How to divide a preparation evenly

How to divide a preparation evenly
It often happens in cooking: one makes a cream for 6 people in a saucepan, then the recipe says "divide the cream evenly between the glasses", which usually gets done by eye with varying degrees of success.

To divide out the preparation more precisely, here's a simple tip just using weighing scales.
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duree20 min. difficultéEasy
Last modified on: June 3rd 2011
Times for this recipe
Preparation: 20 min.
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Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 2 min.
How to divide a preparation evenly
Before you start cooking, weigh and make a note of the weight of the empty pan you are going to use. For instance, the pan you see in the photo weighs 552 g.

Stage 2 - 2 min.
How to divide a preparation evenly
Then make the preparation as usual, and when it is finished, weigh the pan again full.

For example, the pan full of custard you see in the photo: 948 g.

Then calculate the weight of preparation you have made: 948 - 522 = 426 g.

Stage 3 - 2 min.
How to divide a preparation evenly
If you need to divide this between 6 glasses, you will need 426 g /6 = 71 g, rounded down to 70 g per glass.

Place a glass on the scales, reset to 0 g, and pour in enough cream to add 70 g.

Stage 4 - 10 min.
How to divide a preparation evenly
Do this for all 6 glasses, and you will enjoy the satisfaction of scraping round the pan with a maryse or spatula to arrive exactly at the 70 g needed for the final glass!
This is particularly useful if you need to divide out two different preparations evenly, like for coconut-vanilla cream for Elsa for example.

Don't hesitate to take 5 minutes of your time, to weight and make a note of all your pans. It will be very useful one day.
Source: Home made.
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