Elements in the table

Elements in the table
It's not always easy to represent an element. Some are obvious because they're used as such (iron, copper, lead...), but for others it's much trickier.

In this list, you'll find the objects/materials that have been chosen to fill in the boxes in the table.
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Last modified on: September 2nd 2024
Element nameIn the table it's...Photo
AluminiumA piece of aluminium pipe aluminium
AntimonyA bullet (made with lead hardened with antimony) antimony
SilverOld 5 francs coin silver
ArgonA small pipe of air (0.9% of argon in air) argon
ArsenicA small piece of a mirror (arsenic is used for the silvering of mirrors) arsenic
AstateRadioactivity symbol (astate is radioactive) astate
NitrogenA small pipe of air (75% of nitrogen in air) nitrogen
BariumAn electron tube, barium is used to remove oxygen and hydrogen when tube is empty from air barium
BerylliumA watch, spring ring inside are in steel with berylium Beryllium
BismuthAn electric fuse (40% bismuth - 60% tin) Bismuth
BoronBoronic acid Boron
BromineA piece of x-ray film, using silver bromine Bromine
CadmiumA cadminum-nickel battery Cadmium
CalciumA piece of chalk (calcium carbonate) Calcium
CarbonSome charcoal powder Carbon
CaesiumCaesium carbonate Caesium
ChlorineA plastic cork, made in PVC (Vinyl polychlorure) Chlorine
ChromiumA plumbing part Chromium
CobaltSilicagel, contain cobalt chlorine Cobalt
CopperA piece of copper pipe Copper
TinSoldering wire Tin
IronA piece of horseshoe Iron
FluorineSome pills of fluorine for childrens teeths Fluorine
GalliumGreen LED (gallium phosphorine) or red (gallium arsenic) Gallium
GermaniumA germanium diode Germanium
HafniumA metal drill Hafnium
HeliumA laser helium diode Helium
HydrogenSome rough oil (hydrocarbon) Hydrogen
IndiumPhoto-cells Indium
IodineIodine powder Iodine
IridiumFountain pen with iridium edge Iridium
KryptonKrypton flashlight bulb krypton
LanthaneLighter stone (with from 15 to 30 % of lanthane) lanthane
LithiumA small PC battery with lithium lithium
MagnésiumA piece of magnesium magnesium
ManganeseA battery with manganese dioxyd manganese
MercurySome drops of mercury Mercury
MolybdenumSome oxobis(acetylacetonato)molybdenum ! Molybdenum
NeonA neon bulb Neon
NickelA two francs coin Nickel
NiobiumA soldering stick Niobium
GoldA Napoleon coin gold
OsmiumA light bulb from trade OSRaM (contraction of Osmium-Wolfram) Osmium
OxygenA small pipe of air (21% of oxygen in air) oxygen
PalladiumA microprocessor Palladium
PhosphorusA matches box side, contain red phosphorus Phosphorus
PlatiniumChemical probe with platinium electrodes platinium
LeadFishing lead Lead
PoloniumRadioactivity symbol (polonium is radioactive) Polonium
PotassiumSome matches (potassium chlorin) Potassium
RadonA piece of granite from Brittany Radon
RheniumA piece of gadolinite, stone with some rhenium in Rhenium
RhodiumElectronic relay, its contacts are made with steel with rhodium in Rhodium
RubidiumNetwork fiber, made with rubidium oxyd in rubidium

A car candle

ScandiumA piece of monazite, stone with scandium Scandium
SeleniumPhoto-cell selenium
SiliconAn EPROM Silicon
SodiumSodium chlorite sodium
SulphurSome native sulphur, coming from beautiful Iceland sulphur
StrontiumStrontium carbonate Strontium
TantalumTantalum capacitor Tantalum
TechnetiumRadioactivity symbol (technetium is radioactive) Technetium
TelluriumInfrared detector Tellurium
ThalliumInfrared photodiode Thallium
TitaniumA titanium key Titanium
TungstenA light bulb strand Tungsten
VanadiumA vanadium wrench Vanadium
XenonA xenon light bulb Xenon
YttriumA piece of firebrick Yttrium
ZincZinc pieces Zinc
ZirconiumA fake diamond Zirconium
Total: 72

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