
For this fun salad, all the ingredients are cut into small dice, hence the name.August 4th 201490 K4.3 50 min.
Cucumber and salmon salad
For this summer salad: slices of cucumber, morsels of smoked salmon, diced avocado and a little tuna, dressed in a herb mayonnaise.August 15th 2010174 K4.6 30 min.
Cucumber, avocado and mussel salad
A bold salad idea that brings together 3 ingredients which rarely end up on the same plate: cucumber, avocado and mussels, in a rémoulade dressing.August 9th 202035 K 25 min.
Dauphinoise potatoes with Serano ham
These tasty, bite-sized rosettes can be served as an aperitif snack or to accompany a meal.January 23th 2013106 K4.6 40 min.
Du Barry soup
Du Barry is a creamy cauliflower soup, including small whole pieces of cauliflower.October 17th 2018264 K4.5 1 hour 1 min.
Eggs "en cocotte" with spinach
A buttered ramekin, a layer of mushroom duxelles, a layer of spinach, a bit of cream, and an egg, in two layers, on top.May 10th 2023137 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Eggs Arsène
Eggs Arsène is a rather more rustic version (and definitely more Comtoise in style) of eggs Benedict , that indispensible breakfast dish in Ian Fleming's novels. And you're right, there is a nod to James Bond here.October 25th 201851 K5 1 hour 2 min.
Eggs Benedict
Soft-boiled eggs, served on toast with a slice of fried smoked ham, and the whole covered with Hollandaise sauce.April 8th 2023224 K4 1 hour 4 min.
Eggs en Cocotte à la Française
Eggs cooked in small ramekins with a tasty mix of peas, bacon, onion and cream - even more French than the classic version!April 27th 2020120 K4.5 35 min.
Eggs with mayonnaise
Simply known as "œufs-mayo" in French bistros, these hard-boiled eggs are garnished with mayonnaise and are best served with sharply flavoured crudités to balance their creaminess. For this recipe, I have chosen a salad of grated carrot with shallot.October 5th 201468 K5 35 min.
Endive and beer soup
For this soup, the endives (chicory) and onions are cooked gently together first before adding the vegetable stock and beer. The endives and beer give the soup a hint of bitterness and a unique flavour.January 12th 201483 K4.4 1 hour 5 min.
Endive and cheese salad with croutons
This starts out as a classic salad of shredded endives, but is pepped up with sliced spring onions, fried croutons and chunks of cheese.May 12th 201946 K 35 min.
Endive and walnut salad
This salad has a double dose of walnut flavour: walnut oil in the vinaigrette and crunchy walnut kernels.May 11th 201477 K4.9 25 min.
Foie gras ballotine
Making your own foie gras, from raw liver, will give you not only the satisfaction of having made it yourself, but also a liver of simply remarkable quality and taste, far better than any commercial foie gras. It's a tricky operation, but one that's entirely within your grasp, as long as you follow...December 11th 20245,902 2 days 17 hours 30 min.
Foie gras cured in salt
This a quite different preparation from the terrine of foie gras, this time it does not go in the oven, the liver is salted for 48 hours and it "cooks" (or cures) in this way.December 23th 2017562 K5 2 days 16 hours 30 min.
Foie gras fingers
An elegant canapé which consists of a crisp layer of shortcrust pastry topped with a layer of foie gras.December 21th 2011134 K4.6 2 hours 50 min.
Four-tier glasses
This starter recipe, served in a glass, consists of four tiers of different vegetable preparations. Each can be made the day before, and it's only the assembly that is tricky.June 2nd 2015261 K5 1 hour 40 min.
French bean salad with vinaigrette
A very simple recipe for a salad of green (or yellow) French beans: The beans are boiled first, then thoroughly drained and served mixed with herbs, chopped shallot and a good vinaigrette (french dressing).October 27th 201664 K4.6 9 min.
French onion soup
This warming onion soup is an emblematic French dish, both in bistro cuisine and home cooking. This is a very classic version. The long, slow cooking is the secret to revealing its full flavour.December 30th 201963 K3.8 2 hours 30 min.
Gougères are small cheese choux pastries, sometimes (like here) with bits of ham.February 21th 2011242 K 13.8 60 min.
Grandma's salad
This salad harks back to the ones French grandmas used to make: green beans and potatoes (preferably still warm) mixed with diced cheese, parsley and chopped onion in a good vinaigrette dressing.September 29th 202136 K 55 min.
Greek salad
This is a classy version of that perfect summer food, Greek salad. The only difficult part is the care and patience needed for dicing the vegetables.July 13th 2010196 K 14.9 60 min.
Greek salad with chicken
This Greek-inspired recipe, in which tomatoes, zucchini and diced feta are accompanied by sautéed chicken pieces, is typical of simple, delicious summer salads.August 20th 202313 K 45 min.
Green and red salad with sardines and eggs mimosa
This colourful salad combines green lettuce, rosy beetroot, the flavour of eggs mimosa and sardines, and crunchy croutons.March 13th 202223 K 30 min.
Green avocado salad
This salad is all green and fresh, with diced avocado, lettuce, spring onion and the softness of pieces of hard-boiled egg. The flavour is brought out further with a lime and olive-oil dressing, pepped up with a touch of Tabasco.July 8th 201859 K 30 min.
Green bean and potato salad with paprika
A warm salad featuring green beans, grilled potatoes and diced Comté cheese, all tossed in a paprika mayonnaise.November 1st 202313 K 60 min.
Green hummus
You are probably already familiar with classic hummus. Here's a "green" version, still mainly chickpeas, but with added herbs and vegetables.November 29th 202032 K 20 min.
Green Piedmont Salad
In this version of Piedmont salad, the usual tomato has been replaced by raw courgette.July 16th 201485 K3.9 35 min.
For this typically Mexican recipe there are two main methods: smooth mashed avocado (made with a blender), or simple mashed avocado (made with a fork) with small pieces. And you can add, or not, finely diced tomato. You will find the first version (smooth) below.November 26th 2011295 K4.1 1 hour 25 min.
Ham à la Russe
Ham "à la Russe" is a slice of cooked ham rolled up around a macédoine of vegetables in mayonnaise.September 10th 2014105 K4.3 8 min.
Ham spirals
These puff pastry spirals made with smoked ham are delicious and quick to make.September 7th 2018124 K3.8 60 min.
Harichou salad
A salad combining white beans, green cabbage, toasted croutons and Parmesan shavings.September 29th 20247,723 45 min.
Hearty leek and sprout soup
The method for this rustic winter soup is anything but typical: the sprouts are first roasted in the oven, before being mixed with the leeks (pre-cooked with onions) and simmered in chicken stock. Served with morsels of crispy ham, the full-on flavour is sure to hit the mark.January 17th 202132 K2 1 hour 30 min.
Home-made terrine of foie gras
Preparing your own home-made foie gras from raw is immensively satisfying: good quality liver and a simply amazing flavour – much better than anything you can buy. This recipe is a bit tricky, but quite within everyone's grasp, as long as you follow the 3 most delicate stages carefully. These are,...December 16th 20245.25 M 64.2 4 days 15 hours 50 min.
Hummus (or houmous), is one of the famous and delicious Lebanese "mezzes".May 30th 2020334 K4.7 20 min.
Icelandic-style fish and vegetable pie
This recipe is made from vegetables cut small and blanched, mixed with pieces of salt-cod and cream, then baked in small soup dishes with a puff pastry lid.September 7th 2018277 K3.9 4 hours 35 min.
Italian toast
These Italian toasts are slices of fried bread with pesto, omelette and cooked tomatoes, garnished with a basil leaf.December 1st 201399 K 14 50 min.
Jerusalem artichoke salad
This very simple salad combines thick slices of tender Jerusalem artichokes with chopped hard-boiled eggs. The salad can be served warm, with the artichokes freshly cooked, or cold later.January 11th 202343 K 15 min.
Julia salad
This salad takes its inspiration from the famous Caesar salad, but is simpler. The combination of chicken with croutons is a delicious way to use up leftovers.February 10th 202131 K3 35 min.
Kalamata Salad
The Kalamata salad (a Greek city in the Peloponese) is made of tomatoes, feta cheese and pine nuts roasted with a lemon, olive oil and oregano sauce.August 14th 202222 K 50 min.
Kale and potato soup
Kale, potatoes and croutons for this simple but delicious soup.February 11th 202411 K 55 min.
Kervallon soup
Kervallon's soup is a delicious cauliflower and sorrel soup.January 15th 20253,454 40 min.
Lambé salad
Lambé's salad is a rather original salad with chickpeas, mimosa eggs, cheese and, above all, a crunchy buckwheat pancake, broken into small pieces and added at the last moment.September 22th 20246,800 30 min.
Late Winter Soup with Fresh Spinach
This is a delicious recipe for an end-of-winter soup. It combines fresh spinach with diced potato and smoked sausage.May 10th 201572 K4.9 50 min.
Lebanese Tabbouleh
Lebanese tabbouleh is different from the classic version. It is made from bulgur wheat (burghul), rather than semolina and, most characteristically, includes a lot of parsley.September 28th 201481 K3.9 50 min.
Lebanese-style chickpea salad
This salad combines chickpeas with cauliflower in a light yoghurt dressing, flavoured with lemon juice and sesame paste.February 9th 202038 K5 25 min.
Leek and celery soup
Leeks and celery aren't often found together, yet their tastes go well together, as in this delicious soup.January 31th 202413 K 2 50 min.
Leek and Jerusalem artichoke soup
Jerusalem artichoke and leek is a much rarer combination than the classic potato and leek, but it works rather well, as you will see in this recipe.April 28th 202130 K 55 min.
Leeks in vinaigrette
A classic dish of French family and bistro cooking. It's both simple and good. The secret lies in cooking the leeks until they are only just tender, so that they keep their lovely green colour. The special vinaigrette includes herbs and hard-boiled eggs.September 29th 2012179 K4.3 45 min.
Lemony cabbage and potato salad
This salad combines, on the one hand, finely shredded cabbage with herbs and, on the other, diced potatoes. The fresh, summery dressing is made with olive oil and lemon.July 7th 202131 K5 30 min.
Lemony chicken and radish salad
This salad combines the crunch of finely sliced radishes with tender cubes of chicken. The tang which lifts the flavour comes from fresh herbs and the dressing of lemon mayonnaise.September 24th 201736 K5 25 min.
Lentil and cold-meat salad
This salad combines lentils, chunks of cooked meat, sliced hard-boiled eggs, shallot and herbs, with a good vinaigrette dressing.December 7th 201471 K3.8 45 min.
Light Broccoli Soup
This soup is simple and light but tasty, made with a delicate vegetable stock and broccoli.December 16th 201566 K4.6 30 min.
Like a Boursin with garlic and herbs
It is quite easy to make your own garlic and herb cream cheese, rather like the well-know Boursin. It's fresh, much better, of course, and delicious, especially with a piece of toast.June 12th 2011194 K3.9 35 min.
Little vegetable omelettes
As an appetiser or starter, little thick soft omelettes, with diced tomato, courgette and smoked ham.June 11th 2011301 K4 1 hour 10 min.
Mexican salad
This Mexican-inspired salad combines red kidney beans with avocado, chopped onions and tomatoes. It is dressed with olive oil, lime and a touch of Tabasco heat.October 9th 201982 K5 30 min.
Mexican tart
This unusual tart features two star ingredients of South American cuisine: red kidney beans and avocado. The shortcrust pastry case is filled with a red bean and onion purée, then topped with sliced avocado dressed with lime and garnished with fresh coriander.December 30th 201965 K 1 hour 20 min.
Mimosa eggs
Mimosa eggs are hard boiled eggs where the yolks are removed, chopped and mixed with a herb mayonnaise, then this mix is used to refill the whites. It's a classic recipe of traditional French bistro cooking.February 21th 2011291 K 25 50 min.
Mini cheese and mustard toasts
For an aperitif snack with a difference, try these little toasted slices of baguette topped with cheese and mustard. Easy to make and can be served in a jiffy.June 28th 202066 K 25 min.
Mixed salad
Mixed salad is one of those simple but delicious summer recipes which go so well with a barbeque. It's a mix of several fresh vegetables, herbs and French dressing (vinaigrette).February 21th 2011289 K4.6 1 hour
Mixed salad stack
A stack ("pressé" in French) can be made of sliced vegetables or other ingredients piled up and pressed in a ring mould to keep them in shape. The ring is removed before serving. This stack consists of tomato, avocado, red onion, hard-boiled egg and anchovy fillets. Serve surrounded with with a...November 25th 201562 K5 30 min.
Mixed salad with curry mayo
A mixed salad (avocado, artichokes, mushrooms and tuna) in a classic mayonnaise, but pepped up with a good dose of curry.May 10th 202353 K 30 min.
Mixed tomato salad
This end-of-summer recipe is very simple: just fresh tomatoes with chopped shallot and herbs in a vinaigrette, but we can play up the variety of flavours and colours to make it something with real eye appeal and, above all, delicious!September 21th 201648 K4.3 20 min.
Multicoloured cucumber-tomato salad
This salad is a good way to enjoy tomatoes at the height of their season, and all the different varieties available with their different flavours and colours.September 16th 2012109 K4.3 1 hour 3 min.
Mushroom velouté
This smooth, creamy soup with its lovely mushroom flavour is quick and easy to make.May 10th 2023147 K4 55 min.
Nanou's red cabbage salad
If you are used to the usual red cabbage salad (just cabbage in a vinaigrette), I hope you will be agreeably surprised with this more sophisticated version using herbs, diced Parmesan and fried croutons.November 22th 202032 K 30 min.
Olive twists
These savoury puff-pastry twists (rather like smoked salmon sacristains) make an ideal aperitif snack. The pastry is simply spread with tapenade.September 7th 201867 K3.7 1 hour 40 min.
Paimpol salad
This warm Paimpol salad captures the flavours of Brittany with mussels and white beans. These are combined with crunchy slices of baby courgette.August 7th 201942 K 13 hours 25 min.
Pan bagnat
Pan Bagnat is a traditional recipe from the Nice area. The name means "soaked bread", as it consists of a round bread roll that has been drenched with a mix of oil and vinegar then filled vegetables and fish. Years ago this was the snack that fisherman took with them on their boats, but this is a...October 18th 2020155 K4.1 45 min.
Panzanella is a recipe from the Tuscany region of Italy, originally a tomato and stale bread salad, but here's a fancier version.October 16th 202219 K 30 min.
Pea and avocado salad
This very green salad recipe combines the soft texture of peas, avocado and hard-boiled eggs with the crunch of flaked almonds. Shavings of Mimolette add a colourful finishing touch with both flavour and bite.July 5th 202040 K 30 min.
Pesto crackers
These are delicious little aperitif biscuits, really crisp and with the full-on flavour of pesto. They can be eaten on their own with dips, such as hot tomato or houmous.July 24th 202153 K 24.1 1 hour 45 min.
Piedmont salad
Piedmont salad is a mix of potaotes, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, gherkins and cervelas sausage dressed with mayonnaise.September 29th 2012274 K 14.5 1 hour 20 min.
Poivrade artichoke Salad
"Poivrade" artichokes are the small purple ones, often eaten raw in salads. Choose the smallest ones, as they are the tenderest and have practically no fibrous "choke". For this recipe, they are combined as a salad with herbs, spring onion and Parmesan shavings in an olive oil and lemon dressing.August 26th 2015100 K5 25 min.
Polish-style beetroot salad
This salad combines raw beetroot with fried potato slices and morsels of smoked sausage.February 24th 202130 K2 45 min.
Potimarron and celeriac autumn soup
This soup has a naturally smooth and creamy texture. The blend of autumnal potimarron (Japanese chestnut pumpkin) and celeriac flavours is warmed with French mustard.December 30th 201961 K4.6 55 min.
Potimarron and leek soup
This autumnal soup combines the flavours of Japanese chestnut pumpkin (potimarron) and leeks - they go so well together. The resulting soup is velvety smooth and delicious.November 29th 201790 K 13.9 1 hour 7 min.
Prawn salad with a crunch
This salad combines contrasting crunchy ingredients (radish, cucumber, gherkins, onions) with the softer textures of cold rice and tomatoes. The oven-roasted prawns are addded hot. The salad is brought together with herbs and a vinaigrette dressing.September 15th 2013101 K3.5 1 hour 55 min.
Pumpkin (or potimarron) soup
A smooth and fragrant soup, it's much better with potimarron (Japanese chestnut pumpkin) than ordinary pumpkin.October 13th 2010336 K4.1 1 hour 10 min.
Purée of Jerusalem artichokes with foie gras
This recipe features a rather unexpected combination that works really well: the distinctive flavour of Jerusalem artichoke with the richness of foie gras. The Jerusalem artichokes are puréed with potatoes. This is serves hot mixed with very cold diced foie gras. The combination of flavours and...January 11th 202365 K4.1 20 min.
Purple sprouting broccoli and endive salad
This crunchy salad combines endives with purple sprouting broccoli and radishes in a good herb vinaigrette.May 5th 202126 K 35 min.
Quail egg canapés
This starter is a small canapé consiting of a toasted and buttered bread slice covered with a slice of smoked ham topped with a fried quail egg.February 21th 2011329 K5 55 min.
Quick courgette soup with cheese
This really is an express recipe, less than 30 minutes from washing courgettes to serving soup.October 13th 2010265 K5 30 min.
Radish and mushroom salad
This quick salad balances the crunch of radishes with the yielding texture of mushrooms.May 10th 202341 K 20 min.
Ramekins of duchess potatoes
Duchess potatoes are a mix of mashed potato and egg yolks, cooked in the oven, in a decorative shape and delicious. In this recipe they top a ramekin containing a layer of mashed potato, cooked leek, and thinly sliced bacon.March 4th 2020295 K 24.6 2 hours 5 min.
Raw beetroot mousse with walnuts
A lightly spiced mousse, made with raw beetroot, with a layer in the centre of finely diced beetroot and roughly chopped walnuts. Discover or rediscover the taste of raw beetroot, very special and so "earthy".October 13th 2010368 K4 50 min.
Raw beetroot salad
This is a very simple salad. It contains raw beetroot (of course), but also walnuts, parmesan shavings and a vinaigrette made with balsamic vinegar.November 2nd 2015152 K4.1 35 min.
Raw green asparagus salad
Full of spring flavour, this salad partners raw green asparagus with sliced radishes, herbs and slivers of Cheddar.May 11th 202219 K 20 min.
Red cabage salad with toasted almonds
This salad has a lovely crunch to it: not just the red cabbage, but also from thinly sliced radishes and toasted almonds.May 26th 201941 K5 30 min.
Red cabbage salad with chives
This simple winter salad recipe combines red cabbage with spring onions (or chives) in a good vinaigrette.February 18th 201568 K5 20 min.
Red endive appetizers
Red endive (radicchio) leaves can be filled to make very elegant snacks. The filling shown here combines cheese with sardines.May 13th 202051 K 20 min.
Rémoulette of celeriac
This is a variation on the popular French rémoulade (a celeriac salad, similar to coleslaw). Here, a julienne of celeriac is mixed with chopped shallot, fresh herbs and a lemony rémoulade dressing.February 24th 201944 K 35 min.
Rice and fresh spinach salad
Spinach is usually eaten cooked. Though seen less often, it can also be eaten raw, like in this salad where it is combined with rice, crunchy radishes and tinned tuna.January 29th 202039 K 30 min.
Rice and purple-sprouting broccoli salad
Like a classic rice salad, but with the crunch of purple-sprouting broccoli.July 28th 202124 K 15 min.
Rice and zucchini salad with paprika
For this very quick salad recipe, we tie together cooked rice and diced zucchini with a paprika mayonnaise.October 22th 202311 K 20 min.
Roscoff salad
This Roscoff salad, named after the pretty little town on the Brittany coast, is a delicious mix of regional ingredients: sliced cauliflower, smoked sausages and, of course, onions.December 30th 201947 K 2 35 min.
Salad greens and small omelette
A very green, rather crunchy salad with chiffonade, zucchini and raw artichokes, into which we add the delicious fluffiness of a quick little omelette.September 10th 202314 K 50 min.
Salad lyonnaise
Salad lyonnaise conjures up the cuisine of the French city of Lyon and the region around: traditionally a salad of dandelion leaves with croutons, lardons and poached eggs. Here is a slightly simpler version with shredded lettuce instead of dandelions.December 29th 202125 K 45 min.
Salad paysanne
This rustic traditional dish (literally "peasant salad") combines cold sliced potatoes and green beans (cooked separately) with chopped red onion and fried lardons. The salad is finished with a vinaigrette dressing and parsley, or your choice of herbs.October 21th 202041 K1.5 20 min.
Salade Niçoise
Salade Niçoise is a typical Mediterranean dish that originated around the French city of Nice. As there is no real "official" recipe, everyone has their own personal version. This is mine.June 7th 201899 K4.9 40 min.
Salmon and spinach quiche
This quiche recipe uses a traditional filling mixture, but adds slices of smoked salmon and blanched spinach.April 17th 2022409 K 14 1 hour 15 min.
Savoury mini-madeleines with 2 cheeses
These moist-textured savoury madeleines have a delicious combination of 2 cheeses: Cheddar and Parmesan. They make an ideal aperitif snack.May 8th 201687 K4.4 40 min.
Scandinavian cocktail
A very refreshing starter, containing prawns and smoked fish.February 21th 2011296 K5 55 min.
Seafood rice salad
This warm rice salad ("riz du pêcheur" – fisherman's rice in French) combines cooked rice with sautéed prawns, mussels and flaked salmon in a rémoulade dressing.October 17th 202129 K 30 min.
Seb's Italian-style aperitif slices
These Italian-inspired snacks are ideal for a light supper or with an aperitif: a thin slice of bread spread with pesto, sliced potatos, hard-boiled egg and a generous sliver of Parmesan. Pop them in the oven just long enough to melt the cheese.January 12th 202224 K 50 min.
Sesame fried scampi
Scampi, coated with a sesame crust, fried quickly, and served with a herb salad.November 11th 2012297 K5 35 min.
Shiro-goma salad
Sesame-marinated chicken, soy sauce, lime and vegetables for this Japanese-inspired salad.September 4th 20247,081 55 min.
Simple mushroom salad with thyme and lemon, 3 ways
This aptly named salad is a breeze because you can enjoy it three different ways: raw, marinated or cooked, all prepared exactly the same way.May 10th 202346 K 9 min.
Small cheese and bacon rolls
These small aperitif snacks can be prepared in advance and heated at the last minute, or served cold.September 7th 2018356 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Small foie gras pasties
Dainty pasties, filled with a morsel of seasoned foie gras.September 7th 2018318 K4.6 2 hours
Smoked eggs
This sophisticated, smoky flavoured starter consists of an egg yolk, heated in a bain-marie and a smoked cream mousse with a scattering of chives, served with a buttered-toast "soldier".March 15th 201566 K4.9 12 hours 30 min.
Smoked salmon sacristains
Sacristain (sexton in English, a strange name though common in French cooking) is a small pastry twist, made with puff pastry. There are many recipes with different flavours, sweet or savoury. Here is one with smoked salmon, ideal as an aperitif.February 21th 2011230 K 33.7 1 hour 30 min.
Smoky canapés
These tasty morsels combine the freshness of a pistachio and spinach pesto with the smoky flavours of Morteau sausage and cheese. They make original aperitif snacks or starters.February 16th 202224 K 50 min.
Smooth mixed vegetable soup
Any vegetables you have, cut into small pieces, mixed with a shallot cooked in butter, cooked together then blended. Even better when it's cold outside.January 3rd 2014344 K4.4 2 hours 3 min.
Sorrel soup
Smooth with a slight sharpness, this soup has a very particular taste.May 8th 2011396 K3.8 1 hour 4 min.
Souda salad
The port of Souda in Crete is the inspiration for this colourful salad, combining cucumber and tomatoes with feta cheese. This salad is best served cold from the fridge, perfect for a hot summer's day.July 7th 201941 K 60 min.
Soup Cornouaillaise
This rustic soup comes from Cornouailles in Brittany – France's very own Cornwall. It is made with fried bacon and onions, and thickened with a little buckwheat flour, typical of the region.May 9th 202127 K 45 min.
Spicy hot toasted cashew nuts
Toasting cashews greatly improves both their flavour and texture over the plain raw nuts. This is also the ideal opportunity to spice them up a little, like in this very simple recipe.September 20th 202047 K 30 min.
Spring courgette and tuna salad
Crunchy baby courgettes, spring onion, fresh herbs and tuna in a rémoulade dressing combine to make a true spring salad.June 5th 202219 K 20 min.
Spring radish and avocado salad
This spring salad makes the most of the season's big radishes, balancing their crunch with the soft texture of avocado, in a rémoulade dressing.June 16th 202123 K 30 min.
Springtime mixed salad
This salad is a way to make the most of the first baby courgettes (if you can get them). The crunchy little darlings are mixed with shredded lettuce, hard-boiled eggs, tinned tuna and diced cheese.June 5th 201977 K 25 min.
Super-green, super-thrifty soup
It's all too easy to just throw away the leaves or other green parts of our usual fresh vegetables. This is a real shame, because most of them can be cooked, as in this very green soup that uses up radish tops, spring onion greens and pea pods. I'm sure you'll get how it's "green" in every sense:...June 24th 202035 K 55 min.
Surprise eggs
These look like perfectly normal boiled eggs, but when the shell is cracked open - surprise! They contain a mixture of scrambled egg, cured ham, fried prawns and chives.September 26th 2010180 K5 55 min.
Tabbouleh is a Middle Eastern couscous salad., moistened with olive oil and lemon juice. Its flavour comes from plenty of fresh herbs (mint and parsley at the very least), onion and tomatoes. This refreshing dish is ideal for warm summer or autumn days.July 6th 202265 K 3 hours 25 min.
Tahitian salad
This Tahitian-inspired salad combines fish cured in lemon juice with lettuce, tomatoes and raw mushrooms.May 10th 202332 K5 45 min.
Terrine of foie gras
This simple way preparing a terrine of foie gras is ideal for beginners. In this recipe the liver is passed through a sieve or vegetable mill rather than kept in large pieces. The final appearance is smoother, less marbled, but just as delicious.June 2nd 2015250 K 15 17 hours 8 min.
The total turnip
The whole turnip goes into this recipe, in which ramekins are filled with both the root vegetable and its leaves.February 21th 2011310 K4.4 60 min.
Thin summer tart "à la grecque"
A fresh, summery tart with a thin base of pre-cooked puff pastry, spread with a cream-feta mixture, and topped with slices of tomato and cucumber.July 18th 202123 K 55 min.
Thin tomato jelly and avocado tart
For this sophisticated recipe, we'll be preparing a disc of tomato jelly to sit on a puff pastry base. This is topped with slices of avocado in a lime dressing.September 30th 202034 K 5 hours 20 min.
Tomato and courgette tart
This summer tart has a puff pastry base topped with a rosette of sliced tomatoes and sautéd courgettes. For a more substantial dish, add some diced feta on top before cooking.July 18th 2010226 K4.2 2 hours 5 min.
Tomato and cream cheese terrine
Tomatoes marinated in olive oil and lime, then arranged in alternating layers with cream cheese: one layer with herbs and the other with walnuts.October 30th 2011159 K5 6 hours 15 min.
Tomato tatin
A savoury shortcrust pastry with Parmesan is used to cover tomatoes cooked in two stages, first in the pan, then in the oven. As for a classic tart tatin, the whole thing is then turned upside down.December 5th 2010144 K4.8 2 hours 35 min.
Tomatoes Macédoine
Tomatoes macédoine are stuffed salad tomatoes, filled with a macédoine of vegetables in mayonnaise.September 17th 201469 K4 45 min.
Turnip and Jerusalem artichoke soup
This soup combines the earthy flavours of Jerusalem artichokes and turnips. This is the chance to use not only the roots, but the turnip tops as well, if possible.January 11th 202328 K
Turnip and sesame puree (tahina) soup
For this quick soup, 15 minutes, an original turnip taste with sesame purée (tahina).February 29th 2012228 K4.3 35 min.
Turnip top soup
It may no longer be widely known these days, but the leafy tops of certain root vegetables are edible, so it's a shame to waste them. Better still, the leaves can be made into interesting accompaniments for their root vegetable, or soups with amazing flavours. In this recipe, I will show you how to...April 10th 201956 K 45 min.
Two-colour cauliflower salad
Towards the end of winter you can sometimes find purple cauliflower, as well as the usual white sort, or purple-headed broccoli (calabrese). Mix the varieties for a delicious, crunchy two-tone salad.April 7th 201944 K 20 min.
Valay salad
This salad combines ratte potatoes, lettuce, radishes and chicken with a herb dressing.August 9th 201594 K3.9 1 hour 3 min.
Vegetable rosette tart
Blanched courgettes and carrots arranged in a rosette with a feta filling.October 6th 2010175 K3.8 1 hour 55 min.
Vegetable tartare
This amazing recipe from a great chef is surprisingly straightforward to make. You will need lots of different raw vegetables. These are diced really small, then bound with mayonnaise.October 19th 201475 K4.4 50 min.
Verrine of avocado mousse and crab
A layer of light avocado mousse on a bed of crab meat in a herb rémoulade dressing.October 16th 2011181 K5 35 min.
Very green mixed salad
A delicious blend of crunchy and tender for this salad, featuring mushrooms, baked green beans and hard-boiled eggs.July 2nd 202313 K 25 min.
The classic vol-au-vent of French cuisine consists of a very light puff pastry case (supposedly so light that it could fly off in the lightest puff of wind) with a cream-based filling. There are many different recipes for fillings. This version uses bacon, chicken, mushrooms and leeks.October 20th 2013146 K4.3 1 hour 25 min.
Warm autumn salad
Not quite "surf and turf", but land meets sea in this salad which combines poached fish with cauliflower and buttery fried croutons.November 22th 201748 K4.3 45 min.
Warm broccoli and Tuna Salad
In this recipe, the broccoli is served only just cooked and still warm with tuna, chopped shallot and cherry tomatoes in a good vinaigrette dressing.March 3rd 201663 K4 25 min.
Warm cauliflower salad with two cheeses
For this recipe, the cauliflower is steamed until just tender, then mixed while still warm with diced Mimolette and Cantal cheeses and a good vinaigrette.July 3rd 201647 K4.5 35 min.
Warm chicken salad
This salad is a mixture of fresh, crunchy ingredients (spring onions, radishes and lettuce) with ribbons of pan-fried chicken, added while still warm.June 24th 2012123 K4.2 30 min.
Warm haricot bean salad
Melt-in-the-mouth haricot beans, pan-fried lardons and croutons with chives and a good vinaigrette dressing.November 28th 201849 K 40 min.
Warm lentil salad
Lentils boiled until just tender, then mixed with fried smoked bacon, onion, chives and dressed with a good vinaigrette.September 5th 2010181 K4.6 55 min.
Warm salad of potatoes and purple artichokes
This salad combines red onion, purple artichokes cut small and slices of warm potato, dressed with a good vinaigrette.October 14th 2012100 K3.8 55 min.
Warm scallop and cabbage salad
This salad combines the crunchiness of raw white cabbage, the softness of fried scallops and yielding cooked potatoes, bound in a good herb vinaigrette.January 11th 201561 K5 30 min.
Warm white bean salad with smoked trout
"Land and sea" flavors for this salad featuring white beans and smoked trout.June 11th 202316 K 1 hour 30 min.
White asparagus salad
This spring salad combines warm white asparagus, hard-boiled eggs and small croutons, dressed with a tasty herb vinaigrette.May 21th 2014122 K4.3 50 min.
Winter cauliflower tabbouleh
Here's a recipe for tabbouleh made with cauliflower, best served in winter, when it's in full season.February 4th 202412 K 25 min.
Zucchini and tomato remoulade
A quick summer salad with Provencal flavors: zucchini, tomatoes and shallots, bound with a remoulade and basil sauce.September 11th 202219 K 35 min.
"Land and sea" kebabs
For these kebabs, cubes of lime-marinated fish (sea) alternate with mushrooms and bacon (land) along the skewer.May 10th 2023103 K5 45 min.
Baked salmon fillet
This is a quick recipe for salmon fillet, surrounded by sliced potatoes and baked with lemon juice, olive oil and herbs.March 26th 2015109 K4.6 35 min.
Baked sea bass fillet with lemon and tarragon
This really simple recipe allows the natural nobility of sea bass to shine through: fillets baked until just done, complemented with lemon and tarragon.June 30th 202153 K 35 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
For this recipe with marine flavors, we will cook several kinds of shellfish, then add them to small creamed vegetables.January 8th 202318 K 1 hour 45 min.
Canapés of red mullet with poppy seeds
Tasty morsels of red mullet, fried with poppy seeds and served as canapés on toast with feta, basil and preserved tomatoes.July 13th 201652 K4.2 45 min.
Ch'ti mussel tarts
A blind-baked puff pastry case, filled with shelled mussels in a velvety sauce made with beer and Maroilles cheese.October 7th 202042 K 1 hour 20 min.
Chilli langoustines
The langoustines in this recipe are cooked in two stages: boiled briefly in salted water, then sautéed before being spiced and flambéed in cognac. They are served here with a creamy sauce and potato grenaille.October 12th 201648 K5 1 hour 9 min.
Cockles and cabbage with smoky cream sauce
I think you'll like this straightforward recipe which brings together cockles and cabbage with a smoky cream sauce.December 15th 202125 K 1 hour 6 min.
Cod loin with saffron
A thick, deboned loin of fish (cod in this case), pan-fried and served with a reduced white-wine and cream sauce, flavoured with shallot and saffron.December 17th 2014111 K4.4 50 min.
Crab Cakes
These crab cakes are a mixture of crab meat - of course - with onion, parsley, breadcrumbs, egg and mayonnaise. The cakes are made fairly thick and shallow fried in a pan, but they can also be deep fried.July 1st 201574 K4.7 1 hour 3 min.
Creamy "terre et mer" pots
Diced fish (la mer), boiled vegetables and fried lardons (la terre), with all the delicious flavours of land and sea brought together in a creamy sauce.May 31th 202049 K 2 55 min.
Creamy spaghetti with cockles and parsley
Parsley-flavored spaghetti with cockles, tied together with a creamy sauce made from the cockles cooking juices.October 29th 202313 K1 60 min.
Cretan-style salmon
Cooked chopped leek and shallot with cubes of salmon, served in a yogurt, tomato and feta sauce.February 8th 2020179 K5 1 hour 1 min.
Crispy prawn rolls
The prawns are fried, then mixed with finely diced carrots and courgettes before being rolled up in a sheet of brik or filo pastry.July 27th 201482 K4.8 35 min.
Crunchy little pieces of fish
Small pieces of fish, dipped in beated egg then in breadcrumbs, and fried. Preferably serve with something with slightly acidic like herb salad, or Béarnaise sauce.February 21th 2011264 K5 50 min.
Crusty cockle tart
A small puff pastry tart case filled with cockles in a cream and egg-yolk sauce ("a la poulette" in French).March 17th 2013105 K4.3 2 hours 55 min.
Curried mussels with cabbage
The mussels are cooked "à la marinière", then shelled and served in a creamy curry sauce with shredded, barely-tender cabbage.December 30th 201946 K 1 hour 25 min.
Curried tuna cubes
In this recipe chunky cubes of fresh tuna are marinated, then double-dipped to coat them before cooking: first in curry spices, then breadcrumbs. The cubes of fish are pan-fried to a crispy coating on the outside but stay tender in the middle.June 22th 201667 K4.9 2 hours 40 min.
Erika's ceviche
Ericka's ceviche is a Peruvian version of the classic South American dish. The diced fish is cured (effectively "cooked") in lime juice. This dish is fairly simple to make, but delicous and full of fresh flavours.December 30th 201976 K5 1 hour 9 min.
Fillet of pollack cooked in two stages
This pollack fillet is cooked in two stages: first pan-fried briefly to seal it and colour the outside, then baked gently in the oven in a parcel (en papillotte) on a bed of melting onions, julienne carrots and peas. This double cooking will give you a fish that's lightly crisped on the outside and...January 23th 2011178 K4.7 1 hour 40 min.
Fillet of salmon meunière
A fillet of salmon can be cooked in a similar way to sole: à la meunière. The fish is lightly floured, pan-fried in butter and served drizzled with lemony butter and flat-leaved parsley. Every bit as good as sole.April 11th 202141 K 25 min.
Fillets of sole Dieppoise
In principal, fillets of sole Dieppoise are poached and served with a creamy sauce and small shellfish. I am offering a new twist on the dish, with the fish sautéed rather than poached, a cream sauce flavoured with mussel stock, and served with shellfish (mussels, cockles and clams), mushrooms and...December 30th 201971 K3.9 1 hour 30 min.
Fillets of sole meunière
Sole "meunière" gets its name no doubt from the flour used to coat the fish ("meunière" is French for miller's wife). It is a classic of French bistro cuisine, rich with butter, basically simple, but easy to do badly. Here are all the tips you need to succeed, using fillets rather than fish on the...November 10th 2014190 K4.3 25 min.
Firied fillet of sea bream with polenta
A fillet of blackspot sea bream (though you can use another fish), fried rapidly and served with a creamy cheese polenta and sautéed cherry tomatoes.September 4th 201656 K4.3 25 min.
Fish "à la Bordelaise"
Fish "à la Bordelaise" is a fillet topped with a crust of breadcrumbs, herbs and onions cooked in white wine, then oven-baked until golden brown. It is a classic frozen family meal that many French children have grown up with, but here is a home-made version that is far better.February 20th 201989 K4.4 1 hour 7 min.
Fish fillet in express cooking envelope
Vegetables cut in small dice and precooked, fish fillet, lemon juice, olive oil, and 2 minutes in the microwave.June 11th 2011342 K 23.8 1 hour 20 min.
Fish fillet with preserved lemons
A thick fish fillet stuffed with slices of preserved lemon - crispy on the outside and tender inside.January 30th 2013124 K4.3 40 min.
Fish in a salt crust
Fish cooked in a salt crust is simply baked in the oven, surrounded and completely covered by a layer of coarse salt. This allows the fish to cook gently and it should be eaten as soon as the salt crust is opened. In this version, it is stuffed with lemon and herbs. Using a thermometer is the best...January 29th 2012165 K3.8 1 hour 8 min.
Fish in a seed crust
Fish fillets coated with a mixture of breadcrumbs and seeds, then fried.June 1st 201487 K4.2 30 min.
Fish in a sesame crust
Fish portions cooked in 2 stages: first in the pan, then in the oven, covered with a sesame paste which turns crisp when baked.February 28th 2012156 K4.4 45 min.
Fish in white wine
This recipe for cooking fish in the oven is both simple and delicious. The fish is cooked with herbs and onions in white wine. It is served in a light sauce, made with the cooking juices and a little lemon juice.December 14th 2016119 K4.3 60 min.
Fish Mousselines
Mousselines are a lighter version of the classic French quenelles, but without breadcrumbs. They are poached first in fumet (fish stock), then served "en gratin" in sauce normande.December 29th 201886 K 24.3 40 min.
Fish petals, vegetables julienne, and beurre blanc
This recipe consists of delicate flakes ("petals") of poached fish, cooked with smoked ham, served on a bed of julienne vegetables (fine sticks of carrots, turnips and cabbage), with a "beurre blanc" sauce made with vinegar and shallots. Not difficult, but entails some work.December 31th 2013254 K4.3 1 hour 35 min.
Fish terrine with spinach and tomatoes
This terrine is made up of alternating layers of fish fillets with spinach and preserved tomatoes. It is cooked gently in the oven, then served in slices (yes, it really is a kind of terrine) with hollandaise sauce, for example.November 8th 202034 K5 1 hour 55 min.
Fisherman's Ragout
This ragout combines vegetables (cut small and cooked until just tender in vegetable stock) with a mix of cockles and chunks of fish, all simmered together with cream and saffron.December 30th 2019101 K4.1 2 hours 20 min.
Gravlax is a Nordic speciality and consists of boned salmon dry-cured overnight in salt and sugar. The cured salmon can be eaten like smoked salmon, just with a trickle of lemon juice, or with a light sauce of cream cheese and herbs.July 11th 201663 K5 12 hours 25 min.
Grilled fillet of salmon with corn-salad cream
A salmon fillet, grilled slowly to keep the inside tender, served with sesame rice and a little corn salad cream. You'll love it...October 13th 2010268 K 13.9 1 hour 15 min.
Koulibiak in pie dish
Koulibiak is a traditional russian recipe from, usually served in a flat puff pastry fish shape. Here is an easier version, in a pie dish.September 7th 2018366 K3.8 3 hours 20 min.
Langoustine and leek tarts
Small puff pastry cases filled with a layer of chopped leeks, fried langoustines (also known as scampi or Dublin Bay prawns), topped with hollandaise sauce.May 13th 2012109 K4.2 1 hour 30 min.
Langoustine gratin
This elegant gratin has a layer of brunoise vegetables in the bottom, with langoustine tails (scampi) cooked in two stages on top, finished with a thick creamy sauce, made with the "fumet" from the langoustines. This recipe is quite long to make, but can be prepared in stages over a number of days....December 30th 201969 K3.9 2 hours 15 min.
Langoustine sabayon tart
For this recipe, the tart cases are made with sheets of filo pastry. These are filled with langoustines coated in a delicious lime-flavoured sabayon.July 2nd 201472 K3.8 1 hour 6 min.
Lobster Thermidor
In this recipe, the lobster are cooked first in a court bouillon (stock), then the flesh is removed and cut into small pieces before being cooked with the cream and alcohol. The dish is browned in the oven to finish.January 22th 2012157 K 14.7 35 min.
Mackerel Fillets in White Wine
Mackerel fillets in white wine are the kind of thing we normally buy ready-made in a tin, as a quick snack. But preparing them at home is straightforward and so much better. Here is how to create this classic yourself, step by step.October 28th 201558 K3.7 2 hours 30 min.
Mackerel rillettes
This recipe for mackerel rillettes (or potted mackerel) starts with poaching the fish. The flesh is then taken off the bones and forked into a seasoned mixture of butter, mustard, cream and lemon juice. In France this is traditionally eaten as an aperitif snack, served on small slices of toast.June 19th 201952 K 1 hour
Marinated tuna and cabbage
Grilled tuna, marinated in lemon and herbs, accompanied by finely sliced cabbage, which is cooked in the tuna cooking pan to enjoy the flavours.August 21th 202220 K 1 hour 5 min.
Marinated tuna with herbs
Here is a very simple recipe, preferably for a barbecue or plancha, but could be made in the kitchen. As for any summer-barbecue-backyard recipe, all proportons can be varied according to taste.February 21th 2011267 K4.3 1 hour 25 min.
Mussels marinière
This is the most classic way of preparing mussels, simple and delicious.September 4th 2011211 K5 1 hour 4 min.
Mussels with arroz negro
The famous Spanish arroz negro (black rice) is prepared by adding squid ink towards the end of cooking. This gives the rice not only its curious dark colour, but delicious marine flavours. In this recipe it forms the bed for mussels, cooked simply and served out of their shells – a perfect...January 30th 201942 K 1 hour 10 min.
Mussels with beurre d'escargot
In this recipe, the mussels are cooked briefly first in salted water, just until they open. They are then shelled and popped in the oven for a few minutes with a knob of beurre d'escargot (butter for snails).December 2nd 201842 K 25 min.
Nicholas's fish
This is a very easy recipe, everything hinges on the brief cooking of the leeks, then the fish.February 21th 2011246 K4.8 60 min.
Normandy seafood stew
A "marmite normande" is a combination of different seasonal julienne vegetables and a mix of shellfish, rapidly sautéed, then deglazed with cider. The vegetables and shellfish are then simmered together in cream, which intensifies the flavours while it gently reduces and thickens. This recipe is...January 9th 201967 K2.5 2 hours 15 min.
Pan-fried fish fillets, braised cabbage with Noilly Prat
In this recipe, finely shredded cabbage is braised rapidly, then finished with Noilly Prat and a little cream. This is served to accompany a simple but delicious pan-fried fillet of fish.February 7th 202135 K2 45 min.
Pan-fried salmon with white cabbage
In this recipe a salmon steak is accompanied with blanched white cabbage and a rich sherry vinegar sauce.January 3rd 2014119 K4.5 1 hour 2 min.
Pan-fried scallops and chanterelles with Noilly Prat sauce
The chanterelles are fried first briefly, then the scallops fried in the same pan. The pan is deglazed with Noilly to make a delicious cream sauce.May 10th 2023232 K4.5 1 hour 6 min.
Parcels of fish fillet in spinach
These parcels are made with small pieces of fish fillet, wrapped in a blanched spinach leaf and lightly fried in butter. They can be served with a salted white wine sabayon (as in the recipe of scallops with crunchy vegetables), a beurre blanc, a dash of olive oil with herbs, or any other sauce of...March 18th 2013237 K5 2 hours 25 min.
Pollack fillet baked with rice and vegetables.
This oven-baked recipe teams layers of rice and vegetables (sesame-flavoured rice, sautéed courgettes, onions and tomatoes) with fillets of fish (pollack here) and thyme laid on top. Everything is then cooked together in the oven.September 25th 201657 K4.3 1 hour 7 min.
Quick prawn curry
A very quick way to prepare a creamy prawn curry with lime and spring onion.August 12th 2015128 K5 35 min.
Red mullet fillets in a quick marinade
For this recipe, the marinade is made in a jiffy: oil, lemon, parsley, salt and pepper. The red mullet fillets are marinaded for an hour, then pan-fried quickly. They are served with plain white rice.February 22th 201580 K4.7 1 hour 25 min.
Red mullet fillets with a reduced white-wine sauce
For this recipe, the red mullet fillets are fried in a large saucepan, then removed and kept hot. The "jus court" sauce is made by reducing dry white wine with spring onions in the pan used to cook the fish. The small quantity of sauce left (its French name literally means "short juice") is very...June 25th 201746 K3.8 30 min.
Red sea bream fillets in a soy-sauce marinade
In this recipe, fillets of red sea bream are marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, lime juice and olive oil before being pan fried.March 16th 201499 K4.9 25 min.
Rolls of fish in smoked ham
Pieces of white fish rolled in thinly sliced smoked ham. These rolls are cooked in a little olive oil and served with French beans. The pairing of smoked ham with fish might seem a little strange, but in fact these flavours marry well.February 21th 2011309 K4.9 55 min.
Rosemary steamed fish
In this recipe the fish is cooked in steam perfumed with rosemary, which makes it tender and aromatic, served on a bed of onions fondue and finished with a dry white wine sauce.March 29th 2020334 K3.8 1 hour
Salmon "en papillote" with small vegetables
A fresh salmon escalope just salt and pepper with small dices of small vegetables.June 22th 2011244 K 15 1 hour 30 min.
Salmon chard rolls
For this dish only the green part of the chard is used. The blanched leaves are rolled around grilled salmon portions. The rolls are served coated with a savoury lemon sabayon, or the sauce of your choice.August 8th 2010168 K3.8 1 hour 25 min.
Salmon marinated like herring
In this recipe, the salmon is cured in coarse salt, then left to marinate in oil with herbs, spices, carrots and onions. Salmon prepared like this is served sliced thinly on a bed of potatoes.December 4th 2011141 K 44.6 1 day 40 min.
Salmon rillettes
A terrine of two kinds of salmon (cooked and smoked) with butter and lemon.March 26th 2013283 K4.3 2 hours 40 min.
Salmon with sorrel
Salmon with sorrel is the perfect mix with tender salmon and the slight acidity of sorrel.October 13th 2010303 K 15 1 hour 25 min.
Scallops au gratin
Scallops rapidly pan-fried, then arranged in shells on a bed of finely chopped leeks, topped with a bechamel sauce and browned in the oven.January 13th 201972 K 1 hour 7 min.
Scallops with cabbage julienne
Pan-fried scallops in a sauce of their juices deglazed with a little Noilly Prat, served with a julienne of blanched cabbage in cream.December 31th 2013130 K4.6 1 hour 25 min.
Scallops with crunchy vegetables and wine sabayon
This is a bed of vegetables cut small, lightly cooked to stay crunchy. The scallops are cut in half and fried, filled with a morsel of foie gras, and served coated with a savoury reduced white wine sabayon. It entails some work, but the result is impresive.June 11th 2011307 K4 2 hours 60 min.
Scallops with fondue of leeks
In this very creamy dish, the scallops are pan-fried, then the leeks fondue is added to absorb all the flavours.March 6th 2020319 K 24.6 25 min.
Scallops with green asparagus tips and parmesan
In this recipe scallops are fried quickly, then cooked aaparagus tips are added with a sprinkling of parmesan to serve.February 21th 2011242 K4.1 40 min.
Scallops with sorrel and Noilly Prat
Sorrel is often used with salmon, and very successfully, but it goes very well with scallops in this recipe, given a boost with Noilly Prat vermouth.November 24th 202128 K 45 min.
Scrambled eggs with langoustines and asparagus tips.
For this dish, the langoustines and asparagus tips are sautéed bafore being mixed with the beaten eggs and finished like scrambled eggs.August 28th 201939 K 50 min.
Sea bass with coriander cream en papillote
In this recipe, the fillets of sea bass are laid on a julienne of leeks (the white part), covered with a coriander cream sauce and cooked "en papillote".February 19th 201764 K5 55 min.
Sea bass with Indian spices
In this recipe, the whole secret is in the cooking. The sea bass (or other fish of your choice) is simply fried with an Indian spice mix.September 1st 202124 K 25 min.
Seafood feuillantines
Little savoury "millefeuilles" with a very Breton taste of the sea: a mix of crab and salmon in a herb mayonnaise, piled up between crisp circles of buckwheat pancake.April 28th 2013102 K5 50 min.
Seared tuna with lemon and lime
This is a very simple way to prepare and cook tuna - a fish that tends to dry out very quickly if you are not careful about how you cook it. In this recipe the tuna medallions are marinated in a mixture of olive oil, lemon and lime, before being seared briefly on both sides. Serve with rice cooked...July 23th 201753 K4.8 2 hours 20 min.
Spaghetti with mussels and basil
Mussels and pasta cooked separately, then combined in a cream sauce made with the reduced mussel juices.September 14th 2011156 K4.1 1 hour 40 min.
Spicy seafood plancha
A mix of diced fish and uncooked prawns marinated with spices and then simply cooked on a plancha. The fish benefits from the acidic citrus note provided by the lime, and the prawns from a little vinegar.March 11th 201843 K 1 hour 35 min.
Stock-pot fish
A julienne of vegetables (small sticks) mixed with choice morsels of fish, slowly cooked in vegetable stock.December 31th 2013311 K4.3 2 hours 40 min.
Summer Salmon Blanquette
This simple blanquette is a creamy dish of pan-fried salmon chunks with fresh broad beans and mushrooms. Although it is just right for the start of summer, it can be made at any time of year.July 3rd 202468 K3.7 60 min.
Tagliatelle with cockles
In this recipe, the cockles and pasta are prepared separately, then mixed with the sauce at the last minute. The cockles are first cooked quickly, then shelled carefully (I find it unpleasant to have to do this on the plate) and the cooking juices are used to prepare a cream sauce. The tagliatelle...June 24th 2018142 K 14.7 2 hours 20 min.
Tahitian style fish
Little pieces of fish marinated overnight a night in lime juice.February 21th 2011268 K5 12 hours 60 min.
Tender tuna
Cooking tuna can be tricky: undercooked it is unappetising, overcooked it dries out rapidly. Here is a method which guarantees that your tuna will be perfectly cooked and tender.March 26th 2014158 K4.7 50 min.
Turban of sole with langoustines
The turban is made from a rolled fillet of sole poached in fish stock. Each turban is then filled with sautéed langoustines and a tasty cream sauce, flavoured with langoustine stock. This dish takes quite a long time to make because of the langoustine stock, but you will really impress your guests.November 23th 201495 K4.1 1 hour 45 min.
"Au vert" beef
A piece of beef of your choice, grilled and accompanied by sautéed greens and beet tops.June 18th 202313 K 40 min.
African style chicken
This is a sort of smoked chicken, cooked in a tomato-coconut sauce, and served with kidney beans and plain rice. It's quite a simple recipe, with ready-made ingredients, but which needs a long cooking time on low heat (one hour).February 21th 2011406 K5 2 hours 4 min.
Beef braised in reduced red wine
In classic recipes of this kind, the meat is simply cooked in the wine as it comes. This version is different: the red wine is reduced first separately on low heat with herbs, onion and carrot, then the meat is cooked long and slow in this. This method gives the meat a richer, more intense flavour.March 12th 201753 K3.8 3 hours 55 min.
Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington consists of a beef fillet (or tenderloin) that is first seared, then cooked in the oven in a puff pastry crust stuffed with a mushroom duxelles and morsels of foie gras. The recipe is rather long, but fairly straightfoward. Here I show you all the tips to help you make it sucessfully...December 22th 2024123 K5 1 hour 40 min.
Blanquette of veal
Blanquette is a classic dish of French family cooking, but can also be found in bistros. Veal is cooked slowly, and the sauce is thickened with a mixture of egg yolks and cream. I have set out a rather special way of making it.February 5th 2015415 K4.4 2 hours 50 min.
Boeuf (beef) bourguignon
Bœuf bourguignon is a traditional recipe of French cuisine (bourguignon means from Burgundy). It's chunks of meat cooked slowly with bacon, onions, carrots and mushrooms in red wine.February 21th 2011471 K 32.5 4 hours 20 min.
Cajun pork with rice.
In Cajun cooking, rice dishes with meat, like the famous jambalaya, take pride of place. Here is a simplified version using marinated pork.May 6th 202065 K 2 hours 30 min.
Cajun pulled pork
Pulled pork is a joint cooked long and slow so that it can be shredded easily with a fork. This Cajun-spiced version can be eaten like a classic meat meal or served in burger buns.February 19th 202341 K 5 hours 20 min.
Carbonnade is a dish that comes from Belgium and the north of France. Large pieces of beef are slowly simmered in beer with carrots and onions. Here's a personal version.November 13th 2011210 K 14 2 hours 45 min.
Chicano burger
Time for a fresh take on burgers with this Mexican-inspired version. The beef patty is pepped up with chilli spices and partnered with a plainer patty made with red kidney beans.May 12th 202131 K 1 hour 2 min.
Chicken "cantina"
Chicken cantina is a simple recipe for spicy chicken with onions and tomatoes, served with rice, red beans or both.March 10th 202414 K 40 min.
Chicken breasts in a potato crust
In this recipe, instant mashed potato powder is used to give an original crusty coating to the chicken breasts. These are fried and served with peas.August 26th 2012130 K4.8 1 hour 3 min.
Chicken breasts with tarragon
Chicken breasts are slowly cooked in a frying pan, then the sauce is made in the same pan with dry white wine, chicken stock and tarragon, and served with sauté (pan-fried) potatoes.February 21th 2011310 K 15 1 hour 40 min.
Chinese style chicken
Only "chinese style", not a true chinese recipe.February 28th 2012301 K4 1 hour 40 min.
Confit of carrots with bacon
As with any confit, these carrots are cooked long and slow. This is done in the oven in chicken stock, with the carrots rolled in a strip of bacon or cured ham that has been lightly fried.April 16th 201748 K4.8 2 hours 35 min.
Coq au vin
Coq au vin is one of those iconic classics of French cuisine, though these days it is more likely to be made with chicken. The poultry is marinated in red wine, fried, then flambéed in cognac before being simmered slowly in the wine marinade. It has much in common with that other classic, boeuf...July 17th 201680 K4.2 14 hours 45 min.
Cured Pork Belly With Lentils
Pork belly with lentils is a typical French bistro dish. In principal, it is a mixture of different cuts of pork, usually salt-cured, cooked slowly until "confit" and meltingly tender, served with lentils cooked in stock. This dish takes a good while to prepare, but it's a real treat! It reheats...November 15th 201596 K4 3 hours 20 min.
Duo of slow-cooked pork
Two pork ingredients, smoked sausage and a shoulder joint here, are left to cook slowly on a bed of vegetables and herbs, moistened with a vegetable or poultry stock. This is one of those crafty dishes that can be reheated over and over, getting better each time.November 18th 201868 K 4 hours 50 min.
Escalope cordon bleu
Escalope cordon bleu, or "cordon bleu", is a great classic of French family cooking: a cutlet of poultry (often chicken) that is folded over a slice of ham, béchamel sauce and strips of cheese, then breaded and baked in the oven. It's a delicacy that most French children have eaten at home, or at...March 31th 202414 K 1 hour 35 min.
Escalope of veal in a cream sauce
Escalopes of veal, mushrooms and a cream sauce.May 10th 2023254 K4.6 1 hour 3 min.
Escalopes in a sesame crust
Fried veal escalopes in a crisp crumb coating with sesame seeds.March 6th 202223 K 35 min.
Express chilli con carne
This is a really express recipe, a "true" chilli is longer and more difficult to do.February 21th 2011391 K3.8 35 min.
Filet mignon with mustard and tarragon sauce
Medallions of filet mignon (pork tenderloin) are first pan-fried, then kept to one side. The same pan is used to prepare a cream sauce with tarragon and strong mustard. The medallions are returned to the pan to finish cooking in the sauce while it thickens on low heat, keeping the meat beautifully...December 30th 201976 K3.8 1 hour
Fillet of beef in a rosemary crust
This is a sophisticated way to cook beef fillet (tenderloin): we make an unleavened bread dough (which will not be eaten), adding plenty of salt and lots of roughly chopped springs of rosemary. The beef fillet is seared all over in a frying pan, then wrapped in the dough before being cooked in a hot...August 26th 202158 K 14.8 50 min.
Five hours poultry
Perhaps simplest recipe on this site, but what a result! The idea is to cook the bird, without fat, at low temperature, covered, and for a long time. In this way, the poultry cooks so as to be almost like a "confit": soft and very tasty. The effect is more spectacular with duck because it is a...January 27th 2012538 K3.8 5 hours 15 min.
Hamburgers don't have to be the greasy flabby things you find in fast-food outlets, well-made they can be excellent. It's a very convivial recipe as everything goes on the table, and everyone assembles their own burger according to personal taste.December 6th 2015417 K4.8 35 min.
Hay-baked poultry
Cooking poultry in hay may seem strange, but it is a very simple method. The bird is just seasoned and cooked slowly for a long time with a large bunch of hay. During the slow cooking the poultry takes on the flavour of the hay, with its mix of grassy herbal and floral notes. This recipe is inspired...October 13th 202123 K 4 hours 25 min.
Involtini-Style Filet Mignon
This filet mignon of pork is split, rather like an involtini, and stuffed with grilled bacon, parsley and cheese.April 15th 201862 K3.8 55 min.
Involtinis are small rolls of meat, usually veal, and cheese. Here is my version.February 21th 2011389 K4.4 2 hours 55 min.
Larded pork tenderloin
Tenderloin of pork stuffed with mustard and parsley, then wrapped in thin slices of bacon and oven roasted.November 3rd 2011243 K 14.7 1 hour 30 min.
Lille style chicken
Chicken breasts and mushrooms, cooked separately, then mixed with a tasty cream sauce before serving. It's a dish with a "cuisiné" taste, but which unfortunately is becoming increasingly rare in restaurants.May 10th 2023357 K3.8 50 min.
Loin of pork with herbs and julienne vegetables
Pork loin is cut into individual portions, which are split and filled with herbs before cooking. They are served with crunchy julienne vegetables and a cream sauce.November 27th 2015356 K4.2 2 hours 35 min.
Melt-in-the mouth meat and vegetables in a sealed casserole
In this recipe a good joint of beef is slow-cooked, surrounded by an assortment of vegetables in small chunks. To concentrate the flavours, the cooking time should be long at a moderate temperature and, most important of all, the dish should be sealed. By the end of cooking, the vegetables will be...December 30th 201973 K4.1 5 hours 30 min.
Mexican-style pork medallions
For this recipe with a Mexican flavour (New Mexican, actually), I have used tender medallions of pork fillet mignon. These are first marinated in a spicy oil then pan-fried with the remaining marinade. Serve with green beans and sauce made with a reduced vegetable stock in the frying pan.August 11th 202370 K5 30 min.
Morteau sausage
In this recipe, Morteau sausages are cooked on a bed of chopped potatoes. The trick is to cook the Morteau sausage slowly, so that its delicious, smoky flavor descends on the potatoes, which are crispy on the outside and melt-in-the-mouth on the inside, a pure delight.September 29th 20241.22 M 34.1 1 hour 35 min.
Morteau sausage "crisps"
To make these "crisps", the Morteau sausage is first boiled before being sliced thinly. The slices are then baked in the oven until they start to crisp. These make a very tasty aperitif snack or can be served to accompany any dish you choose.March 15th 201758 K4.3 1 hour 9 min.
Pan-fried chicken breast on mozzarella
Chicken breasts pan-fried with sage leaves, topped with thinly sliced mozzarella and preserved tomatoes, then served turned over on a bed of the "toppings".December 30th 201969 K4.1 25 min.
Pâté de campagne
Here is a personal version of the famous country pâté. It's an interesting recipe to prepare in large quantities because it keeps well and freezes easily. The secret of a good pâté is of course the ingredients, but also how it is cooked.October 3rd 20192.07 M 23.7 7 hours 55 min.
Paté en croute (terrine in a pie crust)
The French classic "Paté en croute" is a terrine of different meats layered and baked in a pie crust. There are many recipes which vary the kind of meat and the seasonings. This is my version with pork, veal and chicken, which is not too difficult, though it does entail quite a lot of work.September 7th 2018213 K 134.2 6 hours 50 min.
Pork Chops Champvallon style
Pork chops à la Champvallon are a nicely historic recipe of meat and potatoes in long cooking.April 30th 202320 K 3 hours 8 min.
Pork chops in the oven
To cook a pork chop well, without it drying out, one of the best methods is to cook it in two stages: start by pan-frying, then finish in the oven. This recipe adds flavour with mustard and thyme, with the cooking juices deglazed and reduced before serving.August 16th 2015293 K3.5 25 min.
Pork chops with a duo of brassicas
In this recipe, the pork chops are pan-fried and served with a sauce of the reduced pan juices and white-wine, and two different brassicas: Brussels sprouts and romanesco.November 20th 201654 K4.3 50 min.
Pork Chops with Rosemary
This recipe is cooked in two stages: the chops are flash-fried in a pan, then finished more slowly in the oven. Towards the end of cooking, you can top the meat with slices of cheese, if you like.February 3rd 201653 K4.6 30 min.
Pork escalope with mushrooms and sage cream
Mushrooms sautéed on the side, grilled pork cutlets, all tied together with a sage cream sauce.January 17th 202413 K 55 min.
Pork medallions with "full" turnips
This recipe brings together sautéed medallions of pork filet mignon and turnips, pan-fried then filled with a creamy mixture made from their own green tops. As in all the best cookery, nothing is wasted.December 30th 201951 K4.7 1 hour 4 min.
Pork roast with herbs
A succulent joint of pork, slow-roasted with herbs and served with baby potatoes cooked in the meat juices.January 16th 201962 K 4 hours 40 min.
Pork sautéed with green beans, Asian style
For this recipe, small pieces of sautéed pork deglazed with soy sauce, served with green beans and coriander.August 13th 202317 K 50 min.
Potted meat (rillettes)
Potted meat (rillettes) is cooked long and slow in fat. Rillettes can be of pork or duck. Here is the pork version.October 3rd 2019439 K 25 6 hours 50 min.
Quick chicken curry
This curry is quick to make if you have left over cooked chicken, and is always delicious.August 25th 2011268 K5 35 min.
Rabbit civet
Rabbit civet is a classic dish of French cuisine. The word "civet" comes from "cive", an old word for onion. These days, the name refers to chunks of meat, marinated then cooked slowly in red wine with bacon, mushrooms and onions. This tasty stew or casserole, with its very tender meat, is like my...May 10th 202394 K4 15 hours 20 min.
Rabbit civet "à la normande"
In French cooking, "à la normande" means there are apples involved, as Normandy is famous for them. In this twist on the classic civet, the rabbit meat is cooked on the bone in cider, after marinating overnight. The sauce is made at the end with the cooking juices and cream.March 26th 201758 K4.6 15 hours 3 min.
Rabbit terrine
This is a rather special rabbit terrine, with some of the meat added in larger morsels to the minced mixture before cooking. These whole pieces of rabbit show when the terrine is sliced and add character, both in flavour and texture.April 8th 2018117 K4.6 15 hours 35 min.
Rabbit with mustard
This recipe uses boned rabbit. This is sautéed in mustard then cooked in the oven. It is served with broad beans, bacon and mushrooms, and a sauce made with reduced white wine.May 15th 2011186 K4.9 2 hours 9 min.
Rillons de Tours
Rillons de Tours (a town in the West of France, in the Loire valley) is a winter pork recipe. Bacon is cooked long and slow in lard and white wine until "confit". Rillons can be eaten like potted meat (rillettes) with bread, wine and pickled gherkins, but they can also be used instead of lardons in...July 30th 2016216 K4.4 2 hours 20 min.
Roast beef "like they do it in Santa Fe"
For this delicious roast, the beef joint is seared all over, then wrapped in slices of grilled (broiled) bacon before the final long, slow roasting in a bag with aromatic ingredients (bayleaf, shallots, carrot, thyme and chilli). Cooked this way, the meat will be well done on the outside, meltingly...July 30th 201765 K4.5 5 hours 40 min.
Roast in the bag pork with fondant vegetables.
Roasting "in the bag" is a simple but long method. The meat is sealed in a bag and cooked slowly at moderate temperature, keeping it very tender and with an amazing flavour. Meat cooked like this produces delicious juicies without adding anything else. These can be used to cook vegetables to a...April 12th 2020112 K4 5 hours 45 min.
Roast pork with sage, cooked in a bag.
Pork goes particularly well with sage (true for white meats in general), but in this recipe, we'll bring out these flavours to the full by slow-cooking in a bag. The pork roasting joint is simply salted and peppered before being put in the bag and cooked for hours at low temperature. The delicious...December 30th 201982 K4.6 3 hours 60 min.
Saltimbocca literally means "jumps into the mouth" in Italian. These delicious little meat rolls, made with veal, ham and sage, will do just that!July 20th 201574 K4.9 40 min.
Sausage and lentils "en cocotte"
This is a casserole-style version of the traditional French sausage-and-lentils recipe with a special feature: the lentils are cooked in just the right amount of water. The other ingredients add flavour as does, most importantly, the sausage (preferably smoked). When pricked, this will release its...February 5th 2017140 K4.5 1 hour 5 min.
Sautéed chicken with leeks
Chunks of chicken marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar and spices, then sautéed with diagonally cut leeks cooked separately. A simple, healthy recipe with a spicy kick.January 20th 201984 K5 1 hour 55 min.
Sautéed pork with mushrooms in a cream sauce.
For this rich and succulent dish, we begin by frying the mushrooms then the pork separately, before adding the cream, to bring out the fullest flavours.May 10th 202367 K 50 min.
Sautéed turmeric chicken with mushrooms
For this dish, the chicken and mushrooms are first sautéed separately, then combined in a cream and turmeric sauce.May 10th 202358 K4 1 hour 2 min.
Seven-hour lamb
Seven-hour lamb is a good old country recipe and very simple. There's really not much to do, just long, slow cooking and the result is always amazing: the lamb is so tender it can be cut with a fork.April 20th 2014229 K3.9 7 hours 35 min.
Sliced veal with leeks and mushrooms
Small strips of veal sautéed with mushrooms and leeks in a creamy sauce.May 10th 202321 K 2 hours 6 min.
Spring veal sauté
This sauté combines small chunks of veal with spring onions in a white-wine sauce with just a dash of cream.May 18th 201483 K4.5 60 min.
Steak burger topped with egg
A succulent steak burger, topped with a perfect egg. Here are all the tips you need to produce this simple but delicious dish.June 22th 2013257 K4.9 55 min.
Tenderloin steak with beetroot tops and mushrooms
Tenderloin steaks pan-fried with rosemary, served with beetroot tops and mushroom duxelles in a cream sauce.May 15th 202219 K 30 min.
Tenderloin steaks marinated in red wine with rosemary
A recipe that brings out all the tenderness of this cut of beef, enhancing it with rosemary and by marinating for a long time in red wine. The tenderloin steaks are then fried and served with green beans.September 19th 202130 K 12 hours 35 min.
Tomato meat balls
Meat balls in a tasty tomato sauce with herbs and white wine.February 28th 2012212 K5 30 min.
Tournedos Rossini
Tournedos Rossini is a very chic recipe, allegedly inspired by the famous composer. It consists of fried fillet steak, served on buttered toast, topped with a slice of foie gras and a delicious sauce made by deglazing the cooking pan with port or Noilly Prat.August 26th 2021339 K 33.7 50 min.
Two-stage beef chuck
This recipe cooks beef chuck (or braising steak) in two stages: first, slow-cooked in red wine "in the bag", then fried and served with potato purée and a red-wine sauce.April 27th 2017105 K4.3 3 hours 60 min.
Veal Chop With Assortment of Vegetables
The veal chop in this recipe is cooked in two stages: flash fried first to brown it all over, then gently roasted in the oven. The chop is served with an assortment of vegetables, first lightly boiled, then reheated in the "jus" (cooking juices).November 18th 201567 K5 2 hours 30 min.
Veal Marengo
Marengo made with chunks of veal, simmered long and slow in a tomato sauce with mushrooms and onions. This is a recipe with historical roots, named after one of Napoleon's battles, near Marengo in Italy in June 1800.May 10th 202352 K 2 hours 55 min.
Veal with mushrooms and green asparagus
Small strips of fried veal partnered with mushrooms and boiled green asparagus.May 10th 202322 K 1 hour 7 min.
Wiener Schnitzel
A Wiener schnitzel is a thin veal cutlet (escalope) coated in breadcrumbs.September 7th 2018140 K4.1 1 hour 20 min.
"Oeufs rabattus" with leeks
This quick French way of cooking eggs is similar to an omelette, but with the egg simply drawn in towards the centre during the brief cooking. The eggs here are cooked with sautéed leeks and served with delicious morteau sausage "crisps".March 29th 201740 K4.3 45 min.
Algerian brik rolls
In this recipe, the brik (or filo) rolls are filled with fried minced meat, flavoured with cous-cous spices, garlic and onion.June 3rd 201571 K5 40 min.
Aligot is a traditional family dish from the Auvergne mountains in France. It is basically a potato purée enriched with cheese and stirred for a long time.April 5th 2012116 K4.2 1 hour 20 min.
Alpine gratin
In this somewhat atypical gratin, you'll find a layer of diced meats, covered by a layer of crozets and cream, then cheese.October 18th 202313 K 1 hour
Artichokes with beef
This dish combines artichokes, sautéed with shallot in olive oil, with cooked beef and potatoes (simply heated through).October 15th 201479 K4.1 50 min.
Asparagus and spinach gratin
A quick vegetable gratin made with asparagus and spinach cooked beforehand, in a bechamel sauce and topped with slivers of Brie.June 20th 202126 K 1 hour 2 min.
Auvergnat tartines
Ideal for a Sunday evening (but not limited to that), these generously topped slices are very simple to make with toasted bread, ham, tomatoes and Saint-Nectaire – and always go down well.September 5th 202125 K5 40 min.
Auvergne gratin
Cauliflower, green cabbage, potatoes and of course Saint-Nectaire for this gratin with Auvergne flavors.December 10th 202312 K 1 hour 50 min.
Avengers' potatoes
Lurking behind this strange name (see reason below) is a kind of potato-cheese gratin, which is wrapped in thin slices of bacon. It's cooked first on the hob, then in the oven.February 21th 2011302 K5 1 hour 55 min.
Baby broad beans and peas with rice and mascarpone
Fresh spring vegetables (peas and young broad beans here) with white rice, made creamy at the last minute with a little mascarpone.July 3rd 202220 K 40 min.
Bacon and cabbage omelette
A classic, peasant-style omelette with fried bacon bits and blanched green cabbage.April 26th 201763 K4 50 min.
Baked Camembert with Walnuts
Camembert can be melted in the oven, like this hot box cheese, but here it has the added delight of toasted chopped walnuts, served on a bed of hot potatoes.March 13th 201655 K3.8 60 min.
Baked leek and Camembert slices
In this recipe slices of bread are topped with creamed leeks and slivers of Camembert before browning in the oven.March 6th 202052 K4.8 25 min.
Baked Mont d'Or with diced mixed vegetables
The classic hot box method is a delicious way to serve Mont d'Or cheese. For a more original twist, this recipe adds mixed vegetables. The cheese is baked in the oven as usual, but filled with the diced vegetables and mushrooms.February 26th 201753 K3.8 60 min.
Baked potatoes with poached egg and tuna sauce
You will no doubt have baked potatoes the classic way, but here's a version inspired by Yotam Ottolenghi, served with a delicious tuna and caper sauce, and a poached egg.September 27th 202036 K 1 hour 20 min.
Baked potoatoes with herb butter or cream
Here's how to prepare good baked potatoes, and two ideas for toppings. Herb butter can be easily be made in advance and store in the fridge folded in plastic film, it can also be served with red meat because it look like very much to the "Beurre maitre d'hotel" (butler's butter, usually with parsley...October 24th 2010195 K 13.8 1 hour 45 min.
Baker's chicken and potato tart
A baker's tart is made with bread dough. It is sometimes called a baker's pizza, but this version has no tomatoes. It is topped with potatoes and slices of herb-poached chicken on a bed of cream and cheese with more herbs.June 16th 201951 K 1 hour 25 min.
Baker's tuna and mushroom tart
A baker's tart, sometimes called a baker's pizza, is a tart with a base made of bread dough. This version, without tomatoes, combines tuna with mushrooms.May 10th 202343 K 1 hour 2 min.
Beans with tomatoes
Fresh white haricot beans and leftover chicken cooked with stewed tomatoes, a sprig of parsley and it's ready.February 21th 2011200 K4.1 1 hour 55 min.
Big knife-cut chips (French fries)
These chips (French fries) are made from potatoes steamed then fried in their skins. Usually we make big ones (3 times the usual French fry) and serve 2 or 3 per guest.February 21th 2011274 K4.1 1 hour 20 min.
Bistro sandwich
The filling for this indulgent baguette sandwich is made with hard-boiled eggs and cold meat in a rémoulade dressing.June 21th 202046 K 20 min.
Boulangère potatoes
This great classic of French home cooking consists of sliced potatoes with slivers of bacon between, on a bed of onion fondue, moistened with poultry (or beef) stock and baked in the oven. It takes a fairly long time, but is so good, and reheats very well.April 5th 202038 K 2 1 hour 40 min.
Bourguignon potatoes
Potatoes cooked "bourguignon" (or Burgundy) style is a delicious twist on a classic potato gratin. The potatoes are cooked in milk, with added flavour from lardons and fried onions. A tasty topping of cream with Époisses cheese is poured over just before the dish goes in the oven.August 12th 202140 K 1 hour 55 min.
bread-crust quiche
Use quiche filling mixture to transform a dry loaf into a spectacular bread-crust quiche. It can be enjoyed on its own or is ideal as an aperitif snack. The bread crust will crisp up when it is baked a second time, the perfect foil for the soft quiche filling.April 20th 202226 K4 60 min.
Breton galettes (pancakes)
Of uniquely Breton origin, this is a buckwheat pancake on which you cook an egg with ham and cheese before folding it over. Easy and quick to make, it's an ideal answer to the question "what are we going to eat this evening?".February 21th 2011217 K 23.9 20 min.
Breton leek and mushroom tart
This is a "tart" with a difference: the case is not made with pastry, but with a double layer of lightly buttered Breton galettes (buckwheat pancakes). The filling is made with shallots, sautéed mushrooms, leeks and cream. You might have noticed that this recipe includes the key elements of...May 10th 202350 K4.3 1 hour 15 min.
Breton Pie
This unusual pie from Brittany is made with piled-up layers of buckwheat pancakes (galettes), sandwiched with a filling of onion and bacon mixed with a little cream. The whole thing, assembled in a baking tin, is then browned in the oven.October 25th 201564 K4.1 1 hour 9 min.
Breton Sandwich
This is a sandwich with a difference: its Breton character comes not only from the crab in mayonnaise, but also from pieces of "galette" (buckwheat pancake), fried in butter.November 11th 201555 K3.8 25 min.
Brioche tart with Comté cheese
A delicious brioche tart with a creamy Comté cheese and Jura white wine filling.October 9th 20247,717 50 min.
Broccoli savoury custard
This light and delicious savoury custard with broccoli is perfect to serve with meat or fish in a sauce.October 18th 201590 K4 45 min.
Broken eggs with mushrooms
For this quick and easy recipe, we pour beaten eggs over sautéed mushrooms and bacon.November 3rd 20246,8315 50 min.
Bruschetta is an Italian recipe consisting of a slice of bread in olive oil, topped with a preparation, mainly tomato-based. Here's a very simple version, with tomatoes and mozzarella.November 19th 202312 K 40 min.
Bruschetta and mozzarella
A very tasty version of bruschetta with herbs and mozzarella.January 11th 202411 K 50 min.
Brussels sprouts à la Lombarde
Brussels sprouts cooked on the side, strips of ham, tomato sauce and Mascarpone cheese.December 13th 202311 K 1 hour 15 min.
Brussels sprouts with thyme cream
For this recipe, Brussels sprouts are first cooked on the side, then sautéed in a delicious thyme and shallot cream.January 26th 20253,706 40 min.
Butterfly pasta with smoked trout
Butterfly pasta, diced smoked trout with cheese, and a touch of green with parsley.February 7th 202413 K 20 min.
Cabbage and cheddar quiche
For this recipe, our quiche will be topped with sliced cabbage cooked on the side with a shallot, grated cheddar, and a lightly mustarded quiche mix.September 12th 20248,452 1 hour 30 min.
Cabbage julienne with ham
A quick recipe: cabbage julienne cooked English style, pan-fried ribbons of ham, a knob of butter and some parsley, and it's ready.December 31th 2013225 K 34.1 30 min.
Cassoulet is typical, even emblematic, of southern French cuisine. It is a "slow food" casserole in which meat and vegetables, particualrly dried beans, are cooked together for a long time. Here is a simplified version of this famous dish.September 17th 2021210 K4.1 16 hours 9 min.
Cassoulet-style shepherd's pie.
You may well have come across hachis parmentier, the French version of shepherd's pie. Here's a variation using puréed haricot beans, inspired by another classic French dish: cassoulet.June 3rd 202040 K 55 min.
Cauliflower "moelleux" in ramekins
This melt-in-the-mouth cauliflower dish is a kind of purée, bound with a little potato and cooked in milk to add creamy smoothness. This makes a great accompaniment for meat, or as the main feature, served in ramekins with slivers of fried dry-cured ham.March 3rd 201956 K 60 min.
Cauliflower and avocado rémoulade
The combination of cauliflower and avocado is generally a successful one. In this recipe the cauliflower is grated tabbouleh style then mixed with the avocado and a rémoulade dressing for a fresh, summery starter.June 26th 202221 K 25 min.
Cauliflower and chickpea purée
Cauliflower and chickpeas go really well together. Here they are combined in a creamy purée which makes a delicious accompaniment for red meat, for example.January 27th 202141 K 45 min.
Cauliflower and purple eggplant with Greek pesto
Mediterranean flavors for this recipe where cauliflower and purple eggplant are bound together with a Greek-style "pesto".September 4th 202219 K 60 min.
Cauliflower coconut curry
Curry sauces are often heavy with cream, but here's one that's non-dairy, made with coconut milk, so much lighter. It's every bit as delicious.February 27th 202221 K 55 min.
Cauliflower curry
Plenty of flavour in this cauliflower curry: from the hot spices, of course, but also from dry-roasted cashew nuts.January 19th 2014139 K4.8 55 min.
Celeriac and mushroom gratin
This gratin combines sliced celeriac simmered in milk with fried mushrooms.May 10th 202375 K5 1 hour 8 min.
Celeriac in cream and mustard sauce
The celeriac in this dish is cooked in two stages: pan-fried first, then braised in cream with mustard. It can be enjoyed as the main feature with rice or cous-cous, for example, or served to accompany meat.December 15th 201942 K 45 min.
Chard and potato gratin
All of the chard leaves (greens and stalk) will be used in this recipe. They are first boiled, then layered with sliced potatoes and topped with a bechamel sauce.June 10th 202047 K 1 hour 6 min.
Cheese and tomato tart
A thin puff pastry base, precooked to be extra crisp, filled after cooling with a bed of cream cheese, then a generous layer of tomatoes (as many different colours as possible) to create a colourful and flavoursome tart.September 2nd 202028 K 1 hour 45 min.
Cheese Soufflé
A soufflé sounds difficult to make, but it's really not. The important thing is to break down the steps carefully: you start by making a béchamel sauce, then add cheese, then egg yolks (and it becomes a Mornay sauce), and finally the beaten egg whites. All that's left to do is place in a...June 13th 2024129 K 14.4 1 hour 35 min.
Cheese tart
This is a very simple recipe for a "Pontarlier" style cheese tart that allows you to prepare a number at the same time. They freeze very well, so you can easily stock up for later.February 3rd 201389 K4.2 5 hours 10 min.
Chicken and avocado bagels
Bagels filled with herby cream cheese, topped with morsels of fried chicken and slivers of avocado.June 2nd 202138 K 40 min.
Chicken and mushroom brik rolls
Roll of brik (or filo) pastry filled with chopped mushrooms, diced chicken and sautéd onions.May 10th 2023127 K4.7 55 min.
Chicken and mushroom pie
This lovely pie has a puff pastry crust filled with a mixture of fried mushrooms, diced chicken and parsley, all bound in a cream sauce.May 10th 202396 K 14.4 1 hour 40 min.
Chicken Brussels pie
This is a novel twist on the well known cottage or shepherd's pie idea (minced meat topped with mashed potato). Why not try this "Brussels" pie with a mixture of mashed potato and Brussels sprouts on top of chopped chicken?February 23th 202043 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Chicken pie
Apart from the obvious chicken, this pie's puff pastry "lid" also conceals mushrooms, bacon, hard-boiled eggs and leeks.May 10th 2023114 K4.3 2 hours 30 min.
Chicken with rice and leeks
For this "chicken with rice", the rice is cooked using the pilau method (started on the hob, finished in the oven), but with chicken cooking juices as the liquid to add plenty of delicious flavour. Pieces of cooked chicken are then added. This version also has chopped and lightly fried leeks.January 29th 201750 K4.1 60 min.
Chicken with spinach in a cream sauce
This recipe combines morsels of cooked chicken, spinach and potatoes with cream for a simple and tasty dish.July 3rd 201954 K 40 min.
Chilli chicken and spinach gratin
A classic combination of chicken and spinach is pepped up with chilli spices and balanced with a velvety bechamel sauce, topped with cheese and browned in the oven.May 23th 202137 K 1 hour 35 min.
Chilli potato wedges
To make these spicy wedges, the potatoes are boiled whole first, then cut, coated in your choice of spices and cooked in the oven until browned and beautifully crisp.May 16th 202127 K 1 hour 55 min.
Comtoise stuffed tomatoes
These stuffed tomatoes are a bit special: the stuffing is made with Morteau sausage, onions, rice and cancoilotte cheese.October 5th 201652 K4.1 1 hour 40 min.
Comtoise tart for Seàn
This tart has all the flavour of the Franche-Comté: the puff-pastry base is covered with diced Morteau sausage and fried potatoes. This is topped with cancoillotte cheese - totally delicious!March 10th 202179 K4.2 1 hour 50 min.
Country filo tart
For this recipe, we use strips of filo pastry, assembled in circles in a tart mould, which are then filled with Reblochon cheese, potatoes and cooked meat, and finally topped with a quiche filling. The resulting tart is very tasty and crisp, but also very light, since it doesn't require a...February 9th 20251,138 1 hour
Country-style spring pasta
Pasta, cooked on the side, to which beans are added, and a cream sauce with bacon and sage.July 7th 20247,132 1 hour 4 min.
Courgettes (zuchinis)
A classic gratin, but with the courgettes cooked separately to prevent too much juice being released during the oven cooking, and so make a dish that is barely moist.October 13th 2010502 K 13.7 1 hour 20 min.
In couscous, the meat and vegetable mixture is rather long to cook, but not difficult. And the couscous itself (a kind of coarse semolina) is simple and quick to prepare.November 16th 2017515 K4.3 2 hours 40 min.
Crab and smoked salmon club sandwiches
A club sandwich has three slices of bread, filled with a mayonnaise-style dressing. Here is a crab and smoked salmon version with cocktail sauce.October 13th 2010221 K 15 1 hour 2 min.
Creamy artichokes
This hearty vegetable recipe uses the whole globe artichoke (heart and leaves), combining the creamy artichoke texture with the crunch of sautéed potatoes.August 6th 202031 K 1 hour 20 min.
Creamy asparagus and meat timbale
Asparagus cooked separately first, then sliced and mixed with a reduced cream sauce, full of meaty flavour, and served in individual dishes.April 13th 202218 K 45 min.
Creamy cauliflower with smoked salmon
A creamy cauliflower purée with steamed leek, and strips of smoked salmon lightly sautéed on the side.February 5th 202317 K 60 min.
Creamy Comtoise artichoke gratin
This is an artichoke recipe with a difference: we'll be using both heart and leaves, first steamed, then lightly sautéed before being blended with cancoillotte cheese to make a creamy purée. This is then browned in individual ramekins.December 9th 202028 K 50 min.
Creamy polenta with green asparagus
A deliberately creamy polenta (because we won't be grilling it afterwards), into which we'll add green asparagus and spring onion, cooked separately.May 19th 20249,776 45 min.
Creamy rice with green asparagus and sorrel
This recipe partners green asparagus with sorrel, which adds a slight bitterness and hint of acidity, and cooked rice, all blended to a rich finish with cream.May 5th 202431 K 45 min.
Creamy rice with spinach
For this simple recipe, rice is mixed with a shallot cream before adding cooked spinach.May 28th 202315 K 20 min.
Creamy risotto with diced vegetables and flax seeds
Risotto is one of the great Italian recipes. It's the special way in which rice is cooked and mixed with several other things, which produces this famous dish. One can make different flavour risottos, here is a fairly simple recipe with diced vegetables and flax seeds.February 21th 2011254 K 14.2 1 hour 50 min.
Creamy risotto with vegetables
Risotto is one of the many delights of italian cooking... Here is a version with vegetables cooked separately, and their stock used to cook rice. Delicious, as you will see...June 12th 2011385 K5 2 hours 55 min.
Creamy spinach and potato gratin
This is a gratin with a difference: before going in the oven, the layers of spinach and potato are topped with cream in which Mont d'Or cheese has been melted (or another cheese, if you prefer).December 17th 201767 K4 1 hour 5 min.
Crispy potato and mushroom brik rolls
These crispy rolls have a mashed potato filling with mushrooms and herbs.July 26th 201565 K5 50 min.
Crispy potato galette with leeks
For this recipe, we make a "galette" of fried potatoes, then add layer of steamed leeks and melt cheese over the top. The galette is folded over, rather like an omelette, before being cut into portions.May 5th 201654 K4.1 40 min.
Crispy rolls with chicken and leek
Finely sliced leeks are cooked with a shallot, to which is added leftover chicken with a little cream and parmesan. This mixture is rolled up in filo pastry, and cooked in the oven.February 21th 2011233 K5 50 min.
Crispy smoked salmon and herb rolls
This recipe is for rolls of brik or filo pastry with a filling of smoked salmon, eggs, herbs and mustard. These are cut into sections before being cooked in the oven.February 26th 201568 K4.1 50 min.
Crispy spinach rolls
These are rolls of brik pastry (or filo), filled with a mixture of spinach, hard-boiled eggs, bacon and onions. They are served here accompanied by rice with cashew nuts.March 18th 2013136 K5 1 hour 40 min.
Croque-monsieur complet
This is a "full Monty" version of the traditional French toasted sandwich: the bread is dipped in beaten egg with cream before cooking, rather like pain perdu, to make the fried bread rich and moist. The French term "complet" here means "with everything": egg, ham and cheese.June 14th 201575 K 14.1 25 min.
Croque-monsieur gourmand
This "gourmand" (or "greedy") version of the traditional French toasted sandwich has 3 fillings: fried potato slices, creamed leeks and fried ham.March 6th 202064 K5 50 min.
Croque-monsieur potatoes
A way to revive potatoes, "croque-monsieur" style: topped with bechamel sauce, ham and cheese, then browned in the oven.August 4th 202126 K 40 min.
Curried polenta
Made like a classic polenta, then pepped up with curry powder and mixed with morsels of separately cooked globe artichoke.May 25th 202219 K 45 min.
Curried prawn risotto
In this recipe, the prawns are fried separately first with curry powder, then added to the risotto.December 30th 2019104 K3.9 60 min.
Deep leek and potato quiche
The French make a "tourte" that is smaller and deeper than a normal quiche. This recipe makes the most of this difference: it has plenty of texture and flavour, with bacon, potatoes, leeks, two different cheeses, and an egg and cream filling poured over.April 17th 202268 K 1 hour 40 min.
Duck Parmentier
This recipe is very simple to make as everything can be prepared in advance. A layer of duck meat is sandwiched between two layers of potato purée. This is topped with grated cheese before being put in the oven.January 27th 2013107 K3.9 55 min.
Duet of creamed cauliflower and cabbage
For this creamy "duet", the cauliflower and cabbage are boiled first, then mixed just before serving with a reduced cream sauce.July 4th 202140 K 55 min.
Eggplant Polpette
These easy-to-make and delicious eggplant polpettes (dumplings) are great as a side dish with meat or even on their own, but also as a patty in a veggie burger.November 24th 20247,465 1 hour 25 min.
Eggs Comtoise
In this recipe from eastern France, an egg yolk sits inside a potato nest with a topping of hot cancoillote cheese. The nest is served with fried sliced potatoes.January 17th 201648 K3.8 40 min.
Eggs Florentine
Eggs Florentine are soft-boiled eggs served on a bed of spinach, topped with Mornay sauce and baked au gratin.January 19th 20252,707 50 min.
Eggs in brioche nests
This is an original way to serve an egg: with cheese in a savoury brioche nest. This looks elegant for when you have guests and it is delicious as well.September 16th 202458 K4.1 3 hours 40 min.
Eggs in tomato shells
This is a novel way of cooking eggs: in tomato "shells" or egg-cups! For extra flavour, we'll put a spoonful of caramelized onions in the tomato first.October 11th 201556 K3.9 1 hour 3 min.
Eggs meurette
Eggs meurette or "œufs à la bourguignonne" is a great classic of French cooking, and of Burgundy in particular. It consists of poached eggs on a bed of fondue onions and bacon, served on a slice of fried bread. This is topped with a tasty reduced red wine sauce.March 29th 2020199 K 14.1 1 hour 15 min.
Eggs with green asparagus and Parmesan cheese
Green asparagus cut into sections, quickly sautéed with Parmesan, and topped with eggs beaten with cream.July 23th 202313 K 40 min.
Eggs with tomatoes and courgettes
Melting courgettes with tomatoes and onions into which the eggs are slid carefully, without breaking the yolk, and cooked gently. The secret of success in this recipe is to combine the tomatoes and courgettes when they are really soft, and cook the egg white, leaving the yolk still runny.September 27th 201580 K3.8 55 min.
Endive gratin with cancoillotte
Here is a variation on the classic French recipe for endives with ham. This recipe uses cancoillotte cheese instead of the usual béchamel sauce.February 5th 2014117 K3.8 60 min.
A very classic recipe, but which can easily fail due to two main errors: too much water in bottom of dish because endives give off a lot, and endives that are too bitter so that children hate it. Here is a method which avoids these two problems.February 14th 2012314 K5 1 hour 30 min.
Endives "bonne femme"
A one-pot endive dish with potatoes, onion and bacon. [Translator's note: the French "bonne femme" style is good, straightforward home cooking (whether the cook is a man or a woman!).May 12th 2013115 K4.3 1 hour 25 min.
Express sauerkraut
Sauerkraut (choucroute in French) is a traditional Alsatian recipe. It consists of fermented cabbage slowly cooked with white wine, potatoes and a variety of salted pork meats. This is a simplified and fairly quick version.February 21th 2011360 K 13.9 2 hours 25 min.
Feta and spinach brik pie
In this recipe, a feta and cream filling is sandwiched between layers of spinach and wrapped in brik (or filo) pastry.December 10th 201479 K 24.8 55 min.
Filet mignon with asparagus
In this recipe, the filet mignon of pork is pan-fried and the pan deglazed with wine, then cream added with chunks of both green and white asparagus.July 11th 202125 K 1 hour 2 min.
Filo leeks and cheese tart
This is a very quick tart recipe, where the crust is made by a stacking filo pastry sheets.April 17th 2022290 K4.3 1 hour 15 min.
Fine multi-tomato tart
This simple but very elegant tart makes the most of different tomato varieties. Their diversity allows us to create a multi-coloured tart, featuring all their attractive shades.October 14th 201851 K 60 min.
Flamiche is a savoury tart from the Picardy region of northeasten France. It is a cousin of quiche lorraine, but the pastry is characteristically made with lard and the filling has neither bacon nor eggs. This version contains a mixture of endives and leeks (white part only).April 30th 201746 K 14.5 1 hour 20 min.
French toast "cordon bleu"
You are probably familiar with those "cordon bleu" chicken breasts filled with ham and melted cheese that so many kids seem to enjoy. Here's a lighter, bread-based version that is deliciously moist. The bread is dipped in egg, like for French toast, then in a coating of breadcrumbs with herbs before...February 12th 201751 K4.5 40 min.
French-style peas
A traditional French recipe, "Petis pois à la Française", with a personal twist, but very easy to prepare. It is an ideal accompaniment for meat, poultry or even a grilled fillet of fish.July 15th 2012162 K3.8 30 min.
Fresh spinach with cream
Fresh spinach, simply wilted, reheated in a sauce of thickened cream with shallot, and served with quarters of hard-boiled egg.September 29th 2012350 K3.8 1 hour 45 min.
Frichti from Bruxelles
A very simple dish, and a bit of a cheeky one at that: Brussels sprouts cooked on the side, diced ham, cubed potatoes, and a bit of grated cheese to bind it all together.December 6th 202311 K 1 hour 3 min.
Fried bread with leek and poached egg
A slice of fried buttered bread with fried sliced leek, topped with a poached egg. For the best effect, split the egg open just before serving.September 18th 201647 K4.8 35 min.
Fried cheese toasties with avocado
Cheese toasties just got naughtier: pan-fried with butter, the French way. Serve with sliced avocado and lime juice for a delicious contrast of hot and crunchy with cold and yielding – and a clearer conscience!January 20th 202129 K 30 min.
Fried egg in bread
This is a novel way to cook an egg in the middle of a slice of fried bread. For a continental twist to the English breakfast, it comes with a slice of grilled bacon and a little pesto. The tricky part (explained in full in the recipe) is to cook the egg white through but keep the yolk runny.September 8th 2015121 K 15 30 min.
Fried eggs with tomatoes
In this recipe, thick slices of tomato are cooked first, then the eggs are left to cook gently in the spaces between them. Particularly delicious served simply with a trickle of balsamic vinegar.November 27th 201384 K4.8 35 min.
Fried rillettes
Rilletes formed into thin cakes and fried. This allows the fat to drain off during cooking and leaves crunchy and tasty discs of lean meat which can be served with mashed potato (purée).December 11th 2011123 K4.9 30 min.
Genoese croque-monsieur
Here is an Italian version of the famous French toasted sandwich: a croque-monsieur from Genoa. The two slices of fried bread hold together scrambled egg, pesto and grated Parmesan.July 22th 201862 K 25 min.
Gisèle's Pasties
These small pasties ("rissoles" in the original French version) are made with shortcrust pastry, filled with a mixture of cooked meat, onion, parsley, garlic and egg.September 10th 2018208 K3.8 1 hour 15 min.
Glazed mushrooms with plain rice
In this very simple recipe, the mushrooms are lightly sautéed, then glazed with soy sauce and lemon juice, and served on a bed of plain white rice.May 10th 202327 K 30 min.
Gnocchi alla romana
Gnocchi are a type of pasta made with flour and potatoes or, as here, semolina. For this recipe, the gnocchi are made quite large and cooked "au gratin", topped with grated cheese.July 29th 202047 K 2 hours 60 min.
Grated potato cakes
These grated potato cakes (similar to hash browns, but without the onion) can be deep or pan fried. They are excellent with meat, but quite delicious on their own. Children love them.November 23th 2014157 K4.3 40 min.
Gratin "grilled inside"
We think of a classic gratin, potatoes and cauliflower, but in this recipe we start by grilling them before assembling the gratin, which gives a slightly crunchy texture, and especially a delicious taste.September 25th 202220 K 1 hour 45 min.
Gratin Comtois
This version of Gratin Comtois begins like the classic gratin dauphinois, but uses Morbier cheese, and diced Morteau sausage for a hint of smoky flavour. There's no denying it, this is a rich and hearty dish!April 7th 202132 K 1 hour 15 min.
Gratin Dauphinois
This recipe is a bit sensitive for people from Dauphiné (a French area around the city of Grenoble), many of them are sure to have the "true" recipe. Here is the version of the famous French chef Michel Guérard. The most interesting thing about gratin Dauphinois, is that it has a delicate hint of...August 13th 2016388 K 25 1 hour 3 min.
Gratin du Nord
This gratin combines the flavours that are so characteristic of France's northern region: endives (chicory), beer and Maroilles cheese.January 21th 201877 K5 1 hour 35 min.
Gratin of beet tops and potatoes
In a very classic gratin, here's a pairing that's a little less classic: beet tops with potatoes. The tops add a slight bitterness that complements the sweetness of the potatoes, cream and cheese.October 8th 202313 K 55 min.
Gratin of chicken with rice and sautéed mushrooms
This is a very simple gratin, mainly using leftovers (chicken and rice), ideal for a Sunday night supper.May 10th 202349 K3.8 55 min.
Gratin of Endives with Mont d'Or
This gratin has layers of potatoes and sautéed endives, topped with Mont d'Or cheese and browned in the oven.February 14th 201654 K5 60 min.
Gratin of Jerusalem artichokes à la Comtoise
For this recipe, a half-topinamus, half-potato gratin, with a little smoky taste provided by diced Morteau sausage.January 15th 202319 K 1 hour 20 min.
Gratin of leeks with Morbier cheese
In this recipe of gratin, without potatoes, sliced leeks are bound with a cream with Morbier cheese.April 16th 202318 K 1 hour
Gratin of purple artichokes
This is a very simple recipe: just potatoes, purple artichokes, a sprinkling of Parmesan and into the oven it goes...November 30th 201460 K4.1 45 min.
Gratin Parmentier
Here, a potato gratin meets hachis Parmentier (minced beef topped with mashed potato): 2 layers of potato around a layer of pre-cooked minced meat.May 1st 201971 K3.8 1 hour 25 min.
Gratin slices with spinach
A slice of bread with a gratin of bechamel containing hard-boiled egg and topped with cheese, served with fresh spinach.March 20th 201394 K4.1 1 hour 35 min.
Gratin with Parmesan flavours
For this gratin recipe, we're going to use Parmesan cheese crumbles, which will find a final, practical use. You'll have a potato and cauliflower gratin, with delicious Parmesan flavours, but without actually using any.April 21th 202411 K 2 hours 35 min.
Gratin-style spinach and chicken omelette
A simple omelette treated more like a gratin: the omelette forms the bottom layer in the dish, topped with chicken and spinach in a cream sauce and browned in the oven.August 16th 202037 K 45 min.
Greek style sandwiches
Grilled toast with purple pesto and feta, with hints of thyme and tomato.October 2nd 202219 K 30 min.
Greek-style stuffed courgettes
Courgettes filled with a mixture of feta, pine nuts and lemon, then cooked gratin-style in the the oven.July 17th 202222 K 50 min.
Green asparagus omelette
Small spears of green asparagus steamed and sliced, served with grated Parmesan in the middle of an omelette.May 6th 2012144 K3.8 35 min.
Green beans "Napoléon"
Apparently, Napoléon Bonaparte had a delicate stomach, so his cook made his cream sauces a little gentler with tomato. Here is a version for green beans, cooked in two stages, with a cream and tomato sauce.August 11th 202326 K 20 min.
Green beans and potatoes with Morbier cream sauce
For this recipe, green beans and potatoes, cooked separately, are combined with a delicious Morbier cream.September 15th 20246,945 35 min.
Green beans with feta cream and basil
This quick recipe combines feta, basil and lemon cream with green beans cooked separately.August 11th 20246,889 30 min.
Green beans with tomato and cheddar cheese
Green beans gently cooked in a tomato and onion puree, with grated cheddar cheese added at the end.October 27th 20246,192 55 min.
Green beans with tomato cream sauce
Green beans, cooked separately, are added to a tomato cream made with pan-fried cherry tomatoes with herbs.September 27th 202314 K 1 hour 7 min.
Green beans with tomatoes
Cut green beans simmered with tomatoes and mixed with onions and lightly fried lardons (or small pieces of bacon).August 11th 2023143 K 14.7 1 hour 35 min.
Grilled cheese
This is the classic American pan-fried sandwich, the "grilled cheese". The French have their own, slightly different speciality: croque-monsieur.June 8th 201652 K5 25 min.
Grilled ham and bechamel sandwiches
Tartines topped with a generous layer of béchamel sauce, grilled ham cubes and baked au gratin.May 21th 202323 K 55 min.
Hachis parmentier
This is the French answer (meat with mashed potato and cheese) to the English cottage or shepherd's pie: a typical family recipe which is an excellent way of using up leftover meat. The proportions are vague here: you need "whatever you have left over"...February 21th 2011401 K 24.3 1 hour 25 min.
Ham "friand" pie
A "friand" (the word means "fond"!) is a sort of French pasty. This pie-style version has two layers of puff pastry filled with a mixture of cheese, ham and bechamel sauce.September 8th 201888 K4.2 1 hour 5 min.
Ham and cheese slices with spring onions
In this recipe, we'll be using just the tops of the onions, lightly fried, combined with fried ham and thinly sliced Morbier cheese..May 22th 201945 K 40 min.
Ham and endives au gratin
You may already be familiar with the classic endives au gratin, but here's a new version where the endives are thinly sliced and pan-fried.March 6th 202413 K 1 hour 15 min.
Ham pasta bake
Here's a really simple recipe that children love. Just pasta, ham, a little cream and cheese on top.July 15th 2015139 K5 45 min.
Harvest Gratin
Purple artichokes, cauliflower and mozzarella combined with bechamel sauce in a gratin to cheer up the end of summer.September 20th 201553 K4.1 1 hour 15 min.
Hasselback or "Swedish-style" potatoes
Hasselback potatoes are cut into thin strips, leaving some of the flesh intact, to form a sort of puff pastry or "porte-feuilles". They are then baked in the oven, and topped with cheese and ham. It's a simple recipe, and at the same time quite technical.November 26th 202315 K 1 hour 55 min.
Hearty potato and ham gratin
A potato gratin with an original twist: fried diced ham with mustard.February 9th 202225 K 1 hour 60 min.
Home-made potato crisps
Making your own potato crisps (or chips, if you are American) is quite easy. All you need to do is slice potatoes and fry them. That is all well and good in principle, but there are a few tips it is important to know. I'll explain them for you in this recipe.March 19th 2014106 K3.9 30 min.
Hot box cheese
This recipe is a great classic from Franche-Comté (area of eastern France). A Mont-dor cheese (from this area) is oven cooked in its wooden box with a little dry white wine, and served melted over baked potatoes. It's a dish for a winter evening meal with friends, very easy to prepare, everything...February 11th 2016347 K4.3 60 min.
Hot sesame-cream chicken tartines
Slices of lightly toasted bread topped with sesame and tarragon cream, morsels of chicken and a little grated cheese. Just popped in the oven for a few minutes to brown. [Translator's note: in French, a tartine is simply a slice of bread spread with something (butter, jam...) or an open sandwich,...January 22th 202035 K 30 min.
Hotpot my grandmother's way
If you like slow-cooked dishes prepared with loving care (mitonné), you will certainly love this hotpot recipe, with the taste of Franche-Comté, inspired by my grandmother. It's an old-fashioned dish full of flavours and aromas, cooked vegetables, stock, smoked sausages, all cooked long and slow.February 21th 2011338 K5 4 hours 7 min.
Individual creamy endive gratins
In this recipe, the endives are first blanched, then baked with cream and mushrooms in individual cassolettes (small gratin dishes or large ramekins).May 10th 2023123 K4.6 1 hour 5 min.
Italian style gratin
This gratin is built up in layers: sautéed courgettes, minced beef, bechamel sauce, fried tomatoes, more meat and bechamel, then grated cheese for a brown topping.August 31th 201488 K4.8 1 hour 8 min.
Jerusalem artichoke purée with leeks
A purée of Jerusalem artichokes with just tender leeks and a little leftover cooked pork added.April 27th 202222 K
Kérinou slices
These toasted slices are topped with sautéed vegetables (courgette and mushrooms), covered with a slice of smoked ham and then slivers of cheese. Once the cheese is melted and browned in the oven, the slices should be served piping hot.May 10th 202338 K4.7 60 min.
Langres-style spinach
Spinach in a creamy sauce with Langres cheese and lardons, served with hard-boiled eggs.April 24th 202220 K 35 min.
Layered Leek and Egg Gratin
This gratin combines parboiled leeks with chopped hard-boiled eggs in thin layers.January 10th 201660 K4.1 50 min.
Leek and artichoke tart à la piémontaise
This is a quiche-style tart with a Piedmont-inspired twist: the filling is made with eggs, mascarpone (lighter than the usual cream) and Parmesan. The tart still has a moist texture to balance the puff-pastry crust, with the flavour of leeks and purple artichokes.December 7th 201652 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Leek and broccoli "à la flamande"
Leeks "à la flamande" (Flemish style) are traditionally served with melted butter mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs. In this version with broccoli, the vegetables are steamed and the sauce is pepped up with a little mustard.December 12th 202130 K 45 min.
Leek and egg frichti
A "frichti" is a rough-and-ready dish, born of the French bistro tradition, that you can throw together with what you have to hand. This version mixes leeks with hard-boiled eggs, cream and ham.September 26th 202127 K 40 min.
Leek and fresh tuna tart
The puff pastry case is filled with a layer of leek, lightly fried chunks of fresh tuna and a quiche mixture.April 17th 202278 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Leek and Mimolette tart
This baked tart has a shortcrust pastry case, filled with a layer of chopped, braised leeks topped with a bechamel sauce with eggs and Mimolette cheese.June 9th 202061 K4.1 1 hour 20 min.
Leek and tuna loaf
This loaf is a savoury cake (quite popular in France) made with tinned tuna and leeks that have been lightly cooked with shallot.October 3rd 2010192 K4.4 1 hour 20 min.
Madras rice
Slices of sautéed aubergine and the lovely yellow colour from the curry spices bring a hint of India to this rice dish, given a twist with a little fried ham.December 16th 201876 K 30 min.
Manou's zucchinis garnished
Manou's zucchinis are zucchini halves topped with a small piece of toast, Mornay sauce and grated cheese before being put in the oven.August 18th 20247,618 55 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Traditional recipe from northern France, using a typical and tasty regional cheese. But this can be replaced by another (see below).April 17th 2022249 K 34.7 2 hours 30 min.
Mashed potatoes with cancoillotte cheese
Potatoes, first boiled, then quickly mashed and baked to a crisp, and served with warm cancoillotte.June 16th 202410 K 45 min.
Mediterranean toast
On a slice of toasted bread: barely-cooked Spanish ham, sticks of fried chorizo, slices of peeled tomato and sliced feta.October 9th 2011132 K4.5 1 hour 5 min.
Melting Epoisses on toast
Lightly buttered bread, a slurp of dry white wine, cured ham, sliced potato and a piece of Epoisse. A few minutes in the oven is enough to melt the cheese over the potatoes and crisp up the bread.May 10th 2014208 K 24.1 1 hour 30 min.
Mini Mont d'Or fondue with "spuds in blankets"
You may already have come across the Mont d'Or hot box recipe, where the cheese is baked in the oven then poured over potatoes. Here's a version with a twist: crispy ham-wrapped potato wedges to dip in the box of melted cheese.January 26th 202049 K 1 hour 45 min.
Mixed vegetable curry
A mix of vegetables (pumpkin, leek, chickpeas...) cooked in coconut milk and curry spices. Serve this dish with rice, preferably basmati, for an authentic touch.January 12th 202054 K5 60 min.
Mont d'or in brioche
For this delicious winter Comtoise recipe, we enclose a layer of grilled onions, diced Morteau sausage, sautéed potatoes and a Mont d'or in a brioche pastry. The whole thing, rather like a large pie, is baked in the oven, before being slit open to enjoy the melted Mont d'or that has deliciously...February 18th 202413 K 3 hours 40 min.
Montagnon rice
This rustic dish, with a nod to the mountains of eastern France, combines pre-cooked rice with morsels of smoked sausage and globe artichokes.June 22th 202218 K 45 min.
Montbenoit's canapés
A recipe from Franche-comté (lovely region of eastern France): large slices of bread coated with melted shallot, grilled bacon dice, a big slice of Morbier (cheese from the same region) and a brief spell in the oven. It really is a winter dish.October 13th 2010275 K4.6 1 hour 45 min.
Montlebon toast
Not just plain old cheese on toast, these slices are loaded with delicious toppings: bechamel sauce, caramelized onions and sticks of morteau sausage. The slices are finished with grated Comté, then browned in the oven.March 29th 202044 K5 30 min.
Morel risotto with Vin Jaune and Mont d'Or
This is a rather special risotto recipe with Morel mushrooms, cooked with Jura Vin Jaune wine, and with Mont d'Or cheese added just before serving to make it extra creamy. With the trio of morels, Vin Jaune and Mont d'Or, this is an ideal way to bring together the delicious flavours of the...September 4th 201859 K3.8 1 hour 55 min.
Mornay onion tart
In a shortcrust pastry base, a rather thick onion tart, where onions and lardons are deliciously bound with a Mornay sauce.June 23th 202410 K 2 hours 15 min.
Morteau sausage rolled brioche
Here is a quite sophisticated take on a Morteau sausage brioche. The sausage is first cooked in the oven, then rolled up in a brioche dough with metton cancoillotte before being left to rise. After baking, it is served sliced with a Vin Jaune cream sauce.September 16th 202435 K 3 hours 15 min.
Here is my personal version of this famous recipe from the eastern Mediterranean. It's a kind of gratin, made with layers of aubergines, cooked meat with tomatos and bechamel sauce with cheese.August 1st 2011375 K 14 2 hours 55 min.
Mozzarella pasta bake
A good way to use up leftover pasta, or cook some specially for this gratin with fried ham and two cheeses: diced mozzarella for melting texture and grated Comté for a nicely browned top.September 30th 201862 K 55 min.
Mushroom and artichoke omelette
This French "broken" omelette is not neatly folded like a classic omelette. There is more filling than egg: mushrooms and artichokes here, pan-fried with spring onions. It can be served flat, like a Spanish omelette, but I prefer the more original broken look.May 10th 202355 K3.9 55 min.
Mushroom bourguignon
These bourguignon-style mushrooms are cooked in a similar way to the classic beef dish, simmered with red wine and onions – flavours that go really well with mushrooms.May 10th 202330 K 30 min.
Mushroom buckwheat pancakes
The filling is prepared by frying ham and mushrooms with chopped shallot and a drizzle of lemon juice. The pancakes used here are Breton-style buckwheat "galettes" (often sold ready made in France), folded over the filling in the pan before serving.May 10th 202365 K4.6 45 min.
Mushroom Pancakes au Gratin
This recipe uses pan-fried mushrooms and shallots in cream as the filling for Breton "galettes": traditional buckwheat pancakes. The stuffed pancakes are then baked gratin-style with cheese and cream.May 10th 2023133 K4.6 55 min.
Mushroom tart
Puff pastry, cream and mushroom "duxelle" are the perfect combination to create an elegant savoury tart with a crisp, flaky base.May 10th 202329 K 55 min.
Mushrooms à la grecque
Mushrooms "à la grecque" (Greek-style) is a simple way to enhance sautéed mushrooms with the flavours of olive oil, herbs and lemon. A common variation is to add tomatoes – just one of many possibilities.May 10th 202332 K 20 min.
Mushrooms on toast, French style
This is a French version of mushrooms on toast! The mushrooms are simmered in cream then served on a slice of fried buttered bread.April 6th 2017219 K3.8 2 hours 5 min.
Nanou's tuna tart
Crisp puff pastry topped with tuna, mushrooms and cooked shallots.May 10th 2023122 K4.2 1 hour 40 min.
New peas with almonds
For this very simple recipe, new peas are simply sautéed in butter with roasted slivered almonds.May 12th 202410 K 40 min.
New York style pasta
Pasta served like in NYC: tagliatelle or spaghetti with lightly fried ham, peas and a nutmeg-flavoured cream sauce.July 1st 201396 K4.3 50 min.
Norwegian tartines
Scandinavian-style bread with smoked trout, and a fresh topping with herbs and shallots.February 19th 202035 K 30 min.
Oven omelette
For this omelette with a difference, we'll fry sliced potatoes, bacon (lardons) and onions, then pour the beaten eggs over and finish cooking everything together in the oven. The French sometimes call this an "Omelette of Moyenmoutier" after a village in the Vosges.May 21th 201759 K4.6 55 min.
Oven-roasted Sprouts
Here is an original way to pep up Brussels sprouts: roasted in the oven. Cooked this way, they will be lightly crisped on the outside and melting in the middle.February 10th 2016163 K4 55 min.
Oxtail Parmentier
Rather like the classic hachis Parmentier, but using oxtail stewed very slowly in red wine and herbs.October 13th 2010310 K4.7 5 hours 50 min.
Pan-fried cheese, egg and spinach toastie
Here's a new French twist on the famous American grilled cheese. This version plays on the great combination of spinach and eggs.August 15th 202127 K 40 min.
Parmesan cauliflower cheese
In this recipe, the cauliflower is cooked first in milk and this is used to make a Parmesan-bechamel sauce. The dish is topped with more Parmesan before being browned in the oven.December 1st 202128 K 1 hour 35 min.
Pasta with cherry tomatoes, olives and feta cheese
Here's a super-simple, but simply delicious recipe, where pasta, cooked separately, is mixed with a kind of cream made from cherry tomatoes, black olives and feta cheese, baked in the oven. You'll find that the taste, and the creamy texture of pasta prepared in this way is simply amazing.August 27th 202318 K 20 min.
Pasta with green asparagus
In this recipe, the pasta is cooked separately, then mixed with chunks of green asparagus, ribbons of smoked ham and a cream sauce with nutmeg.July 21th 201395 K3.9 1 hour 8 min.
Pasta with mushrooms
Your choice of pasta (spaghetti, penne or whatever) in a creamy sauce with mushrooms and shallots.May 10th 2023122 K4.3 40 min.
Pasta with mustard-cream sauce
Simple and quick to make, this is a delicious pasta recipe using lardons with a mustard-flavoured cream sauce.June 14th 202049 K 20 min.
Pasta with pesto and preserved tomatoes
In this recipe, the pasta (whatever kind you prefer) is served with shreds of fried ham and chopped preserved tomatoes as well as a good dollop of pesto.September 9th 201555 K3.8 25 min.
Penne with Mushrooms
Sautéed mushrooms in a cream sauce with penne - a simple, delicious recipe.May 10th 202354 K5 40 min.
Penne with purple artichokes
In this recipe, the purple artichokes are braised in white wine, then mixed with the penne and parmesan.February 11th 201669 K5 55 min.
Pissaladière with puff pastry
This savoury tart is a traditional speciality around Nice, on France's Cote d'Azur. Originally, pissaladière had much in common with its Italian cousin, the pizza, but made with onions, anchovies and olives, and without tomatoes. This is a slightly different version, more friable (with a...May 7th 201753 K3.9 1 hour 40 min.
Poached eggs with spinach and Comté milk
The combination of eggs with spinach is always a winner, but this recipe elevates it to another level with the original and delicious flavour added by the Comté milk.January 19th 202224 K 1 hour 7 min.
Polenta à la Comtoise
A polenta with the delicious flavors of Franche-Comté: Metton of cancoillotte, diced Morteau sausage and grated Comté cheese.November 10th 20246,806 30 min.
Polenta parmentier
This recipe is similar to a shepherd's pie, but the meat is accompanied by vegetables, and the mashed potatoes are replaced by a delicious cheese polenta.March 20th 202412 K 1 hour 35 min.
Polenta with artichokes and mushrooms
For this recipe, we're going to mix together soy-sautéed mushrooms, already-cooked purple artichokes, and toasted polenta cubes, for a very tasty dish.October 20th 20246,288 1 hour 20 min.
Polenta with beetroot tops
Creamy polenta with beetroot tops just briefly wilted in a frying pan with spring onion.June 8th 202219 K 35 min.
Polenta with Mont d'Or
This recipe offers you a way to make polenta that will turn out creamy, with the woody notes of the Mont d'Or.January 5th 202220 K 35 min.
Polenta with spinach and soft-poached egg
A "cake" of fried polenta, blanched spinach and a soft-poached egg on top, with a cream, shallot and white-wine sauce poured over just before serving.June 3rd 201871 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Pollack Parmentier
"Parmentier", in French cuisine, means topped or mixed with mashed potato. This fishy version is made with pollack (or another fish, if you prefer), poached, flaked, and mixed with cooked onions, mashed potatoes and a little thyme. This is then topped with grated cheese and browned in the oven,...October 1st 201745 K4.5 60 min.
Potato and broccoli gratin
A very simple recipe: a layer of potatoes, a layer of broccoli, bechamel sauce and grated cheese.September 16th 2024228 K3.8 2 hours 1 min.
Potato and cheese pie
For this very simple recipe, a layer of cheese is placed in a shortcrust pastry base, followed by potato slices and a little cream before browning in the oven.September 20th 202312 K 55 min.
Potato and two ham gratin
Little morsels of boiled and raw cured ham sautéd briefly then mixed with mashed potatoes and finished as a gratin in the oven.October 20th 2011123 K 14.6 50 min.
Potato galette
This potato "cake" is like a big savoury pancake of duchess potatoes (mashed potato with egg yolks), mixed with strips of fried ham, chives and spring onions. The galette is cooked in the oven in a tin and cut into portions for serving. This is delicious on its own or with a good green salad on the...July 10th 201959 K 1 hour 15 min.
Potato gratin
This classic French recipe is made with sliced potatoes baked in milk and browned on top.February 21th 20111.10 M 14.6 1 hour 50 min.
Potato gratin with 3 cheeses
For this delicious potato gratin, we'll use 3 different cheeses: 2 in the gratin, and a third on top.October 30th 20247,805 1 hour 45 min.
Potato Waffles with Smoked Salmon
For potato waffles, the flour in the mixture for the sweet version is replaced with instant dried potato. This is a way of making delicious savoury waffles. Adding ribbons of smoked salmon, like here, turns them into a proper meal, though they can be also be served as an accompaniment.April 22th 201865 K4.5 40 min.
Potato wallets
These "wallets" are potatoes boiled in their skins and sliced part-way through after cooking. The slots are filled with slices of cheese and grilled bacon and the potatoes are then baked for a few minutes the oven.March 8th 201570 K4.1 1 hour 4 min.
Potatoes with bacon and herbs
The potatoes in this recipe are rolled in a slice of lightly cooked bacon with sage and bay leaves slipped in between. They are then baked in the oven.November 14th 201842 K5 1 hour
Potatoes with smoked salmon
This is a very simple recipe with a delicious result: potatoes, smoked salmon and a herb sauce.June 28th 201561 K 15 40 min.
Potimarron (chestnut pumpkin) "au gratin"
We could almost say a "Parmentier" of potimarron: a layer of left over cooked chicken, covered with potimarron purée and cheese, put to brown in the oven.February 21th 2011263 K 24 1 hour 35 min.
Potimarron and Parmesan tart
This moist tart has a shortcrust pastry case, filled with a mixture of potimarron purée and Parmesan, bound with egg.December 12th 201839 K 2 hours 15 min.
Potimarron braised in meat jus
This is a very quick and simple recipe which makes an excellent accompaniment for roast meat, for example. It is also a good Sunday night dish.February 25th 201864 K 1 hour 5 min.
Provençal braised carrots
Chunks of carrot (different coloured varieties here), braised in a vegetable stock with herbes de Provence and served on a bed of couscous.January 27th 201964 K 1 hour 15 min.
Purple artichokes braised in white wine
In this recipe, small purple artichokes are trimmed and braised (i.e. simmered gently in a small quantity of liquid) in white wine.June 29th 201472 K4.3 40 min.
Purple artichokes in a cheesy gratin
Purple artichokes cooked in two stages: first boiled, then sautéed, and baked as a gratin in a Mornay sauce (cheesy bechamel) with morsels of fried ham.December 13th 202028 K 1 hour 30 min.
Quartet of brassicas with cream
Four kinds of brassicas (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, romanesco and broccoli), blanched separately, then combined to finish with cream and chopped parsley.January 16th 2013141 K4.6 2 hours 45 min.
Quiche Bretonne
This quiche from Brittany has a puff-pastry base topped with an assortment of fish and shellfish with a classic quiche filling. After baking in a hot oven, the crusty pastry is a great foil for the moist filling with all its seafood flavours.April 17th 202262 K 1 hour 40 min.
Quiche Lorraine
Quiche Lorraine is a recipe that is both simple and delicious. This savoury tart combines bacon and grated cheese with an egg and cream filling in a short-crust pastry case.April 17th 2022150 K4.9 1 hour 5 min.
Quick flaky pizza
This pizza with a difference has a thin puff-pastry base instead the traditional dough. Apart from this small refinement, the basic elements you would expect are all there: tomato sauce, a variety of toppings and fresh basil leaves.September 26th 2018109 K 40 min.
Quick stuffed courgettes
This is a relatively rapid way to prepare stuffed courgettes, using ready-made items that you can take out of the fridge or freezer at the last minute (or nearly).September 17th 201747 K4.4 1 hour 6 min.
"Rata-tart" is a tart filled with ratatouille and polenta. The layer of polenta in the bottom separates the pastry from the ratatouille and so keeps it crisp.October 27th 201376 K4.5 1 hour 15 min.
Ratatouille is a typical Mediterranean dish. The best-known version comes from Nice. It is a ragout of different vegetables (aubergines, peppers, courgettes, onions) in a tomato sauce.September 29th 2013113 K5 1 hour 55 min.
Ratatouille confite
In this ratatouille recipe, the vegetables are cooked longer than usual to get a richer melting dish.June 12th 2011217 K 13.8 2 hours 40 min.
Real home-made chips*
It's not easy to make these - the original "French fries" - well at home, that is, to produce golden and crunchy chips from fresh potatoes. Here is a way of doing it in three cooking stages, which gives very good results: melting in the middle, crunchy on the outside, and a nice golden colour....December 30th 2019431 K5 1 hour 50 min.
Red rice pannequets
This is a kind of small crusty parcel with flax seeds, filled with a mix of red rice, diced courgette and smoked ham.June 12th 2011233 K4 2 hours
Rice à la grecque
Rice cooked "à la grecque" (Greek-style) is enlivened with sautéed leeks and mushrooms, cream and feta, to which the cooked rice is added at the end. This is a hearty dish, usually served in its cooking pot in the centre of the table, so everyone can help themselves.October 28th 202044 K 50 min.
Rice and peas
This is a very simple recipe that can made almost entirely with leftovers: chicken, rice and peas.September 1st 2013131 K4.2 30 min.
Rice with spring greens
This combination of spring cabbage and leeks, cooked separately then mixed with rice, is a simple recipe and everything can be prepared in advance.June 6th 202221 K 45 min.
Rillettes stuffed mushrooms
In this recipe, the mushroom caps are first sautéed, then filled with fried onions and a spoonful of rillettes, then baked in the oven. Here they are served with a quick pickle made from brunoise radishes with tarragon.May 10th 202338 K3.8 60 min.
Risotto-style celeriac
In this recipe, the celeriac is cooked rather like for a risotto: diced small, softened in olive oil with onion, then cooked in chicken stock. The dish is finished with cream and maybe a little cancoillotte (or other creamy cheese). It is delicious on its own or to accompany meat.December 30th 201987 K 50 min.
Roast Brussels sprouts with sage and lemon
This makes a change from the usual ways of cooking sprouts: oven-roasted with sage and lemon, topped with grated Parmesan. They can be served as the main feature, or to accompany meat, for example.February 3rd 202129 K 1 hour 4 min.
Roast cabbage with lemon
It's not always easy to find new and appealing ways to cook cabbage, but this recipe – which is fairly simple – will give you a really delicious roast cabbage, flavoured with lemon and tarragon.August 26th 202045 K5 55 min.
Roast potatoes "à la provençale"
These roast potatoes with echoes of Provence are cooked in 2 stages: boiled first, then finished in the oven until golden and crisp. They can be served on their own, to accompany meat, or simply with a good green salad.September 12th 202135 K 1 hour 45 min.
Roasted Cauliflower
Roasting cauliflower in the oven is a delicious way to enjoy the vegetable: golden-brown on the outside and melt-in-the-mouth inside. In this recipe, the cauliflower is blanched first, then brushed with herb butter before roasting in the oven.March 27th 201672 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Roasted cauliflower
This is how Yotam Ottolenghi does roasted cauliflower: whole, served with a green parsley tahini sauce.April 19th 202043 K 2 hours 35 min.
Roasted leeks with pesto
Oven-roasted leeks, served in the spirit of leek vinaigrette with chopped hard-boiled eggs, but accompanied by a pesto.April 23th 202315 K 1 hour 9 min.
Roasted vegetables with thyme and green sauce
A quick and easy recipe for this dish of oven-roasted vegetables, served with a green parsley and sesame sauce.July 12th 202313 K 55 min.
Probably a swiss recipe originally, but also known in the French region of Franche-comté. This version is more sophisticated.February 21th 2011263 K4.2 40 min.
Rustic chicken and mushroom pie
This homely looking pie gets back to what good, old-fashioned pies are all about: it's round, deep and has both a proper bottom and lid. The one small concession to modernity is the use of puff pastry for a lighter, crisper crust. The filling combines mushrooms, leeks and diced chicken in a cream...May 10th 202369 K 1 hour 35 min.
Salmon and leek fondue tart
This delicious, creamy tart is full of flavour: big chunks of salmon marinated before cooking and laid on a bed of leek fondue in a shortcrust pastry case. You'll love it!March 6th 202048 K 50 min.
Salmon and Spinach Gratin
This gratin has a layer of spinach, a layer of salmon with tomato and a layer of potato purée topped with grated cheese.January 27th 201663 K4.3 50 min.
Salt cod brandade
"Brandade de morue" is a classic of French bistro cuisine, especially in the south. It is a puréed mixture of salt cod and olive oil with (or sometimes without) potatoes. Here is a simplified version.March 2nd 201490 K4 1 hour 35 min.
Sarladaise potatoes
Potatoes fried in a little goose fat, with a mixture of chopped parsley, garlic and shallot added just before serving. Greedy folks (like me) melt a few thin slices of foie gras over the top.October 13th 2010242 K4.7 1 hour 25 min.
Sausage buckwheat pancakes
This sausage pancake recipe is one of the better-known ways of using buckwheat pancakes. You will find it on the menu of all good French crêperies, but it is easy to make at home.February 26th 2012126 K4.5 1 hour 30 min.
Sausage in brioche
In this recipe, sausage is cooked, the skin removed, and baked in a savoury brioche dough. Serve preferably with a good green salad and French dressing (vinaigrette).September 10th 2018412 K5 1 hour 50 min.
Sausage mushroom and cheese crumble
A small ramekin filled with sausage sandwiched between two layers of cooked mushrooms, topped with a savoury crumble made with cancoillotte (a cheese typical of eastern France). All the French region of Franche-comté is in this recipe: Morteau sausage, cancoillotte cheese, and Jura white wine.May 10th 2023244 K 24.6 2 hours 45 min.
Sausage rougail
Sausage rougail is a typical dish from the cuisine of Réunion, the French island. It consists of fried sausages in a rich, spicy tomato stew.April 18th 202143 K 1 hour 30 min.
Sausage with duchess potatoes and a Mont d'Or fondue
The duchess potatoes are poached in a roll before being sliced and fried. They are served in alternate layers with slices of sausage, also cooked in two stages (boiled then fried), then topped with a fondue of Mont d'Or cheese.December 12th 2010193 K3.9 2 hours 15 min.
Sausages with baked beans, French style
What could be more basic than sausages and beans? This is a rustic French version using dried white haricot beans (or "mogettes") that are first boiled fast, then left to cook slowly with tomatoes and smoked sausages. The long cooking allows the smoky flavour of the sausages to gradually spread down...March 2nd 2022136 K4.6 1 hour 4 min.
Sautéd broccoli with ham
Broccoli cooked until just tender, quickly sautéd in a little olive oil with shallot and ribbons of ham.February 21th 2011211 K 14.3 50 min.
Sautéd mushrooms with spring onions and cured ham
Fresh mushrooms of your choice, cooked just right, thinly sliced spring onions and morsels of cured ham. Straight from the pan to your plate.May 10th 2023242 K 15 50 min.
Sautéed green vegetables
Just fresh vegetables, each sautéed in turn in olive oil, then combined with chopped spring onions and parsley.June 15th 201478 K4.1 1 hour 5 min.
Sautéed Green Vegetables in pan
A recipe full of gorgeous greens: broccoli, romanesco, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. The vegetables are cooked separately in stock before being lightly sautéed with shallot. This is a simple dish, though it takes a while to prepare, and is delicious, light and healthy.December 2nd 201566 K4.1 40 min.
Sautéed oyster mushrooms
When oyster mushrooms are about, it's worth making the most of them. Why not try this very simple sauté recipe? The mushrooms are fried and finished with just a little parsley and lemon juice.January 6th 202142 K 25 min.
Scallop and leek pancakes
These pancakes are filled with pan-fried scallops and creamed leeks.March 6th 202065 K4.3 15 min.
Scrambled eggs and leeks on toast
Scrambled eggs on toast, but with a difference: the eggs are partnered with smoked cheese and topped with just-cooked shredded leeks.March 23th 202220 K 60 min.
Scrambled eggs with butter-fried bread and fresh spinach
Fresh spinach, butter-fried bread and scrambled eggs: simply delicious.March 18th 2013292 K3.8 2 hours
Seafood sauerkraut
The French version of sauerkraut (choucroute) is normally served with meat, especially pork and sausage, but here is a seafood version with fish and shellfish. Do give it a try, as it's simple to make and delicious!April 17th 2011180 K4 1 hour 40 min.
Sesame rice
Sesame rice is a simple recipe: once cooked, the rice is dressed with a drizzle of sesame oil, then mixed with toasted sesame seeds. This delicious double sesame flavour makes it an ideal accompaniment for meat or fish.November 17th 202138 K 20 min.
This spicy, ratatouille-style tomato and onion purée can be eaten on its own or to accompany other dishes. Here, I've baked it in individual ramekins, topped with an egg. This recipe originated in North Africa and has spread all around the Mediterranean.January 19th 202038 K5 1 hour 40 min.
Shallot confit tart
This savoury tart is full of flavour: the thin puff-pastry case is filled with lightly grilled slices of ham and a mixture of cream and Époisses cheese, topped with a layer of oven-cooked shallot confit. This tart can be eated hot, of course, but is also good cold or reheated until just warmed...October 23th 201648 K4.7 2 hours 25 min.
Shiitake eggs
By French standards, this hardly qualifies as an omelette: beaten eggs, simply slammed in the pan with sautéed shiitake mushrooms in soy sauce.March 7th 202149 K4.2 35 min.
Sliced cauliflower with 3 cheeses
Thin slices of blanched cauliflower, fried strips of cured ham and 3 different types of cheese grated and gently melted to bind everything together.March 6th 201394 K5 50 min.
Sliced chicken with mushrooms and broccoli
Blanched broccoli sautéed quickly with thin slices of fried chicken.May 10th 2023157 K4.5 1 hour 4 min.
Small green vegetables in Mornay sauce
For this very green and vegetal recipe, vegetables are cooked separately, and bound with a Mornay sauce (Béchamel with cheese).June 13th 202414 K5 60 min.
Small ratatouille with
It's a hotch-potch of vegetables, cooked in two stages, onto which eggs are broken and cooked until the white only is just firm.June 12th 2011264 K5 1 hour 3 min.
Smoked haddock and leek fondue tartines
These tartines are built up with layers of leek fondue, sliced raw mushrooms and smoked haddock, then popped in the oven for a few minutes.May 10th 202335 K 35 min.
Smoked tomato toast
This recipe makes delicious toast with cherry tomato compote, smoked bacon and cheese.December 8th 20244,897 1 hour 15 min.
Smoky potato and potimarron gratin
This gratin has an unusual twist: it not only combines potatoes with potimarron, the potatoes are boiled in the water left after cooking a Morteau sausage, to give a lovely smoky flavour. Guaranteed to transport your tastebuds to eastern France!March 13th 201945 K 2 hours 10 min.
Smoky sausage and mash
This is sausage and mash with a smoky Gallic twist: the smoked sausage (Morteau sausage here) is cooked in with the potatoes, so that they take on its smoky flavour. The potatoes are turned into a French-style purée – softer and richer than British mash.July 21th 202132 K 1 hour 35 min.
Snails in a brioche
A flat brioche filled with snails, themselves filled with a knob of sophisticated beurre d'escargot. The flat round shape is reminiscent of the old-fashioned French snail dishes. Cut into bite-sized morsels, this makes a good aperitif snack.September 17th 202456 K 1 hour 45 min.
Snow peas sautéed in butter
Here's a quick and easy recipe for spring, when snow peas arrive on the shelves, and it's so simple and delicious just to sauté them in butter with a chopped shallot. This can be a stand-alone dish, or a side dish for meat or fish.June 2nd 20249,247 30 min.
Soft Croque-monsieur with 3 cheeses
A croque-monsieur, soft, a bit inspired by French toast, and topped with cheeses before a trip to the oven.April 9th 202317 K 50 min.
Sorrel omelette
A sorrel omelette is, unsurprisingly, a classic omelette with chopped sorrel added, but it is also served with a reduced cream and sorrel sauce.June 1st 202223 K 50 min.
Soufflée omelette with cheese
Halfway between an omelette and a soufflé, this quick recipe give a light and delicious result. The secret is mainly in the two cooking methods: frying pan, then oven.June 22th 2013435 K4.7 55 min.
Spaghetti Bolognese
Spaghetti "bolognese" (after the town of Bologna, Italiy) is a well-known dish, but so often amounts to nothing more than pasta topped with minced meat in a plain tomato sauce. Here is a more traditional version, in which the sauce is made with tomatoes, herbs, red wine and - of course - meat.September 29th 2022108 K3.8 1 hour 20 min.
Spaghetti Carbonara
A very famous Italian pasta recipe: egg yolks, cream, bacon, Parmesan and lemon juice.February 21th 2011336 K 24.8 25 min.
Spaghetti with mushrooms
In this recipe, the mushrooms are cooked in the oven first and are then combined with the cooked spaghetti, shallots and dressed with white wine and soy sauce.March 12th 201571 K4.1 1 hour 3 min.
Spaghetti with smoked salmon
After cooking the spaghetti as usual, strips of smoked salmon are added with cream, lemon, Parmesan and egg yolks.March 10th 2013140 K3.8 40 min.
Spaghetti with tomatoes and pesto
For this very simple recipe, just pasta, tomatoes, a few herbs and a little pesto, but a delicious taste you'll see.October 15th 202314 K 35 min.
Spiced butternut gratin
For this recipe, the butternut squash is cooked in two stages: first roasted, then finished in a gratin with Mornay sauce (bechamel with cheese).December 19th 202125 K 1 hour 20 min.
Spicy mustard cauliflower cheese
This delicious twist on cauliflower cheese is cooked in 3 stages: the cauliflower is steamed on its own before being fried with the spices. It is then topped with cheese and breadcrumbs, and browned in the oven.May 24th 202045 K 1 hour 1 min.
Spicy roast cauliflower gratin
The cauliflower in this recipe is cooked two different ways: first oven-roasted with chilli spices, then finished with a creamy gratin topping, made with its own trimmings.March 20th 202224 K1 1 hour 25 min.
Spinach à la Lorraine
Smoked bacon, shallots and cream to accompany spinach cooked separately, to form a very gourmet dish.February 21th 202412 K 35 min.
Spinach and cashew brik rolls
Brik (or filo) pastry with a filling of cream cheese, cooked spinach and cashew nuts.February 26th 202035 K 35 min.
Spinach and cauliflower with sesame béchamel sauce
Spinach and cauliflower, each cooked on its own side, then bound together with a roasted sesame béchamel.January 14th 202411 K 60 min.
Spinach and chick peas "à la milanaise"
An Italian-style combination of spinach, chick peas and tomatoes, flavoured with thyme and Parmesan.June 15th 202220 K 20 min.
Spinach and Comté Loaf
For this savoury cake-style loaf, we use a plain basic mixture and add wilted spinach wth shallots and diced Comté cheese.April 17th 2016106 K4.3 1 hour 15 min.
Spinach and hard-boiled egg gratin
In this gratin, spinach and hard-boiled eggs are combined with bechamel sauce and topped with grated cheese.December 18th 2013144 K4.7 35 min.
Spinach and Mushrooms with Pesto
For this simple recipe, thinly sliced and sautéed mushrooms, accompanied by cooked spinach, are combined with a pesto sauce.May 10th 202315 K 20 min.
Spinach and ricotta ravioli
The filling for these ravioli is a delicious mixture of ricotta with cooked spinach, egg and lightly toasted pine nuts. The ravioli are first boiled in salted water, then baked gratin-style with cream, Parmesan and sage.May 29th 201659 K 14.8 1 hour 15 min.
Spinach brik parcels
Crispy brik parcels, filled with a mixture of spinach, feta and chopped shallot.May 5th 2013120 K5 45 min.
Spinach Croque-monsieur
A croque-monsieur is a French toasted sandwich. Here, the 2 slices of buttered bread are filled with bechamel sauce, hard-boiled eggs, blanched spinach and melted cheese. The assembled sandwich is popped in the oven to toast the bread and melt the cheese.May 24th 201565 K4.5 45 min.
Spinach Mornay
This gratin is made with a layer of pre-cooked spinach, then sliced hard-boiled eggs and a Mornay sauce (an enriched bechamel with cheese).June 13th 202464 K4 40 min.
Spinach Omelette
An ultra-simple but delicious omelette recipe. The beaten eggs are poured over spinach that has already been cooked with shallots.May 1st 201678 K4.7 20 min.
Spinach on toast with bechamel
A slice of buttered toast, layers of spinach and sliced hard-boiled egg, topped with bechamel sauce and grated cheese, then browned in the oven.February 11th 201565 K4.3 35 min.
Split peas "à la française"
To cook fresh peas à la française (French style), they are first blanched in boiling water, then combined with fried lardons and onion. This idea can also be used with split peas, but they need cooking for much longer.February 5th 2020168 K 55 min.
Steamed leeks with morel sabayon
For this very simple recipe, steamed leeks (cooked in 2 stages) are served with a sabayon made with mushroom "jus", preferably from morels. The sabayon is the major taste element in this dish, and adds a delicious woodland-mushroom flavour.June 11th 201743 K4.1 40 min.
Stuffed artichokes au gratin
For this recipe we'll attempt to use the whole of the artichoke: the heart, of course, but also the leaf bases in bechamel sauce with mushrooms and shallots, as a tasty filling for the hearts.May 10th 2023103 K5 1 hour 35 min.
Stuffed baguette
This baguette is "stuffed", rather than merely filled: hollowed out and refilled with a tasty mix of sautéed onions, fried bacon bits and eggs, before browning in the oven. A useful way to use up a leftover baguette, even if it is already going dry. It makes a great dish that children love, and...September 11th 2019107 K3 55 min.
Stuffed cabbage leaves
The French classic "chou farci" is made with large green cabbage leaves which are blanched before being rolled into parcels around a sausage meat and cheese filling, then baked in the oven.February 1st 2015215 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Stuffed Mushrooms
In this recipe, the mushrooms are stuffed with caramelized onions, topped with cheese and cooked in the oven. As mushrooms tend to give off a lot of liquid, especially when very fresh, the cooking is done in two stages.May 10th 202361 K4.1 60 min.
Stuffed mushrooms au gratin
For this fairly sophisitcated recipe, the mushrooms caps are marinated and pre-cooked in the oven. They are then filled with a delicious mix of potatoes, sausage and cheese before being baked gratin-style.May 10th 202343 K 1 hour 10 min.
Stuffed pumpkin gratin
The small squash used here is the Japanese chestnut pumpkin or "potimarron". For this gratin, we scrape out the seeds and fill the centre with a mixture of two sorts of fried meat (chicken and bacon), chestnuts and cream, then bake it in the oven until the pumpkin flesh is soft. Served straight from...November 29th 201564 K4.3 1 hour 9 min.
Stuffed tomatoes and courgettes
A classic recipe of French family cooking, but with a more sophisticated filling.February 21th 2011339 K3.8 1 hour 50 min.
Summery cheese on toast
Lightly toasted bread topped with a mixture of cream cheese, chopped spring onions, sliced radishes and fresh herbs.July 20th 201645 K4 25 min.
Sunday night pasta
Here's a quick and simple solution when faced with the age-old question late on Sunday afternoon: "What are we going to eat tonight?".December 30th 201972 K4.8 30 min.
Surf and turf club sandwich
This is a rapid club sandwich recipe that combines the taste of the sea (sardines in oil) with the terrestrial flavour of fried bacon. The two are accompanied by a layer of cream cheese with herbs.September 10th 201738 K4.3 25 min.
Tagliatelle and courgette spaghetti, carbonara style
Classic pasta: tagliatelle mixed with courgette "spaghetti", and like for carbonara, with a sauce of egg yolks, cream, lemon juice and fried ham.February 21th 2011296 K4.7 55 min.
Tagliatelle with rillons and tomatoes
For this very simple recipe, roast rillons to your taste, tomato and pasta.June 9th 20249,189 40 min.
Tandoori-flavoured chicken with leeks
Indian flavours pep up this recipe. The leeks are cooked then mixed with chunks of chicken (a good way to use leftovers from a previous meal) and simmered with tandoori spices.April 17th 201943 K 55 min.
A personal version of a classic recipe from Savoy.September 16th 2019602 K 14.6 1 hour 30 min.
Tartine du pêcheur
This is a French twist on that store-cupboard basic, sardines on toast: sardine fillets in oil and sliced spring onion, topped with a poached egg.June 1st 201648 K4.7 15 min.
Tender roasted carrots with avocado mayonnaise
Roasted new carrots with Provencal flavors, served with toasted bread and a delicious avocado mayonnaise.July 21th 20248,315 50 min.
Tex-Mex chicken burger
For this Tex-Mex inspired burger the usual beef pattie has been abandoned in favour of fried chicken with chilli, put together with sliced avocado and raw baby spinach.June 23th 202125 K 50 min.
Thaï rice with small vegetables
Vegetables cut in small dice, cooked in stages, and mixed with cooked Thaï rice. Delicious alone or served with meat for example.February 21th 2011282 K4.7 1 hour 35 min.
The strange gratin
Here is a recipe for a gratin that is a little unusual in its ingredients, which allows the use of vegetable tops and leftover cheese, but for a very successful taste despite everything.July 20th 202222 K 1 hour 30 min.
Thin cherry tomato and pesto tart
A tomato tart is a real taste of summer: this one uses cherry tomatoes, finished with a drizzle of pesto after cooking. Cherry tomatoes are an ideal way to add a variety of colours for a tart that looks just as good as it tastes.August 23th 202035 K 1 hour 1 min.
Thin endive tart
This thin tart (made with puff pastry) is a sort of quiche. It is fairly light, with smoked ham and endives fried from raw (not blanched first).April 17th 202256 K4.9 60 min.
Thin spinach and potato tart
A savoury tart with a thin puff pastry base, crushed potatoes, spinach, bechamel sauce and topped with a sprinkling of grated cheese.June 13th 202128 K5 60 min.
Tomato feuilleté with pesto
This is a fairly simple recipe, but the result is an elegant, thin tart, bursting with delicious Italian colour. The base is a a feuilletage, but savoury this time, topped with the concentrated flavours of Italian cuisine: pesto, tomatoes and Parmesan.September 8th 201842 K4.1 60 min.
Tomato omelette
Tomato omelette is a great classic of Provençale cuisine. This is my personal version with mushrooms.May 10th 2023120 K4.6 1 hour 1 min.
Tomatoes Provençal
This is a great classic dish of Provençal cuisine: tomato halves topped with a kind of stuffing mixture of breadcrumbs, parsley and garlic. In this version, they are served on a bed of white rice.December 30th 201947 K4.3 1 hour 9 min.
Tortilla Comtoise
A potato tortilla, but revisited with good Franche-Comté products: Morteau sausage and Morbier cheese.January 12th 20253,593 45 min.
Triple-Cheese Pumpkin Gratin
The small squash used here is the Japanese chestnut pumpkin or "potimarron". For this gratin, we scrape out the seeds and fill the centre with a mixture of three sorts of cheese and cream, then bake it in the oven until the pumpkin flesh is soft. Served straight from the oven like this, it is good...January 24th 201686 K4.1 55 min.
Truffade is a traditional dish from France's Auvergne region. It is made with potatoes and local cheese. Truffade originated in the mountains and is a proper winter dish, quite rich and delicious. This recipe, like with all traditional food, comes in many versions: different cheeses, ways to cook...August 12th 202160 K4.3 1 hour 10 min.
Truffade original
Truffade is a traditional dish from the Auvergne region of France. It is simple and delicious: potatoes are cooked slowly in a covered pan, then sliced local cheese is melted in towards the end of cooking.August 12th 202138 K 1 hour 35 min.
Tuna pasta
This is typical Sunday night fare, or for when you've simply had enough of cooking. An easy but delicious, creamy combination of pasta and tuna.March 14th 202138 K 15 min.
Turmeric risotto
A colourful and tasty risotto made with turmeric, and pumpkin and sunflower seeds.May 19th 201974 K3.5 60 min.
Two-cheese quiche
This extra-tasty quiche is made with diced ham and a combination of two cheeses: Comté and Cheddar.April 17th 202260 K4 1 hour 2 min.
Two-cheese vegetable gratin
This is a vegetable gratin with a difference: 3 layers of different vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli and aubergine) with two different cheeses for a flavousome topping: Comté and Époisse.October 16th 201949 K3.5 1 hour 25 min.
Upside-down Parmentier
Parmentier is a French version of shepherd's pie. This variation has slow-cooked meat on top of the mashed potato (purée), instead of underneath. A red-wine sauce adds the finishing touch.November 6th 2011109 K4.2 6 hours 7 min.
Vegetable clafoutis
Clafoutis, the traditional French batter puddings, are normally sweet, but here is a savoury version: a layer of mixed vegetables (pre-cooked in this case) in a gratin dish with a cheesy mixture poured over, then baked in the oven. Here I have used diced carrots and courgettes, chopped onion, fried...September 28th 201673 K4.7 1 hour 35 min.
Vegetable pie
Three layers of vegetables, baked in puff pastry.September 10th 2018238 K3.9 1 hour 25 min.
Vegetable tian
A tian is a slow-cooked Mediterranean dish. It consists mainly of sliced vegetables packed in vertical rows and baked in the oven. This version, inspired by Isabelle's, is boosted with a little grilled ham and cheese.September 23th 202044 K 2 hours 15 min.
Warm Leek and Potato Salad
This simple salad combines leeks (boiled and thoroughly drained) with sliced potatoes in a good vinaigrette.February 21th 201664 K4.6 40 min.
Welsh (French Welsh Rarebit)
This is a French version (as served in brasseries in northern France) of the traditional Welsh rarebit. It contains boiled ham as well as the usual toasted bread and Cheddar cheese melted in beer.February 2nd 201496 K4.2 35 min.
Welsh-style potato purée
A Welsh-style twist on the classic potato purée (posh mash!), with finely sliced leeks, cooked until just done to keep their lovely green colour. This dish could be the main feature or served on the side with meat, for example.December 26th 202123 K 25 min.
White bean gratin "à l'italienne"
White haricot beans enriched with the Mediterranean flavours of tomatoes and herbs. The beans are boiled first then mixed with chopped tomatoes and finished gratin-style in the oven.August 25th 202128 K 13 hours 2 min.
Winegrowers' sausage casserole
This sausage casserole is a simple mix of vegetables with smoked sausage, but the cooking liquid in this case is dry white wine (and hence the name). The casserole is cooked long and slow in the oven with a lid. This allows all the flavours of the vegetables, wine and sausage to mingle harmoniously.March 19th 201859 K 2 hours 40 min.
Winemaker's toast
These oven-baked open sandwiches are topped with onions cooked in red wine, fried bacon and potatoes, finished with a thin layer of melted cheese.March 11th 2012100 K5 1 hour 20 min.
Zucchini and potato scarpaccia
Scarpaccia is a recipe from Tuscany, Italy, a simple but delicious zucchini and potato cake with Parmesan cheese.October 16th 202410 K5 1 hour 30 min.
"BN style" chocolate-filled biscuits
These are similar to the BN biscuits so well-known in France. They are a sandwich of chocolate filling between two layers of biscuit. Children adore them!March 21th 2011209 K 24.6 5 hours 15 min.
4 pears salad with vanilla
It's a very easy recipe, everything depends on the choice of differents kinds of pears all fully ripe, to give a delicious contrast in the mouth.February 21th 2011226 K4.2 40 min.
Agen prune cake
This cake from Agen, in southwestern France, is a type of brioche. Inspired by the famous "tarte au sucre" (sugar tart), it is like a thick "galette" with a moist texture, filled with prunes and marzipan with Armagnac.September 16th 201841 K3 1 hour 55 min.
Almond mug cake for Mary
Mug cakes are fun and quick to make. They cook in the microwave in about a minute and a half. This almond version is similar to the small cakes known as financiers.June 22th 2014108 K4.3 9 min.
Almond tuiles
These delicious little biscuits ("tiles" in French) get their crunch and lightness from the use of flaked almonds rather than ground. It is not difficult to succeed, you just need to work fast after taking them out of the oven.August 21th 2019380 K4 1 hour 20 min.
Almonds pyramids
If you are already familiar with coconut pyramids, you might like to try these almonds flavoured pyramids. The recipe is very straightforward, but these little cakes, with their crisp outside and moist centre, are simply delicious.January 13th 202141 K 35 min.
Alsatian apple tart
This tart from France's Alsace region has a sweet pastry (or sweetcrust) case, filled with raw apple slices and a light vanilla egg-custard mixture, then baked.July 13th 202268 K 55 min.
Amandier (gluten-free almond cake)
This gluten-free cake is called "amandier" in French, as it is made with ground almonds instead of flour (the same word also means almond tree). The texture is moist and the flavour is, well, almondy.October 4th 202037 K 1 hour 8 min.
Amaretti are little Italian almond biscuits. They are a bit like meringues, very sweet, and made with ground almonds.May 31th 201570 K4.5 1 hour 3 min.
Amiens macaroons
These macaroons, famous since the 16th century, are small, soft almond-flavoured cakes. This recipe is much easier to make than the one for the classic Parisian macarons.February 13th 201394 K5 50 min.
Angevin plum pâté
The Angevin pie, as its name does not indicate it, is a dessert, a kind of plum pie made with a shortcrust pastry. It is a dessert from the old days, which has crossed the ages while remaining in Anjou (the famous "Loire valley" in France).July 31th 202222 K 1 hour 35 min.
Apple amandine tarts from Brélès
Amandines are small sweetcrust pastry tarts filled with fruit and topped with almond cream. Here's a rather more sophisticated version made with stewed apple, rice pudding and almond cream.March 1st 2012184 K3.7 1 hour 10 min.
Apple and almond cake
As the name suggests, this is a very moist cake, with almonds and apples, baked in a gratin dish.October 1st 202313 K 1 hour 55 min.
Apple and almond gratin
Imagine a gratin, but sweet, made with apples and toasted ground almonds. This delicious dessert combines apples and almonds with a vanilla custard-like mixture - simply yummy!February 8th 201754 K4.6 1 hour 5 min.
Apple and Blackcurrant Brioche Pies
These brioche pies look like muffins with their "mushroom" tops. They are filled with quartered apples and a little blackcurrant jelly.September 10th 201852 K4.5 2 hours 55 min.
Apple and blackcurrant tarts
These little tarts taste every bit as good as they look. The sweetcrust pastry cases are filled with a layer of stewed apple and topped with a blackcurrant crémeux. This offers your guests a delightful element of surprise, as the apple flavour is only discovered as they eat it (but only if you've...October 10th 202133 K 1 hour 8 min.
Apple and pear tart
Apples and pears are combined in this sophisticated autumn tart. The pears are laid decoratively on top of stewed apple.October 27th 201495 K 24.9 60 min.
Apple Batter Puddings
Similar to a traditional French "clafoutis", usually made with cherries, this simple apple and almond dessert is quick to make.March 30th 201653 K4.7 45 min.
Apple charlotte with toasted brioche
This rather special charlotte is made with toasted slices of brioche instead of finger biscuits and stewed apples. Cooked once assembled, it can be eated warm or cold.June 5th 2013275 K3.8 2 hours 20 min.
Apple crisps
This is a really simple recipe - there's really not much to do, other than wait while the crisps (or chips for Americans) cook gently in the oven.April 19th 201747 K4.5 2 hours 8 min.
Apple custard tart
You may well know the classic Parisian custard tart (or "flan"), traditionally vanilla-flavoured. Here is an apple version, with extra apple flavour as the custard is made with apple juice. This is topped with delicious caramelized apple slices.July 26th 202036 K 2 hours 40 min.
Apple macaronade
This gratin-style apple pudding has an almond "macaronade" crust for a delicious combination of flavours.December 27th 202031 K 1 hour 15 min.
Apple paste
Apple paste, like most other fruit pastes, is a simple mixture of apple juice, sugar and a gelling agent - pectin here.November 6th 201978 K5 10 days 50 min.
Apple Pie
This classic of family cooking is quite simple: just a puff pastry "shell" sealing in lightly sweetened slices of apple. During cooking, the fruit softens to resemble stewed apple. Serve warm, if possible, to enjoy at its best.September 11th 201865 K3.7 55 min.
Apple semelles (flat apple tarts)
The French semelle is a flat rectangular tart with a base of puff pastry. In this version, a layer of stewed apple is spread on the pastry, then topped with finely-sliced fruit.October 28th 2011154 K4.3 1 hour 5 min.
Apple Strudel
Apple strudel is a traditional pastry from central Europe. It is like a large apple turnover, usually served in slices. Here is a version with apples, walnuts, almonds and rum-soaked raisins.September 11th 201861 K5 1 hour 35 min.
Apple Tatin Terrine
Imagine a sweet terrine, made of layers of apples with sugar, cooked slowly in the oven until caramelized. Serve warm in slices with custard.December 14th 201478 K4.1 3 hours 30 min.
Apple-almond shortbread tart
A great pastry classic, with a shortbread base, almond cream and apple slices.September 24th 202313 K
Apricot and almond cream tart
Half apricots arranged on a thin layer of almond cream.July 12th 2023328 K4.1 1 hour 45 min.
Apricot and pistachio clafoutis
For this apricot and pistachio clafoutis, we'll first bake the apricots on their own in the oven, before pouring in the clafoutis dough for a second baking. This first baking apart will enhance the taste of the apricots in the clafoutis.September 3rd 202313 K 1 hour 20 min.
Apricot blancmange
Blancmange is a very old dessert recipe, going back to the middle-ages. Updated for our century, it's almond milk with whipped cream and a smooth apricot puree.August 23th 2011309 K4 3 hours 15 min.
Apricot fool
The traditional fruit fool is a rather old-fashioned dessert, consisting of whipped cream (Chantilly) with a fruit coulis gently folded into it.August 8th 2010190 K5 20 min.
Apricot jam with vanilla
A really flavoursome apricot jam, minimally sweetened, with a hint of vanilla and the discreet crunch of the almond-like kernels.July 12th 202330 K 4 hours 55 min.
Apricot jelly
An apricot jelly is made using only the pulp of the fruit, removing the skin and any fibrous parts, which requires some cooking. The result is a much smoother, more pleasant preparation, a little less tart than a classic jam.July 16th 202319 K 2 hours 55 min.
Arizona cupcakes
Cupcakes are small sponge cakes. In their original American version, they are usually decorated with brightly coloured icing. Here's a version inspired by the famous saguaro cactus, so common in Arizona.October 13th 2010192 K 14.6 1 hour 50 min.
Arlesian Biscuits
These small almond and lemon-flavoured biscuits have a short, melt-in-the-mouth texture. They are known as "sablés arlésiens" in French.July 30th 201472 K5 1 hour 35 min.
Autumn apple and plum crumble pie
This crumble with a difference captures real autumn flavours: apples, plums and hazelnuts. For a change, the crumble topping is pressed into a thin crust, more like a pie.October 27th 201945 K 1 hour 40 min.
Baked Alaska
The name may be odd, but Baked Alaska is an elegant dessert. The core of this version is a "sandwich" of vanilla ice cream and blackcurrant sorbet between 2 layers of sponge soaked in rum-flavoured syrup. This is then covered in a layer of meringue and put in a very hot oven for just a few minutes...December 29th 202453 K4.3 6 hours 50 min.
Baked apples from St Aubin le Vertueux
Under this pretty name, my personal version of "Les pommes au four" (baked apples).February 21th 2011247 K 24.2 1 hour 7 min.
Belle-helene in a glass
It's a recipe where you make 4 layers of different creams in a small glass: vanilla cream, small dice of pear cooked in maple syrup, chocolate mousse and whipped cream. It should be served to your guests cool but not too cold .February 21th 2011255 K3.8 1 hour 50 min.
Black Forest gateau
Black Forest gateau is a sophisticated dessert which comes from Germany. It is essentially a combination of four flavours: chocolate, cherries, cream and kirsch. Here is my own version.November 27th 2011154 K4.6 2 hours 35 min.
Black sesame flan
Here's a very original flan recipe: the addition of black sesame paste to the mixture gives it an amazing taste and color.July 30th 202324 K 1 hour 35 min.
Blackberry and almond fondant tart
Balckberries and almonds go so well together: the slight tartness of the berries is the perfect foil for the sweeter almonds. This combination makes for a delicious tart. The sweetcrust pastry case is filled with a blackberry jelly and an almond panna cotta, presented in a bold and unusual way as a...December 30th 201941 K 3 hours 50 min.
Blackcurrant and chestnut verrines
Blackcurrants and chestnuts and go together really well, as the tang of the one balances the gentle sweetness of the other. Here they are combined in a verrrine, with a blackcurrant crémeux and chestnut mousse, served with a little sablé biscuit.November 1st 202032 K 1 hour 9 min.
Blackcurrant jelly
Blackcurrants are full of flavour and make an excellent jelly. In the depths of winter, you'll be glad you made some now.September 8th 202129 K4 60 min.
Blackcurrant sorbet for Edith
If you love the taste of blackcurrants (like Edith), this sorbet is for you...October 13th 2010250 K4.9 25 min.
Blackcurrant, vanilla and lime verrine
Vanilla-lime, confectioner's custard and blackcurrant coulis, topped with a layer of whipped cream (chantilly) and dusted with a little matcha green tea powder. Light and flavoursome.September 12th 2010192 K4.9 1 hour 9 min.
Blackcurrant-almond muffins
Blackcurrant muffins with a rather special ground almond dough. Blackurrants give a delicious hint of acidity, which goes very well with the almond flavour.February 21th 2011258 K3.8 50 min.
Bonnevaux apple tart
This is without doubt the easiest apple tart you can make: a simple pastry case (a sweetened sort of shortcrust pastry without egg) and apples - that's all! It's the tart my grandmother Jeanne made when I was a boy (a long time ago, as you can probably gather) and my father's favourite dessert.In...November 2nd 201644 K4 2 hours 7 min.
Boulangère tart tatin with vine nectarines
You may already be familiar with the famous apple tarte tatin, but here's a very tasty bakery version, with vine nectarines and croissant dough.September 18th 20247,146 1 hour 30 min.
Bounty-style tart for Alison
This Bounty-style tart combines, as you might expect, chocolate and coconut in a sweetcrust pastry case.June 2nd 2015131 K 14 1 hour 35 min.
Breton apple and rhubarb tart
This rhubarb and apple tart is given a Breton twist with a base of traditional, butter-rich, sablé biscuit. This is topped with an apple "crémeux" filling. The finishing touch is a layer of rhubarb, cut on the diagonal and oven-poached in a syrup of its own juice.December 30th 201944 K5 1 hour 45 min.
Breton strawberry and verbena tart
Strawberries and verbena go well together. In this recipe they are combined as a verbena crémeux with whole fresh strawberries on a Breton sablé base.August 11th 201941 K 1 hour 50 min.
Brioche galette
This galette (flat cake) is made with brioche dough, stuck with little pieces of butter and sprinkled with sugar.February 23th 201293 K4.8 2 hours 3 min.
Brioche slices with almond cream
A brioche slice, soaked in rum syrup and covered with almond cream, then browned in the oven. It's a dessert, and also a pastry which goes very well with tea or coffee at the end of the afternoon, especially when it's cold outside.June 13th 2013211 K4.1 55 min.
Brioche Tatin
For this filled brioche, the apples are cooked separately, as for a tart tatin (caramelized), then sandwiched between two circles of brioche dough.September 10th 201876 K3.7 3 hours 25 min.
Buckwheat almond biscuits
In this sweet biscuit recipe, some of the normal wheat flour is replaced with buckwheat flour and ground almonds. This gives them a very distinctive flavour.October 7th 201586 K4 2 hours 40 min.
Calissons are a sweet from Provence - Aix-en-Provence is famous for them - made with almonds and candied fruit, covered with royal icing. This is a slightly simplified version, which is every bit as good.February 12th 2012141 K 53.3 1 hour 30 min.
Canadian apple crumble
The classic apple crumble is given a Canadian twist here: rolled oats in the topping and a drizzle of maple syrup over the apples. These two small changes make the flavour very distinctive and very, well... Canadian.August 4th 201973 K3 1 hour 25 min.
Canadian rice pudding
You are no doubt familiar with classic rice pudding, so simple and delicious. Well, here's a version with a Canadian twist: sweetened with maple syrup instead of sugar, added in two stages.January 31th 202147 K 1 hour 7 min.
Candied grapefruit peel
Not really a dessert, more a kind of sweet. After soakiing, strips of grapefruit skin are cooked very slowly to conservethem in sugar. It's a real treat with coffee at the end of a meal.December 20th 2018371 K 14 1 day 1 hour 25 min.
Cannelés are a speciality from the French city of Bordeaux. These delicious little cakes have a crunchy exterior and a soft centre.December 16th 2012108 K5 1 day 1 hour 30 min.
Cantucci di Prato
The "Cantucci di Prato" or cookies of Prato are dry cookies with almonds, originating from the city of Prato in Italian Tuscany. Quite easy to make and delicious, they keep very well, they can be eaten alone or as an accompaniment to a dessert such as a chocolate cream for example.May 14th 202316 K 2 60 min.
Caramel rice pudding
We start with a classic rice pudding and add beaten eggs, this is poured onto hot caramel in the bottom of a dish, and then cooked in a bain-marie in the oven until firm like a cake.February 11th 2011255 K5 1 hour 40 min.
Caramel semolina pudding with raisins
Semolina pudding, like rice pudding, is a throwback to another era – time to rediscover its delights! This is an updated version, with a caramel sauce and raisins. Its smooth, creamy texture comes from the custard added towards the end.December 30th 202051 K3.3 50 min.
Caramelised apple custards
A Parisian flan-style egg custard, poured over sautéed and caramelised (flambéed, even) apples, baked in individual ramekins.June 9th 202128 K 60 min.
Caramelised apple pie
Apple pie made with caramelised apples.September 11th 2018257 K4.3 1 hour 55 min.
Caramelized apple "moelleux" cake
The apples in this recipe are caramelized in a mixture of butter and sugar, then cooled before being added to the "moelleux" batter (which makes a soft, moist cake). The result is a delicious cake combining apple and caramel flavours.November 7th 202123 K 1 hour 60 min.
Caramelized apple and walnut cake
A variation on the classic walnut cake, with a luscious centre of caramelized apple slices, flambéed in Calvados.June 7th 202047 K 1 hour 35 min.
Caramelized apple rice pudding
This recipe combines a classic rice pudding with caramelized apples and a crunchy topping inspired by crumble. Served in glasses, this makes an original and delicious dessert.November 28th 202126 K1 1 hour 9 min.
Caramelized brioche with pear and kiwi
This "classy restaurant" style dessert consists of a sort of dish made of caramelized brioche filled with a mix of pear compote and kiwi salad with vanilla, served surrounded by real custard (crème anglaise).April 29th 2012100 K 15 45 min.
Caramelized pear custard tart
You may well be familiar with the famous French custard tart, with its creamy vanilla egg-custard filling. It can also be made in individual portions, in ramekins, for example. Here is a delicious version with caramelized pears.July 13th 202263 K 2 1 hour 3 min.
Caribbean upside-down cake
The dominant flavours in this cake are pineapple and almonds. The pineapple is caramelized first separately, with brown sugar and lime, before being laid in the bottom of the tin. The cake batter is then poured over. The cooked cake is turned out to reveal the lovely golden pineapple layer on top a...December 30th 201969 K4.7 1 hour 7 min.
Chantilly rice pudding
A rice pudding with a difference: it is cooked the classic way and left to cool. Whipped cream is then gently folded in to give a light-textured and original dessert.April 1st 202045 K 2 hours 50 min.
Chaud-froid of grapefruit, pineapple and lime custard
Cold grapefruit quarters with slices of hot caramelized pineapple, lime custard (crème anglaise) and citrus crunch.December 20th 2010257 K4.5 2 hours 5 min.
Checkerboard biscuits
These biscuits are half and half chocolate and almond in a checkerboard pattern, both in colour and flavour.March 8th 2012139 K5 4 hours 25 min.
Cherry and pistachio tarts
A shortcrust pastry case baked with pistachio cream, then topped with Griottine cherries.July 4th 2010181 K 25 1 hour 20 min.
Cherry clafoutis
A clafoutis batter and cherries lightly cooked in sugar and Kirsch, then de-stoned. The clafoutis is baked in the oven.June 19th 2011136 K4.3 1 hour 20 min.
Chestnut and hazelnut biscuits
Here's a really simple recipe for little nutty biscuits, combining hazelnuts with a double dose of chestnut flavour: flour and purée (crème de marrons).February 28th 202132 K3 2 hours 1 min.
Chestnut cake
This delightful cake is doubly chestnutty: it contains chestnut flour, and sweet chestnut purée.May 8th 2020333 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Chestnut Fudge Cupcakes
This recipe allows you to enjoy a delicious brownie-style combination of melting fudgy texture and cake, with the distinct flavours of chocolate and chestnut purée.January 31th 201669 K5 55 min.
Chestnut moelleux
"Moelleux" means soft, and is also the name given to the gooey, soft-centred cakes that are popular in France. These muffin-style cakes are doubly chestnutty: there is chestnut purée in the mixture and pieces of marrons glacés (candied chestnuts) in the middle as well. The result is a little...February 11th 201850 K 15 1 hour 15 min.
Chestnut mousse in a whipper
In France, chestnut mousse is sometimes called "Mousse Mont Blanc". It is a delicious combination of whipped cream with chestnut purée, traditionally mixed in very gently. Here is a simple, rapid version, made with a cream whipper.October 18th 202053 K 9 min.
"Chinese" - what a strange name for this cake! A kind of brioche, filled with confectioner's custard (crème pâtissière) which can be decorated with fondant icing.September 10th 2018264 K 24.7 5 hours 30 min.
Chocolate almond cookies
Cookies made with ground almonds, chocolate chips and a little cocoa.February 21th 2011232 K 14.3 1 hour 50 min.
Chocolate and matcha tea biscuits
Little spiral biscuits flavoured with chocolate and matcha green tea.February 19th 2012108 K4 3 hours
Chocolate and vanilla crème brûlée
This crème brûlée recipe is a sophisticated combination in three layers: chocolate ganache, vanilla custard, and, of course, a delicious thin crust of caramel. It is more complicated than a simple chocolate crème brûlée, but well worth the effort when you see your guests' reactions.December 30th 201958 K5 1 hour 60 min.
Chocolate cake
A traditional-style recipe for a moist chocolate cake with plenty of chocolate flavour.December 25th 201576 K 44 1 hour 20 min.
Chocolate cereal bars
These have a chocolate sweetcrust pastry base, topped with dried fruit, toasted nuts and seeds, bound with a brown-sugar and butter mixture, then gently baked. Once the flapjack-like cake has cooled, it can be cut into bars.July 11th 201837 K 1 hour 20 min.
Chocolate cream
A very simple recipe with a really chocolatey taste. Cream, milk and chocolate, mixed with egg-yolks and sugar, then cooked in the oven in a bain-marie, like for crème brulée.October 13th 2010262 K4.2 3 hours 6 min.
Chocolate cream with a crunch, irish coffee mousse
This is a chocolate cream with chopped candied grapefruit peel and caramelized nuts added to give bit of crunch. The small pot of cream is topped with an Irish coffee mousse (flavours of coffee, fresh cream, sugar and whisky).March 11th 2011256 K 15 60 min.
Chocolate eclairs
This might appear to be a straightforward recipe: choux pastry, chocolate confectioner's custard and fondant icing, but in practice it is quite technically tricky and all three stages need care to produce a perfect result. But don't let that discourage you; there are demonstration videos and I will...February 6th 2011298 K 34.5 3 hours 55 min.
Chocolate madeleines
Simple and delicious, goes very well with tea or coffee.March 10th 2019304 K3.8 1 hour 15 min.
Chocolate mendiants
Mendiants are made with a thin layer of chocolate, stuck with toasted nuts, dried and candied fruit.May 27th 202049 K 1 hour 2 min.
Chocolate mousse
Here is a simple quick recipe for chocolate mousse. It is just necessary to be careful at the final stage, when mixing the melted chocolate and the beaten egg-whites.February 21th 2011474 K3.7 40 min.
Chocolate mousse with hazelnuts
Here is a marvellous new chocolate mousse recipe that will delight real chocoholics. This is a rich, gourmet version, though not over-sweet and with the added crunchy texture of toasted hazelnuts. You'll love this one!November 26th 201752 K5 55 min.
Chocolate muffins
Variation on muffins recipe. In this version each one is filled with a dark chocolate ganache.February 21th 2011312 K4.3 1 hour 15 min.
Chocolate mug cake
A mug cake is fun to make and only takes a few minutes. It cooks in just one and a half minutes in the microwave.June 4th 2014114 K5 15 min.
Chocolate orangettes for Erika
Orangettes are candied citrus peels (oranges or grapefruit) cut into sticks and coated in chocolate. This delicious confection blends the slightly tangy flavors of candied peels with the sweetness of chocolate.April 14th 202412 K 45 min.
Chocolate rice pudding
If you're already a fan of classic rice pudding, I'm sure you'll enjoy this even more comforting version, made with two kinds of chocolate.November 15th 202039 K 30 min.
Chocolate tart
As you can see, there's very little added sugar in this recipe, so it's a very chocolatey and bitter-sweet tart.November 16th 2013291 K 15 2 hours 30 min.
Chocolate thins with toasted nuts
A very thin disc of chocolate, topped with toasted nuts and candied grapefruit peel.February 21th 2011258 K4 2 hours 25 min.
Chocolate Truffles
Chocolate truffles: those dreamy, creamy chocolatey treats, rolled in cocoa powder or a mix of chopped dry-roasted pistachios and almonds.January 6th 201654 K5 2 hours 55 min.
Chocolate-verbena cream
A chocolate cream with delicious aromas of fresh verbena.June 30th 20247,197 2 hours 4 min.
Chouquettes are small choux puffs with sugar crystals on the top. They are usually eaten plain, but can also be filled with a variety of things: cream, fruit, chocolate... whatever you like.September 10th 2018222 K4.8 1 hour 25 min.
Cigarettes Russes (Piroulines)
The French name for these tubular biscuits means "Russian cigarettes". Cigarettes Russes are perfect for serving with ice cream or other desserts. The basic biscuit is fairly easy to make; the tricky bit is rolling the tube once cooked.May 25th 2014104 K 54.5 50 min.
Citrus tart
This is an unconventional tart, though the recipe is quite simple: no cream filling in the bottom, just slices of lightly poached fruit in a sweetcrust pastry case.July 8th 202030 K 2 hours 35 min.
Clafoutis "Marie-Antoinette"
This "Marie-Antoinette" clafoutis is a lighter version of the traditional fruit-in-batter baked dessert, almost a soufflé, with apples and lemon. The apples are sautéed in butter and Calvados, then combined with a lemon-flavoured confectioner's custard, lightened with raw meringue. This mixture is...November 1st 201747 K4.9 1 hour 20 min.
Clafoutis-style plum financier
The classic French "financier" is normally a little cake, but it can also be made clafoutis-style over fruit in an oven-proof dish.May 17th 202032 K 1 hour 2 min.
Clementine cake
This easy-to-make clementine cake is an end-of-year delight for the clementine season. It's a cake with a double clementine flavor: the whole fruit in the dough on the one hand, and a syrup made with their juice to punctuate it after baking on the other.January 6th 20255,005 1 hour 7 min.
Clementine sorbet
To capture the delicate flavour of clementines, we need to use not only the juice, but also a little zest to add a delicious hint of bitternes. Here's a simple method using sugar cubes.December 24th 2018138 K4.3 2 hours 50 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet
For this beautiful dessert, we place a disc of clementine cream on a chestnut dacquoise cookie. We will use the technique of the insert taken in the cold for this recipe, and thus to obtain easily a very beautiful dessert.January 25th 202317 K 14 hours 60 min.
Cochelin d'Evreux
This cochelin, from the town of Evreux in Normandy, is a sort of giant apple turnover, flavoured with vanilla. It is served in slices, like a cake.September 10th 201876 K5 2 hours 2 min.
Coconut "croute à thé"
Here's a coconut version of the classic French "croute à thé" cake. The double coconut flavour comes from the sweetcrust pastry as well as the filling.August 29th 202122 K 55 min.
Coconut pyramids
Small coconut cakes, golden, crusty, and soft inside.February 21th 2011336 K3.7 50 min.
Coconut tuiles
Delicate tuiles with coconut. Very thin, they are both crunchy and melt-in-the-mouth. Delicious on their own or to accompany an ice-cream or cream dessert, perhaps a sophisticated one like coconut-vanilla cream for Elsa .October 13th 2010322 K4.8 1 hour 15 min.
Coconut-vanilla cream for Elsa
A dessert in three layers: a first of smooth vanilla cream, a second of coconut cream (also very smooth), and to finish, a thin crunchy layer of coconut tuiles. In the spirit of crème brulée: break through the crisp surface layer to discover the smooth melting coconut and vanilla creams beneath. A...February 21th 2011214 K3.8 4 hours 60 min.
Comtoise apple charlotte
This "Comtoise" charlotte, inspired by the Franche-Comté region of eastern France, is a more rustic take on the famous dessert. It is made with sliced bread, lightly buttered and fried, then filled with sugared apple pieces, drizzled with clarified butter and baked.September 15th 201942 K 1 hour 35 min.
Confit of quinces in Macvin
In this simple recipe, the sliced quinces are gently stewed in Jura Macvin until melting and caramelized. Served with real custard, this gives a delightful contrast of flavour and colour.January 10th 202130 K 1 hour 20 min.
Confit Victoria pineapple with honey and spices
In this fairly straightforward recipe pineapple wedges are poached gently in a honey syrup flavoured with vanilla and star anise. This transforms the pineapple into flavoursome morsels that melt in the mouth.March 10th 202133 K 1 hour 15 min.
Cookies of the Camisards
This recipe, very simple, of small cakes of the Cevennes with the flour of chestnut and oats, is always a delight.March 19th 202316 K 1 hour 25 min.
Corsican tarts
Two typically Corsican ingredients are brought together in this recipe: chestnuts and clementines. Chestnut flour is used in the sweetcrust pastry and the tarts are filled with a mouth-watering clementine jelly.February 23th 201488 K4.3 3 hours 25 min.
Cottage cheese tart
Käsküeche, or cottage cheese tart, is a recipe of Alsatian origin, consisting of a sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée) base topped with a light cottage cheese cream and, in this version, lime flavors.December 15th 20245,474 1 hour 9 min.
Coupe Augustin
A "coupe Augustin" is a kind of sundae made with mint ice cream, slices of white peach poached in a light syrup, Chantilly cream, raspberry coulis and topped with toasted flaked almonds.September 8th 201377 K4.7 30 min.
Creamy plum and pear clafoutis
Here is a clafoutis that is quick to make, with a delicate blend of plums and pears. This recipe can be varied easily to use any good fruit in season.November 3rd 201852 K3 55 min.
Crème brulée
Crème brûlée (burned cream) is quite easy to prepare: it's a simple egg-cream dessert. The only difficulty is in making the delicious crunchy caramel layer on top. The perfect crème brulée (for me) is a cold and soft cream, with on top a nice hot caramel crust. This is a completely new version...December 31th 20111.66 M 74.3 4 hours 40 min.
Crème caramel
Crème caramel (upside-down caramel cream) is a classic of bistro cuisine. The vanilla cream is made with eggs, cooked in a dish with a layer of caramel in the bottom, and placed in a bain-marie. It's traditionally served turned out so that the liquid caramel runs down over the cream.February 21th 2011260 K5 3 hours 35 min.
Crêpes Suzette
Crêpes Suzette are pancakes filled with orange-flavoured butter (butter and sugar mixed with Grand Marnier), caramelized in a pan and soaked in orange-flavoured syrup. This is an modified version of the recipe invented by Auguste Escoffier.February 28th 2013145 K4.1 50 min.
Crisp apricot and pistachio tart
This delightful tart has a caramelized puff-pastry base, topped with apricots and pistachios. The recipe is simple and delicious.July 12th 202326 K 1 hour 15 min.
Croissant dough apples
Thick slices of apples, rolled in sugar and surrounded by a strip of crescent dough, which, after a spell in the oven, become delicious puff pastry apples.January 21th 202412 K 1 hour 50 min.
Croute à thé
Under this strange name (literally "crust for tea") there hides a delicious cake in crusty sweet pastry, filled with a smooth almond mixture and icing sugar on top. It's an excellent cake for tea time, but it goes very well with fruit salad for example.May 5th 2021304 K 14.9 1 hour 15 min.
Crunchy blackcurrant and mascarpone cream verrine
A three-tiered verrine: mascarpone whipped cream, blackcurrant coulis and granola crunch.October 11th 202316 K 25 min.
Crusty pistachio, almond and apricot flan
The filling of this pistachio flan with almonds and apricots contrasts with crisp case, made with puff pastry, rather than the more usual shortcrust pastry.July 13th 202256 K4.3 1 hour 25 min.
Diamond biscuits
These round biscuits no doubt get their name from the coating of sparkling sugar crystals around the edge.December 30th 201953 K 1 hour 50 min.
Dijonnaise pear cake
This moist cake with a pear-dijonnaise centre is made with a "moelleux" batter. The pears are cooked first in blackcurrant-flavoured crème de cassis.January 30th 202219 K 1 hour 45 min.
Double raspberry tartlets
Little sweetcrust pastry cases filled with a raspberry jelly, then topped with a raspberry-flavoured whipped cream. Despite their intense raspberry flavour, these tartlets are lovely and light.October 27th 202123 K 1 hour 7 min.
Elsa's Comtoise galette
This galette is a classic Comtois dessert that resembles choux pastry (pâte à choux).January 20th 201395 K4 50 min.
Epiphany galette
Here is the recipe for the very classic but delicious "galette des rois" (Epiphany galette) in puff or flaky pastry (pâte feuilletée) with almond cream or frangipane . You will also see some professional tips to easily handle the dough, and obtain a nice and regular galette.January 1st 2025289 K 24.5 3 hours 8 min.
Eton mess
Behind this strange name there lurks a delicious traditional English dessert made of meringues, strawberries and cream.July 25th 2010162 K5 4 hours 55 min.
European glass
A little dessert that's rather long to make, but which will always impress your guests. Layered in a glass: a jellied red fruit coulis, a layer of pineapple charlotte cream, a layer of kiwi coulis, topped with a peeled clementine segment. It's "european" because it resembles the italian flag, and in...August 15th 2010230 K5 2 hours 30 min.
Exotic fruit tart
An exotic fruit tart (bananas, kiwi and pineapple), with crisp pastry and almond cream which are cooked beforehand. It's a rather simple recipe, but the final result will impress your guests.May 27th 2020317 K5 2 hours 25 min.
Far Normandy-Brittany
You may already be familiar with far, the famous Breton cake? Here's a version inspired by our neighbors in Normandy, with cream, apples and Calavados.March 17th 202412 K 40 min.
Fillings for macaroons
The macaroons recipe shows how to make these small cakes, and gives the example of a raspberry filling. Here are several other possibilities: Apricot macaroons, Chocolate macaroons, Mint macaroons, Blackcurrant macaroons.May 30th 2020295 K 24.3 2 hours 1 min.
This delicious little cake gets its name from its shape, in the form of a gold ingot.April 14th 2020331 K 24.6 20 min.
Finger biscuits
These small biscuits, that look a bit like savoy biscuits, are delicious alone or with Champagne, but are also the base for charlottes or Tiramisu.July 30th 2021340 K5 50 min.
Flaked almond tart
This almond tart is an American-inspired version of the classic dessert. This one leaves out the almond cream or frangipane and uses flaked almonds instead. These are toasted, then mixed with cream and sugar. There's no point denying it, this is a rich dessert...August 27th 201752 K4.8 1 hour 25 min.
Flambéd bananas
The trick of this recipe is to end up with bananas caramelised on the outside, still firm on the inside, coated with a tasty syrup which is not 95% butter.February 21th 2011324 K 14 40 min.
Flognarde is a dessert that originated in France's Limousin region. The recipe is very simple: a vanilla-flavoured egg custard, thickened with flour, and sometimes made with seasonal fruit (apples, cherries, pears...). This is a very old recipe that has come down to us virtually unchanged since...December 30th 201982 K4 50 min.
Fondant-iced pithivier
The classic French pithivier is a traditional dessert, rather like the Epiphany galette: puff or flaky pastry (pâte feuilletée) filled with almond cream. But there is also an iced cake version called a "pithivier fondant": moist, very simple, and without the puff pastry. Here's how to make it.March 2nd 202224 K 1 hour 60 min.
Fraisier (French strawberry cake)
This classic French patisserie is a delicious assembly of 2 layers of genoa sponge filled with strawberries and crème mousseline (confectioner's custard with butter). The sponge is soaked in strawberry syrup and the cake is topped with a thin layer of marzipan.September 18th 2011174 K4.2 2 hours 45 min.
This is a classic French raspberry-flavoured dessert. It generally consists of raspberries in cream sandwiched between two layers of cake. In this version, the cake is genoa sponge and the cream is vanilla-flavoured and mixed with mascarpone. This is just as good made as a large rectangle or, as...July 16th 201755 K3.8 2 hours 40 min.
French custard tart
Custard pie is made with a shortcrust pastry base, and filled with an egg vanilla "custard" mix (prepared beforehand). Filling and pastry cook together in the oven. It's a great classic of the French bakery, found in all good shops.July 13th 2022440 K 234.3 1 hour 10 min.
French Family Cake
The idea of a "family" cake can mean so many different things, depending on where your family came from. This French version consists of a layer of pears in liquid caramel, topped with a basic cake mixture, similar to the four quarters recipe.October 12th 201471 K4 1 hour 15 min.
Fresh fruit in sabayon
Fresh grapefruit and / or pears, covered with a sabayon and a pinch of citrus crunch.February 21th 2011287 K4.7 55 min.
Fresh mint ice-cream
This well-flavoured ice-cream is excellent on its own, or in profiteroles with a chocolate sauce for example.February 21th 2011528 K4.6 1 hour 35 min.
Frozen cottage cheese with strawberries
Here is a refreshing and very quick recipe (if your fruit is already prepared). In just a few seconds you can enjoy a delicious frozen cream cheese and strawberry dessert, with no need for an ice-cream maker.April 24th 201963 K1 15 min.
Frozen nougat
Dazzle your guests with this delicious dessert, a creamy blend of meringue, whipped cream and dried fruit that can be prepared several days in advance.November 17th 2024278 K4.5 1 hour 25 min.
Fruit crumble
A fruit pudding: very easy to do and delicious: just a layer of fruit with a golden crunchy topping.February 21th 2011355 K4.0 1 hour 15 min.
Fruit paste : Blackcurrant
If you like the taste of blackcurrant, this recipe is for you, the very pronounced taste of blackcurrant and its small acidity, in a delicious treat.November 6th 202225 K 2 hours 40 min.
Fruit salad
To make a good fruit salad, there are three important points: Choose fruits that go well together (avoid putting soft pears with crunchy apples for example).Remove absolutely all skins and seeds.Bring it all together with a good home made sugar syrup added to the fruit juices.Here is a recipe which...April 20th 2020382 K4.1 1 hour 15 min.
Galette Charentaise
This is a traditional cake from France's Charente region. The recipe is straightforward and the cake is slightly dense in texture, but quite delicious.August 26th 201850 K5 2 hours 45 min.
Gâteau Basque
This traditional Basque dessert is similar to a gâteau breton (brittany butter cake), but very moist as it is filled with a rum-flavoured confectioner's custard (crème pâtissière, or french pastry cream). This is a fairly simple recipe, though as the dough is fragile and difficult to handle, I...September 11th 201868 K4.7 2 hours 55 min.
Gâteau Breton (Brittany butter cake)
Gâteau breton is a rich cake that uses a lot of butter (from Brittany, of course) with sugar, egg yolks and a little rum to add flavour. This cake is traditionally served with coffee.September 11th 201893 K4 1 hour 10 min.
Gâteau Nantais
This traditional cake from the French city of Nantes is deliciously moist, flavoured with almonds, vanilla and rum. For the finishing touch, the top is covered with boozy white icing.January 8th 201752 K3.9 1 hour 30 min.
Grandma Solange's biscuits
These biscuits are very simple to make and delicious with tea or coffee. They are easy enough for children to enjoy making them.November 12th 201464 K4.1 45 min.
Granola is a tasty, crunchy cereal mix with nuts and seeds. Often thought of as an American version of muesli, it is bound with a little maple syrup and toasted in the oven. This is simple to prepare and goes well with lots of other things (dairy, fresh or stewed fruit, etc.) for a delicious...November 10th 201955 K 1 hour 5 min.
Grapefruit cake
A moist, triple grapefruit cake: zest, juice and syrup.March 24th 202413 K 2 1 hour 20 min.
Grapefruit moelleux
The french love their "moelleux" — moist fondant cakes, often with a melting centre. These little mini-moelleux are flavoured with grapefruit. The grapefruit flavour is brought out fully by using a combination of juice, zest and candied peel.March 24th 201952 K5 1 hour 7 min.
Half-cooked chocolate cake with raspberry coulis
A small chocolate cake, still runny in the middle, served with a raspberry coulis.October 3rd 2010331 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Hazelnut and cherry financiers
In France, these little ingot-shaped cakes are known as "financiers". With their blend of hazelnut and Griottine-cherry flavours, they are sure to delight.May 22th 202220 K 1 hour 20 min.
Hazelnut and chocolate biscuits
This is a quick, simple recipe: the chocolate ganache topping and hazelnut sweetcrust pastry can both be prepared in advance.March 16th 202221 K 60 min.
Hazelnut and orange cake
A very elegant cake topped with a sprinkling of hazelnut crumble, and with a double helping of orange flavour from chopped candied peel and the orange syrup soaked into the cake after cooking. The recipe is rather sophisticated, inspired by those used by pastry cooks at the INBP. It is a bit...January 23th 201948 K5 2 hours 15 min.
Household cake (Gâteau de ménage)
A traditional recipe from Franche-comté, it's a flat round kind of brioche, covered with an egg cream called "Goumeau".June 15th 2020498 K 25 3 hours 60 min.
Ice-cream Vacherin
Ice-cream vacherin is a festive French dessert. It consists of two different flavours of ice cream (blackcurrant and vanilla here) sandwiched between two circles of meringue, topped with whorls of Chantilly (whipped cream) which is then frozen. It is not too complicated, but involves a bit of work...December 21th 2014174 K4.5 8 hours 45 min.
Indian rice pudding
This Indian-inspired version of rice pudding, with its dried fruit accompaniment, is very fragrant.August 9th 202314 K 2 50 min.
Individual charlottes with morello cherries
The French "griottines" are delicious little wild morello cherries, stoned and macerated in a Kirsch syrup, used here in individual vanilla charlottes.February 21th 2011193 K 15 4 hours 50 min.
Invisible apple cake
An invisible cake is a cake with lots of fruit, in this case thinly sliced apples, where the batter is very discreet, hence the name.October 25th 202318 K5 1 hour 30 min.
Jam doughnuts
These were originally a traditional German treat (Berliner Pfannkuchen in German): big fried doughnuts filled with jam and sprinkled with icing sugar.May 27th 2011158 K4.5 4 hours 25 min.
Jamaican cup
A delicious combination of flavours: coffee with rum, the first in a cream, the second in a sabayon, with the added crunch of a few toasted almonds.June 29th 202219 K 50 min.
Jelly-style plum jam
Lots of people make plum jam, but you can also elevate this to a rather elegant jelly, simply by removing the skins. It's not a true jelly (this is normally made with juice), but leans towards that style: light and, above all, delicious.October 13th 201997 K 13 hours 15 min.
Kouign-amann is a traditional cake from Brittany. the name means butter cake in Breton (Kouign = cake, amann = butter). It is a sort of caramelized millefeuille, crunchy on the outside and melting in the middle.May 24th 2018139 K4.3 6 hours 40 min.
Kouign-amann brioche
This is unusual brioche is halfway to being a Breton Kouign-amann. The difference is in the treatment of the dough, which is layered with sugar and butter. The basic dough is rolled out with butter in stages, like for croissants, but with 2 "turns" of sugar for one of butter (granulated and vanilla...December 30th 201961 K4.3 15 hours 55 min.
Late summer tart with plums and apricots
For this end-of-summer tart, a base of shortcrust pastry, a layer of almond cream and apricot and plum segments.October 6th 20246,016 25 1 hour 20 min.
Lemon and grated apple tart
You'll be amazed by the flavour of this tart, it's so distinctive and well-balanced. The apples are grated, rather than sliced, to mix well with the lemon juice and zest. The result is an exceptional tart (yes, really!).September 29th 201963 K3.3 1 hour 45 min.
Lemon and lime cakes
These little cakes get their double citrus flavour by combining the delicate bitterness of lemon and lime zest with the slight sharpness of the juice in a syrup, soaked into the cakes while still hot from the oven.April 3rd 201942 K 1 hour 45 min.
Lemon and lime custard tart
This is a delicious version of the classic French baker's "flan", with the twin flavours of lemon and lime. It involves two different confectioner's custards poured one on top of the other. This gives an attractive layered effect when the tart is cut. Not just pretty, it is delicious.December 30th 201965 K 3 hours 15 min.
Lemon creams
These light and flavoursome lemon creams are "set" by the curdling action of the lemon juice on the heated cream, so no thickening agent is needed. They are served in individual glasses, topped with a layer of fruit coulis (blackcurrant here).December 6th 201743 K3.9 45 min.
Lemon Meringue Pie Verrines
This is a new twist on the classic lemon meringue pie. All the elements are there: sweet crunchy bits, meringue and lemon custard, but presented in layers in a glass.July 12th 201561 K5 25 min.
Lemon tart
Lemon tart (tarte au citron) is one of France's great classic desserts, though there are many different versions. This is more or less the classic version, with sweetcrust pastry and a creamy filling that uses both lemon zest and juice for a deliciously tart tart!September 18th 201943 K 1 hour 35 min.
Lemon Tart / Meringue Pie
Lemon tart is one of the great classics of French patisserie. The are lots of versions with different kinds of pastry and filling. This one uses sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée) and lemon curd as the filling. Just top with meringue for that other classic: lemon meringue pie.March 23th 201649 K5 3 hours 25 min.
Leopard cake
Under this little name, which will please children a lot, is a marbled vanilla-chocolate cake where the chocolate is inserted in the form of lines, which gives to the cut this famous pattern, which imitates the coat of the leopard.March 12th 202319 K