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Last modified on: August 29th 2024
  • Miscellanous

  • The Mendeleev table

  • A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
    A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
    It's an old idea that was in my mind for years: making a real periodic table of Mendeleiev (who always fascinate me) in 3D, where in each element box, there is some atoms (at least) of this element.
    August 24th 2024204 K 13.6
  • Elements in the table
    Elements in the table
    It's not always easy to represent an element. Some are obvious because they're used as such (iron, copper, lead...), but for others it's much trickier. In this list, you'll find the objects/materials that have been chosen to fill in the boxes in the table.
    August 24th 202437 K3.9
  • The name of the elements
    The name of the elements
    The names of the elements in Mendeleyev's table are generally derived from Latin, Greek or German, and refer to properties such as color, brilliance or geographical origin. Here's the origin of each element's name.
    August 24th 202474 K3.6
  • Small history of elements classification
    Small history of elements classification
    The road to Mendeleev's table of tables has taken centuries. Here's a brief chronology.
    August 24th 202442 K3.9

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