List of recipes using Polenta meal: 4 recipes

List of recipes using Polenta meal

Creamy polenta with green asparagus
Creamy polenta with green asparagus
A deliberately creamy polenta (because we won't be grilling it afterwards), into which we'll add green asparagus and spring onion, cooked separately.
May 19th 20249,777 45 min.
Polenta à la Comtoise
Polenta à la Comtoise
A polenta with the delicious flavors of Franche-Comté: Metton of cancoillotte, diced Morteau sausage and grated Comté cheese.
November 10th 20246,806 30 min.
Polenta with beetroot tops
Polenta with beetroot tops
Creamy polenta with beetroot tops just briefly wilted in a frying pan with spring onion.
June 8th 202219 K 35 min.
Polenta is made from maize meal and can be prepared in a number of ways. In this recipe, it is cooked in milk, then moulded and set before being fried.
May 24th 2022208 K5 1 hour 30 min.

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