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Recipes: 2 results
Brioche feuilletée (flaky brioche)
Brioche feuilletée (flaky brioche)
(Found inStages)
For brioche feuilletée (or flaky brioche), the brioche dough is treated like puff pastry, with layers of butter incorporated by repeated turning and rolling. Coarse sugar crystals add a sweet crunchiness. Needless to say, this is very rich and quite irresistible.
117K 24.6 3 hours 49 min. November 10th 2013
Natural leaven
Natural leaven
(Found inComments)
Leaven is a natural raising agent, a fermented mixture of water, flour and the microscopic yeasts which are present in the air. It's a delicate living substance, sensitive to the external environment. The recipe is around 4000 years old and dates back to the Egypt of the Pharaohs, via a beautiful...
1.7M 304.0 7 days 15 min. April 3rd 2020

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