
Once oven housing is built, it needs protecting from the elements with a roof.
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Last modified on: September 3rd 2024
Roof 1

The roof is constructed on a wooden framework running around the walls, with a space for the chimney.

Roof 2

The chimney has been built tall enough for the smoke to be drawn away. Before that, the baker or pizza-man was sure to finish the day "smoked".

Roof 3

Roof is then covered with boards, fixed to the framework.

Roof 4

The whole is then covered with bitumen tiles.

Roof 5

Next the edges and around the chimney are protected from water infiltration by aluminium flashings and silicone sealant.


Finally a cover is added to the chimney supported on 2 bricks.

Next: Finishing.
Preceding: Oven housing.

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