List of recipes using Pineapples: 5 recipes
List of recipes using Pineapples
- Desserts : 3 recipes
- Tips and tricks : 1 recipe
- World recipes : 1 recipe
Caribbean upside-down cake
The dominant flavours in this cake are pineapple and almonds. The pineapple is caramelized first separately, with brown sugar and lime, before being laid in the bottom of the tin. The cake batter is then poured over. The cooked cake is turned out to reveal the lovely golden pineapple layer on top a...December 30th 201971 K4.7 1 hour 7 min.
Chaud-froid of grapefruit, pineapple and lime custard
Cold grapefruit quarters with slices of hot caramelized pineapple, lime custard (crème anglaise) and citrus crunch.December 20th 2010258 K4.5 2 hours 5 min.
Exotic fruit tart
An exotic fruit tart (bananas, kiwi and pineapple), with crisp pastry and almond cream which are cooked beforehand. It's a rather simple recipe, but the final result will impress your guests.May 27th 2020320 K5 2 hours 25 min.
How to peel a pineapple
For most recipes it is necessary to completely peel the pineapple, and to keep only the flesh which is then often cut into small pieces. Here is a method.February 21th 2011205 K3.7 20 min.
Pavlova is a dessert which originated in New Zealand (or was it Australia?). It consists of a meringue shell filled with a layer of whipped cream and topped with seasonal fruit.March 24th 2013120 K4.3 2 hours 35 min.