List of recipes using Chestnut flour: 6 recipes
Chestnut and hazelnut biscuits
Here's a really simple recipe for little nutty biscuits, combining hazelnuts with a double dose of chestnut flavour: flour and purée (crème de marrons).February 28th 202133 K3 2 hours 1 min.
Chestnut cake
This delightful cake is doubly chestnutty: it contains chestnut flour, and sweet chestnut purée.May 8th 2020336 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet
For this beautiful dessert, we place a disc of clementine cream on a chestnut dacquoise cookie. We will use the technique of the insert taken in the cold for this recipe, and thus to obtain easily a very beautiful dessert.January 25th 202319 K 14 hours 60 min.
Cookies of the Camisards
This recipe, very simple, of small cakes of the Cevennes with the flour of chestnut and oats, is always a delight.March 19th 202317 K 1 hour 25 min.
Corsican tarts
Two typically Corsican ingredients are brought together in this recipe: chestnuts and clementines. Chestnut flour is used in the sweetcrust pastry and the tarts are filled with a mouth-watering clementine jelly.February 23th 201490 K4.3 3 hours 25 min.
Rolled chestnut and apple brioche
This rolled brioche is made with a special dough, using a mixture of two flours: ordinary plain flour and chestnut flour. The prepared dough is then rolled up around a filling of apples sautéed with brown sugar.September 12th 201853 K 24 15 hours 55 min.