Small history of elements classification

Small history of elements classification
The road to Mendeleev's table of tables has taken centuries. Here's a brief chronology.
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Last modified on: September 2nd 2024
democrite Democrite, thinker of the Vth century BC, taking back to his master Leucippe talks, suggest an atomic theory: Matter is made from non-divisible particles ("atomos" in greek).
empedocle In the IVth century BC, Empedocle, contrarily to Democrite talks suggest this theory: Universe is made from four elements :
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Air
  • Fire
aristote At the same periode, Aristote strength the theory by adding four qualitys to the four elements: cold, dry, hot, wet.

Those qualitys in couple form elements, who form the universe.

This theory reach to explain some freaks of nature.

Short model of aristote
23 century later...
daltonIn 1808, John Dalton, chemist and physician, rewrite and make deeper atomic theory of democrite:

  • Matter is made of infinitely small and non divisible particles called atoms.
  • All atoms of a same element are identicals, same proprerty and mass.
mendeleiev In 1869 Dimitri Ivanovitch Mendeleïev, chemistry professor in St-Petersburg classify elements according to their propertys.

Writing a chemistry book, he discover that sorting elements by their atomic mass, a cyclic trend of their propertys appear several times.

First table of mendeleiev

First Mendeleïev table

Mendeleïev make his table so that periodicity appear clearly, but to respect his periodicity law in which he trust, he must sometimes modify order and let some cells empty.

He was sure that those missing elements will be finally discovered, and so predict the properys of those futur elements (according to the adjacents cells in the table): eka-aluminium, eka-bore and eka-silicium.

Between 1875 and 1886, those three elements (gallium, scandium and germanium) where discovered. Each of them had the property predicted by Mendeleïev.

How to read the table

The horizontal rows in the periodic table form the periods. The electrons of elements in the same period are distributed over the same number of electron layers, a number given by the period number.

The vertical columns form the families. Elements belonging to the same family share certain characteristics.

This means that similar chemical properties recur periodically, hence the name periodic table.

Here are the names of the four main chemical families:

Hydrogen is above the alkali family. In fact, it belongs to no chemical family at all. It is a unique element that can behave like an alkali and sometimes like a halogen.

Other chemical families are designated by the name of the first element at the top of the column on the periodic table. You can also use the Roman numeral and the letter (a or B) that appear at the top of the table's columns.

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