Cost calculations

Cost calculations
For each recipe presented, calculates the price of the recipe, by person, by parts or pieces, here is some information on how this calculation is made.
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Last modified on: August 29th 2023

Calculation method

This price calculation is based on the average price of the ingredients in the recipe, which serves as a reference, and is used in various formulas to provide you with an estimated price.

Unfortunately the (average) price of the products varies according to several factors which are mainly :

These variations are often logical, for example: strawberries are more expensive at the beginning and at the end of the season, pineapple must be cheaper in Africa than in Europe, and Parmesan cheese is cheaper (and surely better) in Parma than in Brest!

They are logical, but they complicate everything, because the price calculation should take into account the place where you make your purchases, which, you will agree, is not easy for a website.

That's why all the prices that are indicated to you are on the one hand an average value (based on the average price of the product), and on the other hand a local value, to Western Europe, and more particularly to France where I live.

The prices

You can consult the table of ingredients of the recipes, to see the price of each of these ingredients. Don't be too surprised by the values you will find there, don't forget that it is an average price, and especially per kilo, which sometimes gives surprising figures as for example for vanilla or saffron.

If the prices indicated here do not suit you, or are too different from yours, you can connect to "My EZ cooking" to redefine them to your idea, which will significantly refine the cost calculation of all the recipes on the site.
For example, you could decide that tomatoes are 3€ per kilo, because that's what you pay for them where you live, and in this way, all the costs of all the recipes that contain tomatoes will be automatically and instantly recalculated with your new price.


By default the costs are calculated in euros (€), but you can get them in other currencies which are : If you change your currency, for example to US dollars, the site will remember this and then present you with all the recipes with costs in dollars until you change currency again.

The exchange rate is obtained from a financial site, and updated weekly.

Note: If you want another currency, contact me, and if the demand is big enough I will add it.

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