List of recipes using Granulated sugar: 4 recipes (lactose free)
List of recipes using Granulated sugar
- Desserts : 5 recipes
Candied grapefruit peel
Not really a dessert, more a kind of sweet. After soakiing, strips of grapefruit skin are cooked very slowly to conservethem in sugar. It's a real treat with coffee at the end of a meal.December 20th 2018374 K 14 1 day 1 hour 25 min.
Fruit paste : Blackcurrant
If you like the taste of blackcurrant, this recipe is for you, the very pronounced taste of blackcurrant and its small acidity, in a delicious treat.November 6th 202226 K 2 hours 40 min.
Quince paste
This traditional French "pâte de fruit" (fruit paste or leather) has a distinctive, firm consistency and is full of flavour, with the characteristic tang of quince. The preparation is rather long, but the result is well worth all the effort.December 3rd 201748 K1 2 hours 3 min.
Windfall apple jelly
This jelly is an excellent way to make use of all those unripe apples that have dropped off the tree. They (or rather, their juice) makes a delicious jelly with a very delicate flavour. As these apples are green and generally tart, we need to use a little more gelling agent than for a normal jelly...August 19th 2021168 K5 60 min.