French onion soup (Slideshow version)

French onion soup : Photo of step #26

Stage 14/14 : 3 min.

Serve piping hot in large bowls, topped with with the cheese croutons.


Use either white or yellow onions, but preferably not red ones, as they are less suitable for the long slow cooking.

At stage 4 of the recipe, there are 2 conflicting schools of thought: some prefer the more traditional method of cooking the onions until they are dark brown, others (like me) only brown them lightly - it's a matter of taste, of course. I remember as a child staying with my grandmother Jeanne. She used to cook her onions until they were really dark and, back then, I loved that.

For the grated cheese, choose whatever you prefer that browns well, such as Comté, Gruyère or even Emmental.

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