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Recipes: 1 results
How to succeed in making sabayon (syllabub)
How to succeed in making sabayon (syllabub)
(Found inTexts)
A sabayon is a delicious and delicate preparation based on egg yolks and sugar, with a liquid added (wine, alcohol, fruit juice, etc), which is then whipped in a bain-marie until it is both light and smooth. Usually sabayon is sweet (syllabub), but you can make it savoury, in which case there is...
November 12th 2017933 K 54 20 min.
Pages: 2 results
Other cookery websites
Other cookery websites
List of my other favourite sites.
August 29th 2023198 K3.9
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
The way ingredients are described in a recipe varies from country to country. This difference, which is quite profound, relates not only to units of measurement, but also to the way in which they are measured: weight or volume. Let's take a look.
August 22th 2024824 K3.7
Blog articles: 2 results
The Holy Grail of French bakers
The Holy Grail of French bakers
While browsing through the recipes on this site, you may have noticed that while I adore cooking (everything, in fact, to do with eating and drinking), I am particularly drawn to bakery: bread, viennoiseries and all that goes with them – it’s a real passion of mine; I love making them and I...
March 24th 201816 K 34.7
Let's rehabilitate spinach
Let's rehabilitate spinach
We are currently (as I write this) in the season of fresh spinach, and it is a delicious vegetable that unfortunately has a bad reputation among a lot of people, children and teenagers in particular. I wonder if this lack of appetite isn't due to what I call, probably unfairly, "school food...
May 7th 20214,9894.8

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