The oven itself (hearth)

The oven itself (hearth)
The main part of the oven (the hearth) as sold by the producer ("Fayol" company) consists of 9 slabs (to form the sole) and the curved sections which make up the domed oven, plus a keystone which fits in the top.
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Last modified on: September 5th 2024

Assembling the hearth

Oven on pallet

Receiving the material sent by Fayol:

  • A pallet with the hearth parts (500 kg)
  • A pallet with 500 kg of refractory sand, the chamotte, to be ordered in addition to the furnace.
  • Various accessories

Please check the condition of all parts on delivery.

What the Fayol assembly guide saysWhat we found or did
four : solefour : pose de la sole four : pose sole 2
sole et avaloirpose avaloir
sole, avaloir et voussoirsThe parts don't fit together as perfectly as the pictures in the guide would have you believe: it's still a masonry project, with parts whose dimensions aren't always perfect.
We had quite a few gaps between some of the voussoirs, but don't worry if this happens to you - they'll be filled later with refractory mortar.
voussoirscerclage atre
voutevoute du four
voute panyolpose voussoirs
panyol voussoirsWe used small wooden wedges, which can be pressed in to adjust the overall structure (see photo in step 5).
calage atreYou can also use the sheets of paper used to wrap certain parts on the pallet.
calage atre 2We did as they said...
enduit atre Be careful, with this water/mortar ratio, you'll end up with a very liquid paste. If you have a big day, you run the risk of getting everything through.
To avoid this, we put pieces of cardboard, wedged with pieces of wood, inside the oven, against the days in question.
atre panyolmortier réfractaire sur l'âtre
mortier panyol atreThe hearth must be sheltered from the elements, but air must be allowed to circulate for better drying.

The hearth is finished.

Next: dressing the hearth.
Previous step: The foundations.

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