Cooking cauliflower

Cooking cauliflower
Dramatic observation: cauliflower when cooked has a bad reputation ("it doesn't smell good!" and the like), and yet it's an excellent vegetable, very Breton, that deserves to be treated well, to give the best of itself.
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Keywords for this post:CabbageCauliflowerCookingSmellFreshness
Last modified on: August 29th 2023
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Cooking cauliflower
The main complaint is that it smells strong when cooked, and it's true that if you're not careful, you can smell around the house that you've cooked cauliflower!
Why this persistent smell? Because, as it cooks, cauliflower ends up developing sulphur compounds, which are unfortunately very odorous.

But this reaction and its odors only occur late in the cooking process, in other words, it's mainly the result of cooking too long. If you cook just long enough, you won't get any unpleasant odors.
These odors are also accentuated by the loss of freshness of cauliflower, i.e. the fresher it is, the less odorous it will be when cooked (for a short time).

What are the best ways to cook cauliflower?

1) Use the freshest cauliflower possible: the fresher it is, the less fragrant it will be. Don't leave it lying around in the refrigerator crisper. Cook it the same day, or the next day if possible.

2) Cook for as short a time as possible: When you prepare your cauliflower, cut it into small, even-sized pieces (they cook faster and more evenly).
If you're cooking "à l'anglaise" in boiling salted water, keep a close eye on the cooking process, and test it by sticking a knife blade into a piece of cauliflower. If it goes through easily, the cabbage is cooked, so take it out of the water immediately, and if you can't eat it straight away, refresh it under very cold water.

cuisson chou-fleurchou-fleur égoutté

3) Even if you immediately think of cooking cauliflower in boiling salted water, this isn't the only possible method. Cauliflower can, for example, be cooked in milk, steamed or baked.

cuisson chou-fleur au four

Is raw cauliflower possible?

Oh yes, it's delicious raw too, so you can grate it to make an amazing cauliflower tabbouleh, or thinly slice it for salads or a crunchy cauliflower with lemon.

To sum up: to cook cauliflower optimally, use the freshest cauliflower possible, and cook it as short as possible.

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