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Last modified on: August 29th 2024
The websiteRecipes
  • The website

  • Content

  • Other cookery websites
    Other cookery websites
    List of my other favourite sites.
    August 29th 2023198 K3.9
  • Random menu...
    Random menu...
    This page presents you with a random 3-course menu: a starter, a main course and a dessert, based on the recipes on the site. You can change each dish individually, or all 3 at once, or request a menu that does not contain certain ingredients of your choice.
    October 27th 2024897 K3.9
  • My best addresses...
    My best addresses...
    Quite a few of you often ask me where I can find this or that? or is such and such a thing a good buy? or which brand is best for this or that? On this page, I'm going to group together my good addresses for suppliers of this or that product or utensil, and good books on the subjects that interest...
    August 29th 2023302 K3.9
  • Webmaster tools
    Webmaster tools
    This page gathers in one place all the free widgets available for webmasters or bloggers to incorporate (automatically) news from the site.
    August 29th 2023238 K3.5
  • Recipes

  • Content

  • Buy cooking-ez cookbook
    Buy cooking-ez cookbook
    Would you like to be able to consult the recipes on this site offline, or print them out? If so, don't hesitate: treat yourself to the recipe book, with the recipes of your choice at a very low price.
    August 24th 2024100 K3.5

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At the most basic level, wheat grain is put through a mill, which produces a white-ish powder flour... Well, actually it's not quite that simple. First of all we need to distinguish between the different grains that can be made into flour: wheat of course, but also rye, barley, buckwheat, etc. So we...
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Random menu...
Random menu...
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Nutritional information and ingredients
Nutritional information and ingredients
For each recipe you will find on this site, dietary information is calculated. It is thus presented to you: Protein weight in grams (gr)Weight of carbohydrates in grams (gr)The weight of lipids in grams (gr)And finally the energy value, expressed in kilo-calories (1 kilo-calorie = 1000 calories) and...
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Other cookery websites
Other cookery websites
List of my other favourite sites.
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